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The authors investigated the effects of a brief video intervention on the racial attitudes of White university students. One hundred thirty-eight self-identified White students were randomly assigned to either an experimental condition in which they viewed a video documenting the pervasiveness of institutional racism and White privilege in the United States or a neutral control condition. Findings offer preliminary support that participants in the experimental, but not the control, condition showed significant increases in racial awareness (i.e., decrease in racial color-blindness), White empathy, and White guilt, at posttest. However, no significant differences in racial prejudice or White fear of racial minorities were observed at posttest. Implications for multicultural counseling training, diversity programming, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   
心理和谐是构建社会主义和谐社会的基础和实质,是和谐社会的题中应有之义。心理和谐是人的一种积极向上、健康的人生态度和生存状态,对内协调和对外适应是心理和谐的集中体现。心理和谐主要涉及自我和谐,人际和谐,人与自然和谐以及人与社会和谐四个层面,四个层面相互影响、相互制约。心理和谐是一个持续变化的动态过程,是一种相对的理想状态,心理和谐是心理健康的本质特征;主观幸福感是心理和谐的重要心理指标。  相似文献   
自我认知类型引导认知方式的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖凤林  车文博 《心理科学》2005,28(3):541-543
对自我的认知引导认知和行为。本研究用与自我有关的语义内容启动场独立型和场依存型自我认知,随即让被试做与场独立或场依存认知方式有关的认知作业,探讨自我认知类型是否引导认知方式,即启动场独立自我认知是否比启动场依存自我认知诱发更多场独立的认知方式;同样,启动场依存自我认知是否比启动场独立自我认知诱发更多的场依存的认知方式。结果是肯定的。  相似文献   
关于青少年应对风格的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文采用天津师大编制的应对风格量表对江西省4072名从小学五年级到大学三年级的学生进行了调查,目的是了解青少年应对风格现状及其发展特点,以及性别、独生子女、城乡等因素对应对风格的影响。结果发现:总体而言,青少年应对风格倾向“注重问题的应对策略”,较少采用“注重情绪表达的策略”;在初一年级前后,个体采用的应对方式最为多样化;男女生的应对风格差异在高中后较为明显,男生更倾向于采用“注重问题的应对策略”,女生更倾向于采用“针对情绪的身体策略”;城镇学生的应对方式比农村学生更为多样化,并且更倾向于针对问题本身的策略;家庭收入只对“针对情绪的行为策略”产生影响,高、低两端收入家庭的学生更倾向于采用“针对情绪的行为策略”;是否独生子女在应对风格上不存在显著差异。  相似文献   
Pursuing a customer-focused strategy in manufacturing organizations requires employees across functions to embrace the importance of understanding customer needs and to align their everyday efforts with the goal of satisfying and retaining customers. Little prior research has examined what factors influence employee customer orientation in manufacturing settings. Drawing on the attraction-selection-attrition model, upper-echelons theory, and contingency theories of leadership, this study investigated the joint influences of functional roles' proximity to external customers and the senior leadership team's customer orientation on employee customer orientation. Hierarchical linear modeling results based on data obtained from 4,299 employees and 403 senior leaders from 42 facilities of a global manufacturer operating in 16 countries revealed that employees occupying customer-contact roles had the highest level of customer orientation, followed by employees occupying production roles, and then by those in support roles. In addition, there was a positive relationship between the senior leadership team's customer orientation and employee customer orientation for all 3 functional roles. The positive relationship between the senior leadership team and employee customer orientation was the strongest for employees in support roles, suggesting that lower levels of proximity to external customers may create a greater need for leadership in developing employees' customer-oriented attitudes.  相似文献   
公共道德简单说来就是指公共生活中的道德.由于中西文化在公私问题上都曾存在的政治维度和社会维度的混合问题,因而对公共生活和公共生活中的道德的理解和研究也就变得异常困难.制度伦理研究制度的正义问题,是我们研究公共道德的第一个基本理论维度;现代社会生活中的公民道德则包括日常生活中公民对制度规则应承担的道德责任以及对他者(陌生人)应有的态度、行为两个基本的层面,是我们研究公共道德的第二个基本理论维度.道德理论研究的这两个维度,也是我们推进伴随社会转型的新时期道德文化建设的两条基本路径.我们有必要把道德建设的重心转移到公共道德的培育上来.  相似文献   
This study examines: (i) whether recalling stressful autobiographical events results in anxiety, (ii) the relation of memory qualities to anxiety, and (iii) the relation of future time perspective and personal intimacy to experiencing anxiety. Participants (N = 120) completed Future Time Perspective, Personal Intimacy and State Anxiety scales. They were randomly assigned to recall a brush with death, a stressful academic deadline, or a no-stress control. Memory qualities (vividness and significance) were assessed. As expected, recalling stressful events resulted in anxiety with more personally significant events related to higher anxiety. Having a more open-ended future time perspective related to lower anxiety after recalling a stressful academic deadline, whereas greater personal intimacy predicted lower anxiety after recalling a brush with death. Findings are discussed in terms of factors that may serve to moderate the link between stressful memories and the experience of anxiety.  相似文献   
廖毅  张薇 《心理学探新》2020,(4):345-353
本研究选择汉语量词为目标语结构,考察工作记忆容量对显、隐性两类反馈不同的调节机制。105名来自加拿大多伦多地区母语为英语的中学生被随机分为显性修正组、隐性重铸组和控制组,工作记忆容量采用听力跨度测试测量,显、隐性反馈的效果通过语法判断测试与引导性模仿测试分别进行评估。研究结果表明:(1)工作记忆容量有效调节了显性反馈,但对隐性反馈的调节作用不明显;(2)受试的工作记忆容量越高,对显性反馈的调节作用就越明显。  相似文献   

Preventive strategies for menopausal women to reduce the risks for osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease has been the focus of considerable attention, but understanding of mid-aged women's behavioural risk factors for these diseases is meagre. The current study describes a range of health-related behaviours and their psychosocial correlates, in a sample of 45-year old women, recruited from five general practices and assessed by postal survey (N=106, response rate 60%). Results suggest that health promotion for this group might best focus upon increases in regular exercise, calcium intake and breast awareness, and decreases in cigarette and caffeine consumption. The behaviours assessed were generally not inter-related. However, several associations were identified between behaviours and health and psychosocial variables. The main ones were the association between menopausal status and smoking, and the relationship between body weight, self-esteem and physical exercise. It is argued that the menopause transition can be an opportunity for preventive work.  相似文献   
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