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该研究利用功能磁共振脑成像(fMRI)技术,比较在新颖语言学习和母语学习过程中大脑皮层参与的异同。实验设置德语学习和汉语学习两个条件,采用跨通道联结学习范式,要求被试在听到听觉词汇后,按键判断屏幕上所呈现的图片是否与所听词汇匹配。行为数据显示,被试在六段实验后基本掌握了德语语音和语义之间的联结关系;脑成像数据显示,两种学习任务都激活了语言加工的主要脑区,而德语词汇学习过程相比汉语参照条件对应的颞叶激活强度与范围有较大的差异,并且比汉语条件表现出更显著的前额叶区域激活。  相似文献   
<正>本文依据新发现的五十五卷本《元宗博览三十一种》第二十八卷《长春刘真人语录》与其他道书资料互证,在已有的研究基础上,对明初高道刘渊然真人(1351—1432)的道脉传承进行简要介绍,结合《长春刘真人语录》,对刘渊然真人以净明为修道宗旨,兼取全真北派、金丹南宗  相似文献   
Recent work on event perception suggests that perceptual processing increases when events change. An important question is how such changes influence the way other information is processed, particularly during dual-task performance. In this study, participants monitored a long series of distractor items for an occasional target as they simultaneously encoded unrelated background scenes. The appearance of an occasional target could have two opposite effects on the secondary task: It could draw attention away from the second task, or, as a change in the ongoing event, it could improve secondary task performance. Results were consistent with the second possibility. Memory for scenes presented simultaneously with the targets was better than memory for scenes that preceded or followed the targets. This effect was observed when the primary detection task involved visual feature oddball detection, auditory oddball detection, and visual color-shape conjunction detection. It was eliminated when the detection task was omitted, and when it required an arbitrary response mapping. The appearance of occasional, task-relevant events appears to trigger a temporal orienting response that facilitates processing of concurrently attended information (Attentional Boost Effect).  相似文献   
“养生”是庄子思想中的一个重要内涵,从其养生观念可以关联到庄子哲学的整个体系。庄子哲学的出发点与儒、墨、法等家不同,并不注重对于现实社会问题尤其是所谓国家大事的探讨,他主张生命与生活是大事。庄子玄虚论道的根本目的,还是在于论人之生,故而在《庄子》中提出诸如“活身”“全形”“尊生”“卫生”“达生”等一系列养生命题。庄子谈养生最根本的立足点在于他把人视作自然界一物,《秋水》篇言:“号物之数谓之万,人处一焉”。人只不过是万物之一。四海之内,在天地之间只算得一粟,而天地在宇宙之中又犹如薒米,在这薒米之上有万物,人是…  相似文献   
本文探讨了消防员工作群体的应激过程中的4个方面,包括心理应激源、应激反应、应对方式和社会支持。同时编制了心理应激问卷,考察了该问卷心理应激源、应激反应、应对方式、社会支持4个分量表的信度和效度及各个分量表的因素结构。  相似文献   
老子之著《道德经》,蕴含了丰富的人生哲理。千百年来,上至帝王将相,下至平民百姓,无不从这部人类文明史上的智慧宝典中汲取治国安民、修身养性、立人处世的精髓。当今社会科学发达,社会经济高速发展,人们的物质财富越来越殷实,而精神财富却越来越贫乏,道德沦丧的现象日益严重。假酒、假奶粉、毒大米、毒火腿;坑、拐、蒙、骗;贪污、腐败等等触目惊心的社会问题时见报端。“堂堂正正做人,兢兢业业工作”的呼声日益强烈。物欲横流的现实生活中,如何去面对金钱、地位、美女的诱惑呢?我们同样可以在《道德经》这部圣典中汲取睿智,找出答案,那就…  相似文献   
A facile route has been developed to synthesise mesoporous SBA-15 using mild H3PO4 (replacing the most commonly used strong acid HC1) as the medium and the effects of H3PO4 concentration and synthesis temperature on the mesostructure and morphology of the resultant materials investigated. The results demonstrate that a more ordered structure can be obtained at low H3PO4 concentration (1–2?M), while a higher H3PO4 concentration (3–4?M) results in a less ordered structure. Furthermore, the morphology of SBA-15 particles transforms from rod-like to sphere-like with increasing H3PO4 concentration.  相似文献   
两个实验研究了人们进行归纳推理时对空间关系的依赖,分离了空间关系与相似性.离开了空间关系,人们无法进行有效的归纳推理;人们是依据空间关系而不是相似性来进行归纳推理.人们只是对空间关系中的内外的变化敏感,但是对空间范围之内的距离和位置变化的反应就很迟钝.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that the number of objects we can actively hold in visual working memory is smaller for more complex objects. However, complex objects are not just more complex but are often more similar to other complex objects used as test probes. To separate effects of complexity from effects of similarity, we measured visual memory following a 1-sec delay for complex and simple objects at several levels of memory-to-test similarity. When memory load was one object, memory accuracy for a face (a complex attribute) was similar to a line orientation (a simple attribute) when the face changed in steps of 10% along a morphing continuum and the line changed in steps of 5° in orientation. Performance declined with increasing memory load and increasing memory-to-test similarity. Remarkably, when memory load was three or four objects, face memory was better than orientation memory at similar changed steps. These results held when memory for line orientations was compared with that for inverted faces. We conclude that complex objects do not always exhaust visual memory more quickly than simple objects do.  相似文献   
近年来,算术模块的研究主要在行为和神经机制领域展开.种族进化史研究表明,动物具备算术能力,它们运用数量感来表征可数与不可数的数量,并以此为基础进行加法、减法、乘法和除法运算.个体发生学研究表明,婴儿也具备算术能力.神经科学的研究发现,动物和人的脑中有算术加工的区域和回路,在基本的数字表征和操作加工过程中,大脑双侧的顶内沟(HIPS)发挥着核心作用.以上各方面的研究证据支持算术模块观.  相似文献   
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