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情境与互动:人际互倚及其模   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵菊  佐斌 《心理科学进展》2005,13(6):828-835
人际互倚理论主要关注群体中个体之间的相互依附关系。文章介绍了互倚理论的历史发展,论述了人际互倚理论发展中研究方法的改进:从结果矩阵到转换细目表。方法的改进推动了重视情境的人际互倚情境模式的发展,使人际互倚理论从研究静态人际互倚关系转向研究动态人际互倚的转换过程。该文还对人际互倚研究进行了评价和展望  相似文献   
探讨医疗质量的特性,通过系统经验分析法,认为医疗质量具有模糊性特征,难以辨别优劣,导致卫生行政部门、医疗机构忽视提高医疗质量。行政部门应加强医疗技术管理,推行医院法人治理结构制度,做好信息公示。医疗机构也应加强服务过程管理,培养医护人员人文精神,落实规章制度,推行临床路径管理,减少医疗差错,加强医院感染管理,医护人员也应加强责任心,多方努力才有可能提高医疗质量、保障患者安全。  相似文献   
清代雍正、乾隆时期,朝廷禁传天主教,天主教在中国的生存状况发生重大变化,外籍传教士先是被逐,后是被杀,传教任务逐渐落到华籍神职人员身上。本文分析了此一时期内华籍神职人员的身份构成、活动地区分布,以及其传教方式和特点等,借以说明华籍神职人员为天主教在中国的传播发挥了较前期更大的作用,推进了天主教在中国的本地化进程。  相似文献   
Existing knowledge on remote working can be questioned in an extraordinary pandemic context. We conducted a mixed-methods investigation to explore the challenges experienced by remote workers at this time, as well as what virtual work characteristics and individual differences affect these challenges. In Study 1, from semi-structured interviews with Chinese employees working from home in the early days of the pandemic, we identified four key remote work challenges (work-home interference, ineffective communication, procrastination, and loneliness), as well as four virtual work characteristics that affected the experience of these challenges (social support, job autonomy, monitoring, and workload) and one key individual difference factor (workers’ self-discipline). In Study 2, using survey data from 522 employees working at home during the pandemic, we found that virtual work characteristics linked to worker's performance and well-being via the experienced challenges. Specifically, social support was positively correlated with lower levels of all remote working challenges; job autonomy negatively related to loneliness; workload and monitoring both linked to higher work-home interference; and workload additionally linked to lower procrastination. Self-discipline was a significant moderator of several of these relationships. We discuss the implications of our research for the pandemic and beyond.  相似文献   
Many consumers feel proud of making green choices, which is of crucial relevance to explaining environmentally responsible behaviors. However, compared to other self-conscious emotions, such as guilt and shame, little research attention has been paid to the role of pride in green consumerism. Through conducting two online experimental surveys, this research examined what features of a message induce the two facets of the emotion pride—authentic and hubristic—and how pride appeals interact with message frames having different regulatory foci. In Study 1, participants revealed more favorable eco-friendly attitudes and intentions when hubristic pride appeals were combined with promotion-focused messages (detailing the positive benefits of using the green product), and when authentic pride appeals were matched with prevention-focused messages (emphasizing the negative consequences averted by using the green product). Study 2 replicated and supported the proposed matching hypotheses while including a control condition. Findings of this research will add to a growing body of literature on pride as a discrete emotion and its carryover effects on persuasion while providing guidelines to help practitioners design green advertising campaigns.  相似文献   
在一些地方小报上,常有“不明飞行物掠空”和“天外来客访问地球”的披露。由于笔者长期在科技部门工作,脑海中的常识较难对此披露认同,所以一向看此披露后一笑了之。可能是退休后闲来无事,阅读到此类事例较多,同友人交谈时又常接触到“不明飞行物掠空”和“天外来客访问地球”的话题。而且,现在事事讲究国际接轨,对此类事物又有UFO的称呼,由此笔者滋生了对UFO表示点看法的念头。上世纪七十年代笔者在杭州湾搞水文气象工作,那是一个非常平凡日子的下午,笔者正在作水文气象观测。天上云很少,风不大,杭州湾海面波浪较小,但远处海面上有轻雾…  相似文献   
Despite the lack of invariance problem (the many-to-many mapping between acoustics and percepts), human listeners experience phonetic constancy and typically perceive what a speaker intends. Most models of human speech recognition (HSR) have side-stepped this problem, working with abstract, idealized inputs and deferring the challenge of working with real speech. In contrast, carefully engineered deep learning networks allow robust, real-world automatic speech recognition (ASR). However, the complexities of deep learning architectures and training regimens make it difficult to use them to provide direct insights into mechanisms that may support HSR. In this brief article, we report preliminary results from a two-layer network that borrows one element from ASR, long short-term memory nodes, which provide dynamic memory for a range of temporal spans. This allows the model to learn to map real speech from multiple talkers to semantic targets with high accuracy, with human-like timecourse of lexical access and phonological competition. Internal representations emerge that resemble phonetically organized responses in human superior temporal gyrus, suggesting that the model develops a distributed phonological code despite no explicit training on phonetic or phonemic targets. The ability to work with real speech is a major advance for cognitive models of HSR.  相似文献   
The authors translated the California Brief Multicultural Competence Scale (CBMCS; Gamst et al., 2004), a measure of multicultural competence, into Korean for cross-cultural validation. An exploratory factor analysis followed by a confirmatory factor analysis on a sample of Korean counselors (N = 365) supported a 3-factor model: Multicultural Ability, Multicultural Knowledge, and Multicultural Awareness. The Korean version was deemed to possess sound psychometric properties, such as high test-retest reliability and criterion-related validity. Los autores tradujeron al idioma coreano la Escala Breve de Competencia Multicultural de California (CBMCS, por sus siglas en inglés; Gamst et al., 2004), un instrumento de medida de competencia multicultural, para su validación intercultural. Un análisis factorial exploratorio seguido de un análisis factorial confirmatorio sobre una muestra de consejeros coreanos (N = 365) respaldó un modelo de 3 factores: Habilidad Multicultural, Conocimiento Multicultural y Conciencia Multicultural. Se concluyó que la versión en coreano tenía propiedades psicométricas sólidas, como una alta fiabilidad de la repetición de las pruebas y una alta validez de criterio.  相似文献   
Imagined contact can be effective at reducing social stigma. However, the effect may depend on the strength of the stigma held. We tested the robustness of imagined contact in an Asian setting where stigmatization of mental illness is stronger than in Western countries. In Experiment 1 (n = 167) with five conditions, only an enhanced version of positive imagined contact was able to decrease stigma towards people with schizophrenia through decreasing intergroup anxiety. Given the potential discrepancy between imaginations and reality about experiences with stigmatized groups, in Experiment 2 (n = 121), we tested the hypothesis that after presenting participants with factual information about a mental illness group, imagined contact might backfire, resulting in more negative perceptions. However, enhanced imagined contact alongside factual message about schizophrenia did not increase stigma. The backfiring hypothesis was therefore not supported. Nevertheless, providing realistic information did negate the positive effects of enhanced imagined contact on stigma reduction. In both experiments, we also showed that intergroup anxiety mediated the effect of enhanced imagined contact on various measures of stigma.  相似文献   
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