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This study examined the main and interactive relations of stressors and coping related to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) with Chinese college students' psychological adjustment (psychological symptoms, perceived general health, and life satisfaction) during the 2003 Beijing SARS epidemic. All the constructs were assessed by self-report in an anonymous survey during the final period of the outbreak. Results showed that the relations of stressors and coping to psychological adjustment varied by domain of adjustment. Regression analyses suggested that the number of stressors and use of avoidant coping strategies positively predicted psychological symptoms. Active coping positively predicted life satisfaction when controlling for stressors. Moreover, all types of coping served as a buffer against the negative impact of stressors on perceived general health. These findings hold implications for university counseling services during times of acute, large-scale stressors. In particular, effective screening procedures should be developed to identify students who experience a large number of stressors and thus are at high risk for developing mental health problems. Intervention efforts that target coping should be adapted to take account of the uncontrollability of stressors and clients' cultural preferences for certain coping strategies. A multidimensional battery of psychological adjustment should be used to monitor clients' psychological adjustment to stressors and evaluate the efficacy of intervention.  相似文献   
Using the normative data set of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 of the People’s Republic of China, this study examined the psychometric properties of the Personality Psychopathology Five facet subscales recently developed by Arnau et al. (2005). The internal consistency reliability, convergent and discriminant validity of the Psy-5 were found to be unsatisfactory. Results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) indicated that both item-to-facet factor structure (except the PSYC domain facets subscales) and facet-to-domain factor structure fit the data poorly. These findings suggested that the PSY-5 facet subscales may not be reliable and valid in population independent of those used to derive them. Thus, the utility of these facet subscales in clinical and research settings is premature at least for Chinese people at the present time.  相似文献   
该研究探讨老年人的自我防御策略是记忆忽视还是自我免疫,并考察自尊水平在老年人自我相关信息加工中的作用.实验1发现不同自尊老年人对积极特质词和消极特质词的回忆量无显著差异.实验2发现高自尊组对消极自我描述句一致性判断的反应时显著长于对积极自我描述句一致性判断的反应时,低自尊者的反应时差异不显著.结果证明老年人自我防御策略是自我免疫而不是记忆忽视,高自尊者表现出更多的自我免疫加工.  相似文献   
该研究采用自编的中学生学习观问卷测查中学生的学习观现状。在此基础上,进一步研究学习观与学习策略、学业自我效能感及学业成绩的关系,探讨学习观对学业成绩的影响路径。研究结论如下:中学生的学习观总体上是倾向于建构性的;初中生与高中生、学优生与学差生在学习观的一些维度上存在显著差异;中学生的学习观对学业成绩既存在显著的直接影响,同时也通过影响学习策略、学业自我效能感对学业成绩产生间接影响。  相似文献   
本文通过对四种英文译本的比较研究,结合国内一些学者的评论,对《道德经》第一章翻译的得失提出自己的见解。文章认为:翻译和评价《道德经》译文首先应采取谨慎求证的方法理解上古汉语撰写的原文,以准确传达原文思想内容为首要目的。在原文意义允许的情况下,适当发挥译语的优势。  相似文献   
《关圣帝君觉世真经》在对人们"诸恶莫作,众善奉行"的劝诫中渗透着诸多和谐的理念,它的生命伦理、家庭伦理、社会伦理、生态伦理、经济伦理及道德赏罚观,反映出道教对社会和谐的追求,为我们构建和谐社会提供了宝贵的思想理论资粮。  相似文献   
十六大以来,以胡锦涛为总书记的中央领导集体,从构建社会主义和谐社会的总体战略出发,提出了建立和谐宗教关系的理论;强调要充分发挥宗教在促进社会和谐方面的积极作用,发挥宗教界人士和信教群众在促进经济社会发展中的积极作用;进一步明确了宗教工作在党和国家工作中的地位,要求加强和改善党对宗教工作的领导,形成了对宗教问题的新认识和新观点。  相似文献   
20世纪,在世界范围内,邪教作为一种"坏"意识,几成泛滥之势,它不仅使世界各国以"理性"自居的人类痴迷于其中,成为自己的俘虏,也使中国人民饱受生命之辱,使国家深受信仰之痛。本文,从马克思主义哲学的立场出发,对邪教产生的各种根源进行解释,对其唯心的意识根源进行彻底地揭示,对其发展的社会根源从社会存在方面给以有力地批判。  相似文献   
随着社会的变化发展,离婚率日渐增长,军人婚姻关系也受到一定影响,离婚人数日益增多。家是社会的基础,是社会的细胞,特别是军人家庭,他们家庭的稳固与否不但对双方家庭影响巨大,同时也对国家、军队建设有比较深刻的影响。对军人婚恋关系恢复机制的探讨,加强对处于危机中的军人家庭的研究,有助于挽救其处于危机中的婚姻关系,建立和谐家庭,使其减少后顾之忧,更好地投入到部队的建设中去。  相似文献   
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