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Stigma prevents people with depression from seeking professional help, and effective strategies to reduce implicit stigmatizing beliefs and attitudes toward depression are needed. We developed stepwise strategies to promote counterstereotypic exemplars of people with depression and conducted an experiment (N?=?105) with a pretest–posttest control group design to examine effects of these strategies. Our results showed that implicit stigmatizing beliefs and attitudes were reduced more in the experimental group, in which the counterstereotypic strategies were implemented in addition to the provision of education regarding basic knowledge of depression, than in the control group, which received only education.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that a sense of responsibility drives group representatives' decisions to be more risk averse compared with decisions made by individuals. The hypothesis was supported when the monetary considerations (i.e., payoff inequality and the magnitude effect) were controlled for in the potential gain domain as well as in the potential loss domain. Evidence showed that this is because the group representatives were concerned about how they would view themselves (e.g., guilt and self‐blame) and also how they would be viewed by others (i.e., to avoid being blamed and looked down upon by others). This study provided new insights into understanding group representatives' decision making under risk. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
韩隽 《现代哲学》2020,(3):81-88
本文依据Einbildung这个概念探讨了以埃克哈特为例的德国神秘主义者是如何对神的形象和世界图景进行构造的。基于柏拉图的理念学说和基督教的神人同构说,德国神秘主义者们对imaginatio这个拉丁词进行本土化,随之开创了一种德国神秘主义的认知范式,即以图像的转化为中介来构造神-人-世界的关联体系。在这个以一种神性的想象力/构造力为主导的体系中,有限者与无限者于神秘的直观中达成合一。  相似文献   
临床中实习医生做妇科检查所引发的伦理学问题浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实习医生给女性患者做妇科检查是临床教学中的重要内容 ,也是现代医学生培养中必不可少的一个环节。对医患双方而言 ,接受实习医生做妇科检查理应无可非议 ,但最近对实习医生做妇科检查所引发的伦理学问题又起纷争。综合讨论实习医生施行妇科检查的这种医疗行为 ,并试图提出临床实践中此类现象的合理解决途径。  相似文献   
健康城市建设过程中面临的诸多问题常常跨越了各个部门的边界, 因此必须发展新的协调合作方式, 通过多部门的合作来促进健康城市的建设。目前健康城市建设中多部门合作的成功经验主要包括政府统筹强力主导、参与机制初步建立、合作理念得到普遍认同, 但在多部门合作制度、政府内部协调机制、社会部门参与程度、资源整合水平等方面仍然存在不足之处。结合有益经验和存在不足提出政府层面和社会层面的相关对策建议。  相似文献   
任俊  高肖肖 《心理科学进展》2011,19(8):1224-1232
道德情绪是心理学的一个重要研究主题。道德情绪是个体根据一定的道德标准评价自己或他人的行为和思想时所产生的一种情绪体验。它是一种复合情绪, 主要包括厌恶、移情、内疚, 羞耻等。道德情绪影响下人类会产生某些典型行为, 这主要包括道德洁净行为和道德补偿行为。心理学研究道德情绪的实验范式很多, 主要有行为回忆范式、实物或图片刺激范式、情境设置范式等。有关道德情绪的未来研究主要应注重于探讨正性道德情绪在道德发展中的作用, 探讨道德情绪对群体行为的影响, 以及探讨道德情绪在不同文化背景下的价值意义。  相似文献   
基于刻板印象内容模型,作者将广告诉求分为诚意诉求和能力诉求,并研究了广告诉求和品牌来源国刻板印象对品牌态度的交互影响。通过两个实验,作者发现广告诉求和来源国刻板印象之间的匹配程度正向地影响消费者处理广告信息的流畅性,进而导致积极的情绪体验。消费者将这种积极情绪错误地归因到品牌上,从而产生积极的品牌态度。这一发现证实品牌来源国信息可以在消费者无意识的状态下通过情绪体验影响不同广告诉求的说服效果。  相似文献   
本文以佛教的缘起思想为理论背景,从道德实践的心理动力源、道德实践的目的因、道德实践判断及道德实践的客观依据等四个方面,系统地探讨了佛教有关道德实践心理机制的思想.希望能以此来促进我们对传统道德伦理思想的思考,并有所借鉴.  相似文献   
In the aftermath of several school shooting incidents in recent years, students’ perceptions of unsafe schools has been a major concern for parents, teachers, school officials, school practitioners, and policy-makers. Using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems framework, we examined the micro-, meso-, and exosystem level factors associated with perceptions of unsafe school environments in a nationally representative sample of 10- to 15-year-old youth in the United States. We found that for the socio-demographic characteristics, students who were older, male, and poor had increased risks of perceiving higher levels of unsafe school environments. Within the microsystem of the family, our results indicate that parent-youth discussions of school activities/events decreased the risk of students perceiving unsafe schools. All of the school environment variables—ease of making friends, teachers’ involvement, observed weapon carrying, and school rule enforcement—were related in the expected direction to students’ perceiving their schools as unsafe. At the mesosystem level, findings from our study demonstrate that variables measuring parental school involvement were unrelated to perceptions of school safety. Finally, at the exosystem level, we found that students’ perceptions of residing in a safer neighborhood and residence in a non-central city metropolitan area, compared with a central city, decreased the odds of perceiving school environments as unsafe. School policy and practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Three experiments using computer-generated human figures showed that after a prolonged observation of eyes looking to the left (or right), eyes looking directly toward the viewer appeared directed to the right (or left). Observation of an arrow pointing left or right did not induce this aftereffect on the perceived eye direction. Happy faces produced the aftereffect more effectively than surprised faces, even though the image features of the eyes were identical for both the happy and the surprised faces. These results suggest that the eye direction aftereffect may reflect the adaptation of relatively higher-level mechanisms analyzing the others eye direction.  相似文献   
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