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A case of acquired stuttering that included repetitions, blocks, prolongations, fillers, and, later on, also synkinesias is reported. This stutter turned out to be the forerunner of a motor-neuron disease.  相似文献   
Drawing on a series of 141 couple therapy cases, the main goal of the present study was to determine whether romantic attachment, pre-treatment relationship distress and therapeutic mandates (i.e., reduction of couple distress or ambivalence resolution) are prognostic indicators of early termination. Couples completed the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (Spanier 1976) and the Experiences in Close Relationships Questionnaire (Brennan et al. 1998) at intake, whereas therapists filled in the Classification of Therapeutic Mandates (Poitras-Wright and St-Père 2004) after the 4th session. Results showed that an ambivalence resolution mandate, elevated couple distress and higher levels of attachment anxiety were associated with early termination. The implications of these findings to further understand early termination in couple therapy are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary: Creative thinking was explored from several approaches to further understanding of the interrelationship of perception, personality, and cognition. College students (N = 45) were administered the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT), the Remote Associates Test (RAT), a questionnaire concerning RAT strategy, and two self-report scales. Field independent subjects were found to be significantly (p < .001) more creative than field dependents. Correlations between the RAT and GEFT and the self-report measures of conformity and creativity, while largely nonsignificant, were in the predicted directions. Results demonstrated that advanced strategy levels and insightful responses were significantly related to high performance on the RAT. Theoretical links between cognitive style and Piagetian concepts were discussed in regard to creative thought. Overall, these findings support the contention that the creative processes should be studied, not as isolated structures, but with relational and multifaceted emphasis.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The purpose of the present research was to test a model on the role of passion for work in professional burnout. This model posits that obsessive passion produces conflict between work and other life activities because the person cannot let go of the work activity. Conversely, harmonious passion is expected to prevent conflict while positively contributing to work satisfaction. Finally, conflict is expected to contribute to burnout, whereas work satisfaction should prevent its occurrence. This model was tested in 2 studies with nurses in 2 cultures. Using a cross-sectional design, Study 1 ( n =97) provided support for the model with nurses from France. In Study 2 ( n =258), a prospective design was used to further test the model with nurses from the Province of Quebec over a 6-month period. Results provided support for the model. Specifically, harmonious passion predicted an increase in work satisfaction and a decrease in conflict. Conversely, obsessive passion predicted an increase of conflict. In turn, work satisfaction and conflict predicted decreases and increases in burnout changes that took place over time. The results have important implications for theory and research on passion as well as burnout.  相似文献   
Faces have features characteristic of the identity, age and sex of an individual. In the context of social communication and social recognition in various animal species, facial information is relevant for discriminating between familiar and unfamiliar individuals. Here, we present two experiments aimed at testing the ability of cattle (Bos taurus) to visually discriminate between heads (including face views) of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics represented as 2D images. In the first experiment, we observed the spontaneous behaviour of heifers when images of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics were simultaneously presented. Our results show that heifers were more attracted towards the image of a familiar conspecific (i.e., it was chosen first, explored more, and given more attention) than towards the image of an unfamiliar one. In the second experiment, the ability to discriminate between images of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics was tested using a food-rewarded instrumental conditioning procedure. Eight out of the nine heifers succeeded in discriminating between images of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics and in generalizing on the first trial to a new pair of images of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics, suggesting a categorization process of familiar versus unfamiliar conspecifics in cattle. Results of the first experiment and the observation of ear postures during the learning process, which was used as an index of the emotional state, provided information on picture processing in cattle and lead us to conclude that images of conspecifics were treated as representations of real individuals.  相似文献   
Family reunification programs in the mid-1970s, the emergence of second generation immigrants in the early 1980s (rodéos des Minguettes in 1981, the march against racism in 1983) and the new position granted immigrants in French public and cultural life beyond economic and social frameworks, have provoked a series of reactions in public opinion. The realization that France is becoming a multicultural country aroused passions and stirred up concerns within French society as of the early 1980s. The debate moved logically towards a questioning of the very foundations of national identity and over ten years, structured itself around three republican values: citizenship, nationality, and secularity. The French felt threatened by the cumbersome presence of immigrants. From the 1960s to the 1980s, the evolution of the enfranchisement issue brought discussions of citizenship to the fore. The debate on the reform of the code on nationality between the mid-1980s and the mid-1990s highlighted the notion of nationality. Lastly, since 1989, the uncertainties and concerns surrounding the wearing of veils in schools have challenged the issue of secularity.  相似文献   
The focus of neonatal intensive care has been on very low birthweight infants, who comprise only 1.4% of neonates. Too little attention is paid to moderately preterm infants that we call macropremies or moderately low birthweight infants (MLBW, with birthweights 1500-2500 grams). Admitting over half MLBW infants to normal nurseries presumes that they have few needs and an excellent prognosis similar to fullterm newborns. It does not take into account the macropremie's vulnerability to complications of prematurity due to immature organ systems. Obstetricians are increasingly willing to deliver these infants prematurely for signs of fetal distress. As many as 25% of children with cerebral palsy referred to a disability clinic in Paris were MLBW, with hypoxic-ischemic-inflammatory associated disorders in one-third. The majority of MLBW infants who required neonatal intensive care at a tertiary care center in Baltimore had complications of prematurity: 47% had respiratory problems, 20% had feeding intolerance and 9% had hypoglycemia. MLBW infants comprise 5-7% of the neonatal population but account for 14% of neonatal deaths, 18-37% of children with cerebral palsy and 7-12% of children with mental retardation. Increasing the level of neonatal care for the macropremie's transition to extrauterine life would be economically feasible if it prevented as few as 30% of cases of major disability. A change in attitude towards this low risk (but not risk free) group of MLBW infants will both reduce morbidity and improve their health and neurodevelopmental outcome. It includes: 1) Providing an intermediate level of neonatal care for a short duration, with close monitoring and prompt intervention as needed, and 2) Neonatal neurodevelopmental screening to allow focused neurodevelopmental followup of MLBW infants with abnormalities.  相似文献   
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