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Cognitive control enables us to adjust behaviours according to task demands, and emotion influences the cognitive control. We examined how task-irrelevant emotional stimuli impact the ability to inhibit a prepared response and then programme another appropriate response. In the study, either a single target or two sequential targets appeared after emotional face images (positive, neutral, and negative). Subjects were required to freely viewed the emotional faces and make a saccade quickly upon target onset, but inhibit their initial saccades and redirect gaze to the second target if it appeared. We found that subjects were less successful at inhibiting their initial saccades as the inter-target delay increased. Emotional faces further reduced their inhibition ability with a longer delay, but not with a shorter delay. When subjects failed to inhibit the initial saccade, the longer delay produced longer intersaccadic interval. Especially, positive faces lengthened the intersaccadic interval with a longer delay. These results showed mere presence of emotional stimuli influences gaze redirection by impairing the ability to cancel a prepared saccade and delaying the programming of a corrective saccade. Therefore, we propose that the modulation of response adjustment exerted by emotional faces is related to the stage of initial response programming.  相似文献   
This study aims to examine the moderating role of implicit theories of personality in the relationship between corporate recovery strategy (i.e., support versus stonewalling) and consumers' attributions (and brand evaluations). It is suggested that consumers' implicit theories about the fixedness/malleability of personality can affect consumers' attributions and brand evaluations during a product‐harm crisis. In addition, corporate image (i.e., strong versus weak) can moderate the influence of the role of implicit theories of personality. Two experiments were conducted to examine the proposed hypotheses. Results of Experiment 1 show that consumers who endorse entity theory (i.e., entity theorists) are likely to attribute crisis as more internal, stable, and controllable, particularly when they do not have any prior knowledge about the firm. The entity theorists would have more negative brand evaluations than incremental theorists (who endorse incremental theory), when “support” strategy was used by the firm. Results of Experiment 2 show that entity theorists are prone to have more external (internal) and unstable (stable) attributions toward a firm with a strong (weak) corporate image. Furthermore, entity theorists would provide more positive brand evaluations than incremental theorists when “stonewalling” strategy was used by a firm with strong corporate image, but not when “support” strategy was used by a firm with weak corporate image. Managerial implications are provided to managers with regard to product‐harm crisis and recovery strategies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We hypothesised that sense of home serves as a buffer against self‐threat. In three experiments, we induced sense of home (vs. control) and assessed its buffering function to threat. Sense of home augmented openness to stereotype threat information (Experiment 1), increased performance on a spatial rotation ability test after stereotype threat (Experiment 2), and reduced the desire for high‐status products following mortality salience (Experiment 3). This “proof of concept” research establishes the buffering potential of sense of home and raises theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   
