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Early experience can change the way people process faces. Early deafness provides deaf children with the opportunity to learn sign language, which is likely to alter their face processing strategy. The goal of the current study was to investigate whether early deafness, combined with the sign language experience, was able to change the face processing strategy using the Dimensions Task. In the Face Dimensions Task, configural and featural information were parametrically and independently manipulated in the eye and mouth region of the face. The manipulations for configural information involved changing the distance between the eyes or the distance between the mouth and the nose. The manipulations for featural information involved changing the size of the eyes or the size of the mouth. Similar manipulations were applied in the House Dimensions Task, with top and bottom windows treated as eyes and mouth. In the Face Dimensions Task, both the signing deaf and hearing participants showed a larger inversion effect in the mouth condition than the eye condition. However, as compared to hearing participants, deaf participants showed smaller inversion effect in the mouth condition, because their performance in the inverted mouth condition was not compromised by inversion to the same extent as the hearing participants. In the House Dimensions Task, this effect was not present, suggesting that it was face specific. This effect could be explained by the redistributed attentional resources from the centre to peripheral visual fields of deaf participants.  相似文献   
The capacity to remain spatially oriented is an essential function in our day to day lives and it seems that the form in which we acquire the spatial information affects the way in which the spatial knowledge is represented in our memory. The goal of this research was to investigate whether the acquisition of spatial information through the learning of three routes within an immersive environment was improved or impaired when participants have access to the backward perspective in addition to the forward perspective. Results, both in reproduction and drawing tasks, showed a poorer performance of the bidirectional group maybe due to the extra-effort involved in updating the spatial information trial by trial. However it seems that the experience enhanced the performance of the bidirectional group in one respect, as they were able to reduce significantly the number of error directions in the last path.  相似文献   
图形负荷下的字音匹配加工   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何华  张武田 《心理科学》2000,23(3):257-259
本研究采用图形负荷法研究汉字语音匹配加工,实验结果倾向支持两半球均势论,并认为右半球可能具有一定的语音加工能力.有关结论和解释还需进一步论证.  相似文献   
通过明治维新,日本历史由封建社会过渡到近代资本主义社会。20世纪初,以天皇为首的地主资产阶级政权进入帝国主义阶段。日本帝国主义是带有军事封建性质的帝国主义,对内实行残酷的封建主义和资本主义双重压迫和剥削,对外进行侵略扩张,在对中国、朝鲜和其他国家发动的野蛮的侵略战争中犯下了累累罪行。在近代历史的转变过程中,日本佛教也由江户时期的“准国教”下降为神道教的附庸。面对局势的变化和自身地位的衰落,佛教界也开始谋求新的出路。从总体上看,20世纪前半叶日本佛教的绝大部分宗派都积极追随军国主义政府,提倡迎合统治者需要的“…  相似文献   
本研究采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术,通过测量由视觉诱发的脑电成分晚正波(LPP)来比较情绪调节策略在生理电特征上的差异,探讨认知重评和表达抑制的优劣。实验结果表明:(1)从波幅的角度来比较:在400—600ms时间窗口内,认知重评条件下恐怖图片诱发的LPP波幅显著小于在自由观看条件下的波幅,而表达抑制和自由观看组所诱发的LPP波幅差异较小。(2)从时间进程的角度来比较:认知重评与自由观看组的差异发生在400ms并持续到600ms;而表达抑制和自由观看之间的差异发生在450ms但是只持续到550ms。这表明认知重评相较于表达抑制,对负性情绪起调节作用开始较早,并且持续时间较长。这为认知重评优于表达抑制策略提供了神经生理学上的证据。  相似文献   
心理账户深刻地体现了心理学和经济学的结合,是在行为经济学的大背景下开始研究的。心理账户是人们在心理上对结果,尤其是经济结果的编码,分类和估价的过程,它反映了人们在进行资金财富决策过程中的心理认知过程。心理账户与经济账户的运算法则不同,它具有非替代性。心理账户与金融投资结合形成了行为资产组合理论,心理账户与消费经济结合,形成了行为生命周期理论。  相似文献   
运用实验法和问卷法对118名初中男学生进行攻击性的研究.比较了四种不同类型的攻击行为.包括群体之间、个体之间、群体与个体之间、个体与群体之间.结果显示:群体无论是作为攻击来源还是攻击目标都能起到增加攻击行为的情境作用;个体之间与群体之间在攻击性方面有显著差异;群体之间相互作用时表现出的攻击性远高于个体之间相互作用时表现出的攻击性:个体与群体相互作用时比个体之间相互作用时表现出更高的攻击性.  相似文献   
Fan He 《亚洲哲学》2019,29(2):116-127
The graph tong同and its associated concepts, such as da-tong (Great tong大同) and xuan-tong (mystic or dark tong玄同), have played important roles in the development of Chinese philosophy. Yet tong has received scant attention from either western or eastern scholarships. This paper is a first attempt to remedy such regret. Unlike usual understandings of tong as sameness or unity, this paper presents a nuanced account from early China, that is, ‘difference to one,’ a definition from the Mozi墨子. This definition can be supported from etymological, textual, and lexical evidence. ‘Difference to one’ should not be solely attributed to a Mohist understanding; it in fact represents a common understanding of tong across philosophical streams in early China. This nuanced account provides new insights into the concept of tong in early philosophical texts, and furthermore breaks solid grounds for further studies of tong and its associated concepts.  相似文献   
焦虑对学生创造性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
卢家楣  贺雯  刘伟  卢盛华 《心理学报》2005,37(6):791-796
以138名初二学生为被试,研究了特质焦虑和状态焦虑对学生创造性影响的问题。由于国外在此方面的研究结果不一致,研究的方法也缺乏生态化效度,因此本文试图通过教学现场实验,运用实际教学情境中的刺激来诱发学生的焦虑情绪,以探索在教学情境中学生焦虑对其创造性影响状况。研究结果表明,特质焦虑和状态焦虑对学生创造性的影响存在差异,其中特质焦虑对学生的创造性没有显著影响,而状态焦虑对学生的创造性有显著影响,即状态焦虑低分组在创造性测试的总分上明显高于状态焦虑高分组,且主要体现在流畅性和变通性两个方面。  相似文献   
辩证法与过程哲学的对话 --科布教授访谈录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贺来 《哲学动态》2005,(9):38-41
问:科布教授,很感谢您就"辩证法与过程哲学的对话"这一话题接受我的访问.正如您所知,辩证法是马克思哲学极为重要的理论基础之一.中国一些学者试图充分吸取现当代哲学的理论成果,从更大的理论视野对辩证法的当代形态及其哲学内涵进行新的阐释.在您看来,在辩证法与过程哲学之间,是否存在可沟通和对话的思想空间?如果答案是肯定的,那么,这种沟通和对话何以成为可能?  相似文献   
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