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This study investigated the relationships between the supervisory working alliance and supervision outcome variables using meta‐analysis. The authors reviewed 27 articles, dissertations, and theses published between 1990 and 2018. The authors used the MIX program to calculate the meta‐analyses. The results indicate that the supervisory working alliance is positively related to supervision outcome variables. Supervisees’ perceived relationship with the supervisor was positively related to the relationship with the client. This shows that the phenomenon of isomorphism is a repeated pattern in the relationships in supervision and counseling. The authors discuss the limitations and implications.  相似文献   
余霞  钟年 《心理学探新》2019,(5):393-399
文化心理学是最近二三十年来心理学中发展最快的领域之一,作为一门典型的交叉学科,它有人类学、心理学、传播学等多种学科取向,是一门有胸怀、有气度、能包容的学科。文化心理学与跨文化传播研究诞生在相同的社会历史文化背景中,拥有共同的学科渊源,这种天然的关系决定了跨文化传播研究中运用文化心理学的正当性、必然性。文化心理学的全球化研究视角为跨文化传播研究提供了参照; 文化的观念、文化适应理论、文化敏感性和文化冲突理论等文化心理学的概念和理论为跨文化传播研究提供了理论支撑; 文化心理学还为跨文化传播现象和问题的具体研究提供了分析工具。反之,跨文化传播研究不仅为文化心理学提供了鲜活的案例,还为其理论建构提供了重要资源。  相似文献   
Moral foundations theory provides a framework for understanding the traditional liberal–conservative dichotomy in political factions. Typically, factions on the liberal side are more concerned with individualizing foundations—including care/harm and fairness/cheating—for the protection of individual rights and welfare whereas factions on the conservative side are concerned with both individualizing and binding foundations—including loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion, and sanctity/degradation—for the maintenance of existing social ethics. Our research extended this framework to the analysis of Taiwanese political factions, which are not distributed conspicuously along the liberal–conservative line but instead on whether Taiwan should become a legally independent state or unify with the People's Republic of China (Mainland China). Our results indicate that despite the scarce use of the terms liberal or left and conservative or right in common communication, a liberal–conservative dimension underlies the Taiwanese political spectrum. Specifically, supporters of Taiwan independence exhibit liberal‐like moral concerns whereas supporters of China unification and the status quo demonstrate conservative‐like moral concerns. Moreover, indirect effects exist through moral foundations from political factions to stances on social issues; this is especially prevalent in the case of Taiwan independence camp's clear support for the legalization of same‐sex marriage, a stance resulting from anti‐authoritarian moral and political characteristics.  相似文献   
近40年来, 正常人的自恋得到了越来越多的关注.日益增加的证据显示正常人的自恋可以按照适应功能进一步区分为适应性自恋和非适应性自恋两类.本文对揭示两类自恋差异的证据进行了全面梳理, 包括二者的成分构成,适应功能,人格基础,发展规律和遗传基础.这些结果促进了对自恋复杂性的认识, 加深了对现有研究的理解, 同时也突出了未来区分二者的重要性.将来需要从理论上进一步澄清二者的差异, 编制相应的量表, 探讨二者在其它方面的不同, 特别是二者是否具有不同的神经基础.  相似文献   
功能性近红外光谱技术(functional near-infrared spectroscopy, fNIRS)是近年来新兴起的一种脑成像技术, 其凭借生态效度高,成本低等优势已成为一种具有广阔前景的测谎技术.研究者使用了被动说谎和主动说谎的实验范式, 验证了fNIRS技术在说谎研究中的可行性和准确性, 揭示了其在探讨年幼儿童说谎行为和真实互动情景中自发说谎行为的神经机制中的优势.未来研究应综合运用多种指标和方法, 考察说谎行为的神经网络, 加强真实人际互动情景下自发谎言神经机制和儿童说谎认知发展神经机制的研究, 这将有助于揭示说谎的本质, 提高测谎效力.  相似文献   
李泰安  张禹  李杰 《心理科学进展》2019,27(9):1585-1595
多目标追踪范式主要用来探讨动态情景下对多个目标的视觉注意和记忆加工过程, 早期研究侧重于追踪过程中的影响因素及加工机制。近年来, 越来越多的研究应用多目标追踪范式对各类人群进行评价与训练, 包括儿童、老年人、神经发育障碍患者、驾驶员、运动员、电子游戏玩家以及一些其他职业群体。总体来看, 多目标追踪表现越好, 在复杂快速的动态情境中的专业表现越好; 反之, 多目标追踪表现差, 标志着认知功能可能发育不成熟或出现衰退。并且, 多目标追踪还可作为认知训练的手段, 改善老年人和神经发育障碍患者的认知功能, 提高各职业人群的专业表现。未来, 多目标追踪作为评价和训练的方法还有很大的发展空间, 包括加强特殊职业人群的模拟训练, 扩展目标人群, 结合立体视觉和真实场景, 结合身体活动, 探索多人合作的多目标追踪, 拓展用于进行情绪和社会功能的评价与训练等。  相似文献   