温芳芳  马书瀚  叶含雪  齐玥  佐斌 《心理学报》2020,52(9):1087-1104
在因防控COVID-19疫情武汉"封城"后的一个半月内,对全国34个省(区市)4833名民众的风险认知与焦虑进行了当事人视角和旁观者视角的调查研究。结果表明,(1)基于当事人视角时,不同程度疫情地区民众的风险认知和焦虑存在类似"涟漪效应"的趋势,疫情严重地区大于其他地区;(2)基于旁观者视角,民众对武汉居民的焦虑和对所需心理咨询工作者和医生数量的评估存在"心理台风眼效应";(3)基于旁观者视角,在风险认知上,低风险地区民众对武汉居民的评估显著低于高、中高及中风险地区的评估,部分支持"涟漪效应";研究还发现了"边缘带效应"和"心理可控阈限"的存在。本研究一方面为"心理台风眼效应"研究的"当事人与旁观者"视角知觉差异提供了更为丰富的直接证据,另一方面为突发公共卫生事件应急管理提供了有针对性的心理依据。  相似文献   
采用临床对照方法探讨意象对话技术对老年抑郁症的疗效,170例老年抑郁症患者随机分为2组,在应用5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRIs)类抗抑郁药物治疗的基础上采用不同心理治疗方法:意象组采用意象对话技术;CBT 组采用支持性心理治疗和认知行为技术。所有患者随访一年,用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)进行评定。结果表明意象对话技术对老年抑郁症的疗效与CB T疗效相当,且见效快,复发率低。利用其躯体出现的症状、感觉进行意象引导处理,可快速消除或减轻其身心痛苦,证实了意象对话技术可以在老年抑郁症中应用。  相似文献   
基于符号互动论而提出的自我呈现概念及其理论,以往常被用于解释人们现实生活中的面对面人际互动行为。近些年。社交网络逐渐成为人际互动行为发生的重要场域。由于社交网络自身的独特之处,人们在社交网络中的自我呈现,与现实面对面、传统计算机媒介交流中的自我呈现有诸多不同。社交网络中的自我呈现更受到目标观众、动机、人格特征、性别和文化等方面的显著影响。西方的“富者更富理论”和“社会补偿理论”,在解释社交网络中自我呈现现象本质时各执一词,而国内的“补充我/补偿我理论”或许能较好地解决这一理论问题。未来的SNS自我呈现研究应在扩展被试群体范围、SNS网站种类和影响因素变量几方面继续前行。  相似文献   
Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have gotten different results as to whether processing speed can explain the aging of cognitive functions. Experimental analyses are needed to develop further evidence. To explore the relationship between speed and working memory in cognitive aging, processing speed intervention is conducted in the present study. Utilizing paper–pencil training, computer training, and a control group, 78 adults aged 58–83?years from Beijing participated in a speed intervention study. After 5?weeks of training, there were substantial training gains on two speed tests in two training groups, but no transfer effect on working memory was found. Discussion: The results fail to support the view that processing speed is a foundation of working memory for aging. The aging of working memory may depend more on an executive attention component.  相似文献   
Pan T  Yin Y 《心理学方法》2012,17(2):309-311
In the discussion of mean square difference (MSD) and standard error of measurement (SEM), Barchard (2012) concluded that the MSD between 2 sets of test scores is greater than 2(SEM)2 and SEM underestimates the score difference between 2 tests when the 2 tests are not parallel. This conclusion has limitations for 2 reasons. First, strictly speaking, MSD should not be compared to SEM because they measure different things, have different assumptions, and capture different sources of errors. Second, the related proof and conclusions in Barchard hold only under the assumptions of equal reliabilities, homogeneous variances, and independent measurement errors. To address the limitations, we propose that MSD should be compared to the standard error of measurement of difference scores (SEMx-y) so that the comparison can be extended to the conditions when 2 tests have unequal reliabilities and score variances.  相似文献   
刘玥  刘红云 《心理学报》2012,44(2):263-275
题组模型可以解决传统IRT模型由于题目间局部独立性假设违背时所导致的参数估计偏差。为探讨题组随机效应模型的适用范围, 采用Monte Carlo模拟研究, 分别使用2-PL贝叶斯题组随机效应模型(BTRM)和2-PL贝叶斯模型(BM)对数据进行拟合, 考虑了题组效应、题组长度、题目数量和局部独立题目比例的影响。结果显示:(1) BTRM不受题组效应和题组长度影响, BM对参数估计的误差随题组效应和题组长度增加而增加。(2) BTRM具有一定的普遍性, 且当题组效应大, 题组长, 题目数量大时使用该模型能减少估计误差, 但是当题目数量较小时, 两个模型得到的能力估计误差都较大。(3)当局部独立题目的比例较大时, 两种模型得到的参数估计差异不大。  相似文献   
本研究以66名大学生为被试,采用Flanker效应和工作记忆的双任务设计来探讨手机位置、认知负荷在智能手机成瘾与抑制控制能力之间的调节作用。结果发现:(1)在低认知负荷下,无论是否智能手机成瘾,手机存在视线之外比手机在视线之内时抑制控制能力更差;(2)在高认知负荷下,智能手机成瘾与手机位置交互作用显著:当手机在视线之内时,智能手机成瘾者的抑制控制能力显著差于非成瘾者;而当手机在视线之外时,两者没有显著差异。结果表明,智能手机成瘾大学生的抑制控制能力不仅会受到手机位置的影响,还会受到任务本身所带来的认知负荷的调节。  相似文献   
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