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The purpose of this study was to clarify the impact of different self-centered moods on music preference without listening to music. Participants’ affective state (sad vs. happy vs. neutral) were experimentally manipulated through the mood induction procedure, and then their preferences for music were ascertained through self-reports. To understand participants’ internal motivations for their choices, we also asked them to indicate how appropriate he/she felt it would be to select the different music types as well as why they made such choices. Results suggested that participants in a sad mood were inclined to listen to sad (and slow) music, those in a happy mood preferred to listen to happy (and fast) music, and those in a neutral mood did not consistently prefer to listen to neutral music. In addition, participants were averse to sad music when they were in a happy or neutral mood; while they showed no aversion to happy music when they were in a sad mood. In conclusion, individuals select valence-consistent music when they are in an autobiographical memory-induced mood state.  相似文献   
Adolescence is a developmental period with high vulnerability to sleep problems. However, research identifying distinct patterns and underlying determinants of sleep problems is scarce. This study investigated discrete subgroups of, changes in, and stability of sleep problems. We also examined whether peer victimization influenced sleep problem subgroups and transitions in patterns of sleep problems from late adolescence to young adulthood. Sex differences in the effects of peer victimization were also explored. In total, 1,455 male and 1,399 female adolescents from northern Taiwan participated in this longitudinal study. Latent transition analysis was used to examine changes in patterns of sleep problems and the effects of peer victimization on these changes. We identified three subgroups of sleep problems in males and two in females, and found that there was a certain level of instability in patterns of sleep problems during the study period. For both sexes, those with greater increases in peer victimization over time were more likely to change from being a good sleeper to a poor sleeper. The effects of peer victimization on baseline status of sleep problems, however, was only significant for males, with those exposed to higher levels of peer victimization more likely to be poor sleepers at baseline. Our findings reveal an important role of peer victimization in predicting transitions in patterns of sleep problems. Intervention programs aimed at decreasing peer victimization may help reduce the development and escalation of sleep problems among adolescents, especially in males.
Mg–Sn-based alloys are considered as a promising precipitation-hardening system for applications at elevated temperatures, but the hardening effect is not satisfactory owing to sluggish nucleation and rapid coarsening of the major Mg2Sn lath precipitates. In this study, Cu and Al are added to a Mg–6Sn–1Mn base alloy. The age-hardening response and the microstructures of these modified alloys have been investigated and are compared to that of the base alloy. The additional elements are found to bring several beneficial effects to the alloys for applications at elevated temperatures. Firstly, a eutectic structure consisting of strong intermetallic phases, i.e. Mg2Cu in the Mg–6Sn–1Mn–2Cu alloy and Al0.93Cu1.07Mg in the Mg–6Sn–1Mn–2Cu–2Al alloy, remains stable along the grain boundaries after solution and ageing heat treatments. Secondly, the precipitate density has been increased significantly and the precipitate size has been refined remarkably during ageing at 200?°C. Moreover, the growth of the precipitates is inhibited remarkably during the over-ageing period. Therefore, the age-hardening response and over-ageing resistance are notably improved.  相似文献   
尹文清 《心理学报》1988,21(2):32-39
本文试图寻求一种新的研究模式,来探索王充的心理学思想。这个模式主要包括两个方法论原则,即:(一)置于思想群系的原则;(二)依据自身逻辑的原则。在这一研究模式引导下,作者发现“唯实唯验”是王充心理学思想的基点。并由此推论出(一)王充心理学思想的本质是“心理即力”;(二)其特征是“心理外显”,而这两者是分别体现在他的人论和心论的思想之中。  相似文献   
<正>12月3日至6日,中国道教协会秘书长王哲一应邀率团赴新,出席新加坡道教总会二十周年庆典暨新加坡多元宗教及多元种族联欢晚会及相关活动。新加坡道教总会成立于1990年,由新加坡道教界知名人士及道教信徒共同发起组织,是新  相似文献   
通过两个实验就视觉系统能否像计算平均数那样高效地计算其他统计量的问题进行了探讨。实验—保持—组圆的平均大小不变而改变众数,考察平均数估计是否受众数变化的影响;实验二采用与实验一相同的刺激,直接考察被试估计众数的绩效。结果发现:(1)对平均数的估计不受总体众数变化的影响;(2)对众数的估计往往不如对平均数的估计准确,估计值受平均数变化的影响;(3)在估计众数的任务中,被试成绩受总体极大值的影响。上述结果表明,视觉系统不存在针对众数的自动化加工机制。根据本实验的结果可以进一步推测,视觉系统并非对所有统计量都可做高效加工,而可能存在针对平均数的特异加工机制。  相似文献   
联结记忆由三种成分构成:项目1, 项目2以及项目1-项目2之间的联结, 其中, 对项目1和项目2的再认称之为项目再认, 而对项目1-项目2之间联结的再认称之为联结再认。双加工理论认为项目再认可以由熟悉性和回想加工来完成, 而联结再认只能由回想加工来完成。但近期有大量的研究发现:当要学习的项目对被整合为一个新的整体表征时, 熟悉性也能够支持联结再认。而关于整合对联结记忆中项目再认的研究较少, 总结已有研究提出两种观点:一种是“只有受益”观点(benefits-only)认为整合在增加联结再认的同时不影响项目再认; 另一种是“收支平衡”观点(costs and benefits)认为整合增加联结再认是以牺牲项目再认为代价的。未来研究应该关注整合对联结记忆中项目再认的影响及其神经机制, 了解整合对联结再认和项目再认的具体作用, 有助于针对具体记忆任务选择合适的编码方式来提高记忆表现。  相似文献   
分类中相似性的理论与模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
相似性在分类的原型理论、样例理论、定义理论和理论解释观中都扮演着重要的角色。人们对相似性的研究由来已久,但是它在分类的领域中至今仍是一个相对模糊的概念,这部分地由于揭示相似性的真正机制将涉及到复杂的信息加工过程。本文以分类中的相似性为出发点介绍了近期相似性研究的一些理论与模型并在此基础上对概念和分类领域中的相似性研究进行了分析和总结。  相似文献   
Research suggests that social support moderates or “buffers” the impact of stress on the individual and thus indirectly affects emotional well-being (Cohen and Wills, 1985). The present study sought to extend the “buffering hypothesis” to competitive sport by examining the influence of perceived coach support on competitive state anxiety among young athletes (N = 270). Results from confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) substantiated the validity of the sport-modified Social Provisions Scale (Russell and Cutrona, 1984; Ryska and Yin, 1994). Structural equation modeling analyses revealed a significant support-anxiety effect in the high trait-anxious model only (r =-.27, p .05). The present results suggest that perceived coach support represents an important mediating factor in the sport stress process among highly anxious athletes.  相似文献   
Initial evidence suggests that the employment of self-handicapping strategies has a beneficial effect on negative affective states associated with the perceived threat of evaluative contexts (Harris & Snyder, 1986; Leary, 1986). The present study sought to describe the type of self-handicapping behaviors demonstrated by youth athletes (N=238) as well as to assess the stress-buffering role of athlete self-handicapping on indices of competitive state anxiety. Specifically, it was hypothesized that among high trait-handicapping athletes, those who report a greater degree of performance-debilitating obstacles prior to competition would demonstrate lowered cognitive and somatic state anxiety as well as greater state self-confidence than nonhandicapping athletes. However, MANOVA results indicated that both high trait and situational self-handicappers demonstrate elevated state anxiety immediately prior to competition. Results are discussed in relation to the possible role of state anxiety as a salient self-handicapping strategy within competitive sport.  相似文献   
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