严瑜  曹照雪 《心理科学进展》2019,27(11):1906-1916
工作场所文明行为是一种在组织文化下, 基于社会和组织角色义务的, 传达礼貌和尊重的主动性行为, 是一种向内要求自我控制, 向外主张尊重传达的行为, 它对于个体自身性格的塑造、组织中人际关系的改善以及文明氛围的培养都具有积极意义。在员工-员工、领导-下属、员工-顾客等关系中, 工作场所文明行为发挥着增进同事情谊、促进合作、增强领导力、建立信任、提升绩效等作用。未来的研究应该进一步厘清工作场所文明行为与不文明行为的关系, 运用动态视角研究它们发生、发展和被感知的机制, 以及这两种行为能否相互转化等问题。  相似文献   
The present study explored the lived experiences of Chinese immigrant parents in New York City who went through prolonged separation and faced challenges after reunification in the United States. The study assessed their attitudes, perceptions, and reactions to the separation and reunification process to gain better understanding of the ways prolonged separation and reunification impact on child development and family wellbeing. A phenomenological research approach was used to study qualitatively the narrative data from in-depth interviews. The analytical process was based on data immersion, coding, sorting codes into themes, and comparing the themes across interviews. The sample included 18 Chinese immigrant families who had sent their American-born children to China for rearing and reunited with their children within the past 5 years. Data analyses revealed specific themes that included reasons for separation, parenting methods, child’s initial adjustment, behavior, and family relationship, child’s social, emotional, and academic challenges, parental stress and challenges, and recommendations for services. This study contributed to our knowledge of prolonged separation, a common practice among a vulnerable, hard-to-reach immigrant population. It shed light on specific needs of Chinese immigrant families by examining closely the unique circumstances pertaining to prolonged separation, parenting practice, and related family challenges. An understanding of the approaches these families adopt to cope with life challenges may help inform practitioners in formulating service strategies for these families. Specific assessments in child-care, education, and health care settings are essential to prompt immediate follow-up and intervention when needed.  相似文献   
Past research has found that people of East Asian backgrounds avoid seeking help out of relational concerns. Research on amae, however, suggests that Japanese may use amae to simultaneously obtain the needed help and enhance relationships. Study 1 showed that among Japanese entrepreneurs and managers, the propensity toward amae correlated with perceiving fewer costs of help‐seeking, seeking more help at work, greater engagement in new relationships and higher general trust. These associations suggest that the Japanese may be using amae to get the help they need and to build new relationships. Study 2 further showed that first‐year undergraduates who reported engaging in amae soon after entering college showed a significant increase in sense of purpose and satisfaction with college life in their first year. These findings suggest that, unlike dependency or passive love, amae can be highly adaptive for the Japanese.  相似文献   
急性应激和注意偏向是焦虑障碍和创伤后应激障碍发生和症状保持的两个重要因素。急性应激导致交感神经系统激活以及儿茶酚胺和糖皮质激素分泌增加,因而影响对威胁刺激的注意偏向。但是急性应激如何影响注意偏向中的注意定向和注意解除尚不清楚。本项目采用点探测任务、威胁线索空间提示任务,结合恐惧条件反射、眼动和事件相关电位技术,研究急性应激对注意定向和注意解除影响的认知神经机制。研究结果可为治疗焦虑和创伤后应激障碍提供支持,为公共卫生管理政策的制定提供建议。  相似文献   
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