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The paper obtains consistent standard errors (SE) and biases of order O(1/n) for the sample standardized regression coefficients with both random and given predictors. Analytical results indicate that the formulas for SEs given in popular text books are consistent only when the population value of the regression coefficient is zero. The sample standardized regression coefficients are also biased in general, although it should not be a concern in practice when the sample size is not too small. Monte Carlo results imply that, for both standardized and unstandardized sample regression coefficients, SE estimates based on asymptotics tend to under-predict the empirical ones at smaller sample sizes.  相似文献   
自20世纪90年代初以来,中国公民社会研究日益成为热门领域。时至今日,尽管对于公民(市民)社会这一源于西方的术语是否适用中国还有争论,但学术界的研究文献早已汗牛充栋,公民社会一词也在大众传媒上频频出现。在讨论中国公民社会的发展前景时,制度环境多被认为是最主要的制约因素;也正因为如此,海外论者多用新生的(nascent)或初期的(incipient)来形容中国公民社会,有的甚至从根本上否认中国公民社会的存在及成长的可能性。当制度环境在短期内难以根本转变的情况下,中国公民社会发展之路何在?这无疑成为一个现实问题。  相似文献   
壮族巫术、巫师与巫医   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
壮族医学和壮族的巫术、巫师、巫医之间的关系是十分密切的。最初壮族医学起源于壮族巫术,最早的壮族巫医则产生于壮族巫师之中,并由巫医发展为民间医生。后来,随着科学文化的发展,壮族医学才从巫术中独立出来,成为一门专门的学科。壮族巫术、巫师与巫医的产生和发展,是壮族医学产生和发展过程中一个不可跨越和替代的历史阶段。  相似文献   
This study compared adult women with childhood ADHD to adult women without childhood ADHD and to adult men with childhood ADHD. The participants, all from a larger longitudinal study, included 30 women and 30 men (approximately age 23 to 24) with childhood ADHD, and 27 women without ADHD. Women with childhood ADHD were matched to comparison women on age, ethnicity, and parental education, and to men with childhood ADHD on age, ethnicity, and IQ. Self- and parent-reports of internalizing, interpersonal, academic, and job impairment, as well as substance use and delinquency indicated group differences on measures of self-esteem, interpersonal and vocational functioning, as well as substance use. Follow-up planned comparison tests revealed that almost all of these differences emerged by diagnostic status, and not by gender. This study adds to research on the negative adult outcomes of ADHD and demonstrates that the outcomes of men and women with childhood ADHD are relatively similar.  相似文献   
We investigated corrective reactions for backward balance losses during walking. Several biomechanical studies have suggested that backward falling can be predicted from the horizontal position and velocity of the body center of mass (COM) related to the stance foot. Our hypothesis was that corrective reactions for backward balance losses depend on whether the body moves forward or backward after a perturbation. Using a split-belt treadmill, backward balance losses during walking were induced by rapid decreases of belt speed from 3.5 km/h to 2.5, 2.0, 1.5 and 1.0 km/h. We measured kinematic data and surface electromyography (EMG) during corrective reactions while walking on the treadmill. Phase portrait analysis of COM trajectories revealed that backward balance stability was decreased by the perturbations. When the perturbed belt speed was 1.0 km/h, the COM states at toe-off were significantly lower than the stability limit; a rapid touch-down of the swing foot posterior to the stance foot then occurred, and the gait rhythm was modulated so that the phase advanced. EMG recordings during perturbed steps revealed a bilateral response, including modulation of the swing leg during the recovery. For weaker perturbations, the swing foot placements were anterior to the stance foot and there was a phase delay. In contrast to the bilateral responses for stronger perturbations, unilateral EMG responses were observed for weaker perturbations. The differences in joint kinematics and EMG patterns in the unperturbed swing leg depended on the COM states at toe-off, suggesting the existence of different responses consisting of ongoing swing movements and rapid touch-down. Thus, we conclude that corrective reactions for backward balance losses are not only phase-dependent but also state-dependent. In addition, the control system for backward balance losses predicts the feasibility of forward progression and modulates swing movement and walking rhythm according to backward balance stability.  相似文献   
危重症患者存在急性的、全身性的、动态发展的病理生理改变(临床综合征).ICU主要任务是:准确地识别和有效地调整患者的这种病理生理学状态/过程,促使其稳定.对危重病患者病情分析判断的原则是:在综合分析的基础上,要动态观察各种指标的变化,包括对治疗的反应性;在整体观念的指导下、要注意个体化的特殊性.诊疗原则是:抓住最主要的病理生理学状态、找到该患者的平衡点,保持相对的稳定状态;同时积极治疗原发病.  相似文献   
回归内在疗法是一种源于心理动力学的心理治疗技术,以提升来访者自尊与自我价值感、减少自怨自恨、增强自爱与自我抚慰的能力为工作目标,强调自我关爱是心理成长与康复的重要机制.很适合在中国应用.  相似文献   
危重病医学从简单的监测与护理到当今发展成为较系统的危重病医学理论、一系列先进的监测手段和救治技术,经过了半个多世纪几代人的努力.ICU的建立和发展是现代医学进步的显著标志之一.危重病医学的贡献在于,在积极治疗原发病的基础上,通过先进的生命支持手段,使许多过去认为已无法救治的危重患者得以存活或延长其生存时间.从ICU的形成、危重病医学学科建设、我国ICU队伍的建设到现阶段ICU的发展过程作简要阐述,并着重指出今后ICU发展中面临的任务与挑战,如ICU收治标准、住院费用、病人安全性,旨在促进我国乃至世界范围内ICU可持续健康的发展.  相似文献   
心理治疗模式的转换始终伴随着心理隐喻的变迁,每一种心理治疗模式都蕴涵着一个独特的心理隐喻,支撑着研究领域的共同理解.揭示这些治疗模式内蕴的心理隐喻,梳理心理隐喻的变迁轨迹,有助于我们更好地理解心理治疗模式的转换规律,展望心理治疗的发展前景.  相似文献   
积极心理治疗是以积极心理学思想为理论指导的一种心理疗法.作为心理治疗中的一个新生事物,它从人发展的可能性和能力出发,以解决冲突为核心,关注积极的人格特质,在治疗中借助讲故事的形式提供跨文化的观点.这一较符合人性特点的心理治疗模式,扩展了人们对心理治疗性质的认识,推进了心理治疗的本土化发展.  相似文献   
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