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Background/Objective: This study explored the association between active school travel (AST) and suicide attempts among adolescents in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Method: We used the data from the Global School-based Health Survey, including 127,097 adolescents aged 13-17 years from 34 LMICs. A self-reported survey was used to collect data on AST and suicide attempts as well as some variables. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to assess the association between AST and suicide attempts. A meta-analysis with random effects was undertaken to identify the difference in the association between AST and suicide attempts. Results: Across all the adolescents, the prevalence of AST was 37% and the prevalence of suicide attempts was 11.60%. Adolescents who engaged in AST were less likely to have suicide attempts irrespective of gender. The country-wise analysis indicated a large inconsistency in the association between AST and suicide attempt across the countries. Conclusions: AST would appear to be a protective factor for reducing suicide attempts among adolescents. However, the association between AST and suicide attempts varied greatly across the countries. Future studies should confirm the association between AST and suicide attempts.  相似文献   
为了探讨面孔认知中内部特征和加工时间对种族判断的影响,采用面孔种族评价任务,选用被试内设计,通过操纵内部特征替换部位,刺激呈现时间,以及种族三个自变量进行研究.结果发现:对中国被试来说,面孔种族信息的获取是一个随时间不断累积信息的过程.在此过程中鼻和口特征并不能提供有效的亚洲和高加索种族信息,眼部特征和构型信息在加工中...  相似文献   
我们这里最近又有一个贪官垮台了,此前他家中供神,办公室的里间供神,电香火日夜像鬼火一样烧着,到哪儿都算命打卦,身边还豢养个《易经》大师兼风水大师,每逢出门必定得摇一卦,自己的名字改来改去。我和他很熟,屡次告诉他千万别信鬼神、天命,凡信者都是愚昧和软弱。但是他坚定地认为:一切都是天命,人没有任何力量。这次他倒了,我到看守所去看他,我说:你那么虔诚地求神拜神,为什么神不能保佑你?他喟然长叹:万般皆是命,半点不由人哪,这回我更信神了,去年有个大师给我算命卜卦,说我今年有灾,我没有在意,原因在我呀!看来他是至死不悟了。其实,他…  相似文献   
王晓华 《管子学刊》2007,(4):99-102
人与自然关系是文学表现的重要母题。透过文学的发展,可以窥视出人类社会在社会实践推动下所走过的历史道路。本文意在通过中西文学发展中人与自然关系的描写,揭示人与自然关系的变化过程,并在历史的视野中审视生态批判的当代意义。  相似文献   
教育传播学属于跨学科研究领域,在我国尚属新兴学科。从传播学的角度解读孔子的教育传播思想,可以发现其教育传播思想中教育传播平民化;以文字传播作为主要的教育传播媒介;严格的传者自律;强烈的受众意识等诸多方面的内容。  相似文献   
于孔宝  于敬民 《管子学刊》2006,(1):35-39,95
基于孙武由齐国奔吴及《孙子兵法》正式问世于吴国这些史实,笔者认为:《孙子兵法》曾先后有两次问世。本文试从《孙子兵法》二次问世的认识论依据、著者依据、内容结构依据、史料依据、《孙子兵法》十三篇与其他孙武佚文及两次问世的现代理解等方面,分别论述之。并认为,《孙子兵法》的首次问世是齐文化和吴文化共同孕育的结果,而修订问世的《孙子兵法》则主要是吴国的战争实践浇灌出来的花朵,吴国的军事文化充实完善了这部罕世之作。  相似文献   
王华山 《管子学刊》2006,(3):122-125
本文比照文献资料,对北朝临淄崔氏家族墓志所载崔鸿八世祖崔岳仕宦情况进行了考证,指出墓志所载崔岳“晋司徒”属于伪托。实际情况是:西晋时崔岳为朝鲜令,庇护匈奴刘曜而被追赠为前赵“大司徒”,由于十六国北朝时期匈奴与汉民族矛盾尖锐,在当时正统观念支配下,崔氏墓志及《十六国春秋》无不避讳此事。  相似文献   
《管子》"人与天调"的生态观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《管子·水地》等篇章,阐述了人类应合理地使用和保护自然资源;以遵循自然规律为准则,建立人与环境良性互动的常态,它们忠实地记载了管仲及其学派在倡导农业生产中所表现出的环境与生存发展的生态平衡思想。  相似文献   
本文分别从理论与实践的结合上对中国军事伦理学学科建设与发展的基础理论研究、规范体系研究和教育应用研究进行了全景式、多层面的梳理,循此而提纲挈领地把握当代军事伦理学科的发展脉络和丰富内容,在此基础上对国防军事伦理的研究热点进行了前瞻式的描述,并揭示了其广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   
In this study we discuss the problem of multi-objective mathematical programming with constraints defined by ‘max-min’ composite fuzzy relation equations. Since the feasible region is normally non-convex, the properties of the efficient points of a non-convex feasible region under multi-objectives are investigated and illustrated by examples. The necessary and sufficient conditions are proposed and proved. To facilitate decisions, a procedure that transforms these efficient points of an interval-valued decision space into a constant-valued decision space is proposed when the level of confidence is given by a decision maker. Then the transformed problem becomes a multi-attribute decision problem that can be evaluated by Yager's method to find the optimal alternative.  相似文献   
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