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The acculturation of subjects from culture A to culture B can take three forms: the more acculturated subjects may make responses that are similar to the responses made by subjects from culture B (accommodation), they may go beyond B's position (overshooting), and they may move in the opposite direction from the position of the members of culture B (ethnic affirmation). The paper presents three sets of data concerning elements of subjective culture (role perceptions, behavioral intentions, and stereotypes), with subjects speaking Spanish and residing in the U.S. who are at three levels of acculturation. The data show that role perceptions and behavioral intentions are characterized mostly by accommodation, while stereotypes are characterized mostly by ethnic affirmation. A theoretical explanation of this pattern of results is that elements of subjective culture are linked to overt behavior both directly and indirectly. As members of culture A acculturate to culture B, their behavior becomes similar to the behavior of members of culture B. Those elements of subjective culture that are directly linked with this behavior change; however, those elements that are not directly linked do not change or even show ethnic affirmation. Testing of this theoretical formulation will require additional research. L'acculturation de sujets d'une culture A à une culture B peut prendre trois formes: Les sujets les plus acculturés peuvent donner des réponses qui sont semblables aux réponses données par des sujets de la culture B (accommodation), ils peuvent aller au-delà de la position de la culture B (surpassement) et ils peuvent aller dans une direction opposée de celle des membres de la culture B (affirmation ethnique). Cet article présente trois groupes de données qui concernent des éléments de culture subjective (perception des rôles, intentions comportementales et stéréotypes), avec des sujets hispanophones résidant aux Etats-Unis et des trois niveaux d'acculturation. Les données montrent que les perceptions de rôle et les intentions comportementales sont caractérisées surtout par l'accommodation tandis que les stéréotypes sont caractérisées surtout par l'affirmation ethnique. Une explication possible de ces résultats est que des éléments de culture subjective sont liés directement et indirectement au comportement ouvert. Le comportement de membres d'une culture A acculturés à une culture B devient similaire au comportement des membres de cette culture B. Les éléments de culture subjective qui sont directement liés à ce comportement changent; cependant les éléments qui ne lui sont pas liés restent inchangés ou présentent měme une affirmation ethnique. Des recherches supplémentaires seront nécessaires pour tester cette formulation théorique.  相似文献   
Factor analysis models have played a central role in formulating conceptual models in personality and personality assessment, as well as in empirical examinations of personality measurement instruments. Yet, the use of item-level data presents special problems for factor analysis, applications. In this article, we review recent developments in factor analysis that are appropriate for the type of item-level data often collected in personality. Included in this review are discussions of how these developments have been addressed in the context of two different (but formally related) statistical models item response theory (IRT: Hambleton, Swaminathan, & Rogers, 1991) and structural, equation modeling (Bollen 1989) for item-level data. We also discuss the relevance of item scaling in the context of these models. Using the restandardization data for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 Scale (cf. Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989), we show brief examples of the utility of these approaches to address basic questions about responses to personality scale items regarding: (a) scale, dimensionality and general item properties, (b) the "appropriateness" of the observed responses, and (c) differential item functioning across subsamples. implications for analyses of personality item-level data in the IRT and factor analytic traditions are discussed.  相似文献   
We have developed a useful equation for estimating health-related physical fitness age. This version of health-related fitness age was developed as an extension of the biological age index and is useful for evaluation of individual differences in functional abilities of middle-aged and older adults. This measure consists of 4 independent variables fitness (VO2 max, standing trunk flexibility, %fat, and grip strength). However, direct measurement of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) is an invasive clinical procedure and not practical for large scale work. In the current study, we attempted to assess the fitness age more feasibly. We selected a questionnaire method and a 12-min. submaximal treadmill walk test as substitutes for the VO2 max test. The three fitness ages were computed for 23 Japanese men (M(age) 54.7 +/- 10.7 yr.), using actual VO2 max (actual fitness age), questionnaire VO2 max (predicted questionnaire fitness age), and treadmill VO2 max (predicted treadmill fitness age). Predicted questionnaire fitness age (61.0 +/- 10.5 yr.) and predicted treadmill fitness age (60.0 +/- 12.4 yr.) were significantly correlated with actual fitness age (60.1 +/- 12.4 yr.) (r= .96 and .97, respectively). There were no significant differences among the three indices, but there was a significant difference between actual fitness age and chronological age (p<.05). For VO+/-2 max substituting the questionnaire for the treadmill estimate is acceptable in assessing fitness age and reducing the clinical risk for middle-aged and older Japanese men.  相似文献   
This study examined the effect of acute simulated microgravity on nocturnal sleep, daytime vigilance, and psychomotor performance. Each of 7 volunteers were maintained for 3 days of head-down and horizontal bed rest in a counter-balanced design. Assessment measures were polysomnographic recordings on the first night and performance on psychophysiological tasks on the second day involving subjective and objective vigilance, P300, simple reaction time tasks, and dual performance tasks. No clear difference in sleep structure was observed between the head-down and horizontal conditions, except for a slight decrease in Stage 4 for head-down. Both subjective and objective daytime vigilance, P300, and the simple RT task showed no statistical difference, although tracking performance on the dual task showed deterioration at 10:00 for the head-down condition. These results suggest that nocturnal sleep, daytime vigilance, and psychophysiological functions were not disturbed in head-down sleep conditions, although there was a mild deterioration of higher attentional function in the morning.  相似文献   
A comparative developmental framework was used to determine whether mutual gaze is unique to humans and, if not, whether common mechanisms support the development of mutual gaze in chimpanzees and humans. Mother-infant chimpanzees engaged in approximately 17 instances of mutual gaze per hour. Mutual gaze occurred in positive, nonagonistic contexts. Mother-infant chimpanzees at a Japanese center exhibited significantly more mutual gaze than those at a center in the United States. Cradling and motor stimulation varied across groups. Time spent cradling infants was inversely related to mutual gaze. It is suggested that in primates, mutual engagement is supported via an interchangeability of tactile and visual modalities. The importance of mutual gaze is best understood within a perspective that embraces both cross-species and cross-cultural data.  相似文献   
Perceptual grouping in pigeons   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nagasaka Y  Hori K  Osada Y 《Perception》2005,34(5):625-632
Animal studies reveal that many species perceive partially occluded objects in the same way as do humans. Pigeons have been a notable exception. We re-investigated this anomaly of pigeon perception using a different approach from previous studies. With our method, we show that pigeons perceive occluded objects in the same manner as do other species. In addition, we report that pigeons can recognize perceptually transparent surfaces when the effect is induced by the same perceptual mechanisms as occlusion. These results give behavioral evidence that the perception of both occlusion and transparency is a common visual function shared by pigeons and humans, despite the structural differences between their visual systems.  相似文献   
Attitudes interpersonnelles parmi les étudiants américains, indiens et japonais. — Le différentiateur sémantique et le différenciateur de comportement ont été administrés à des étudiants, 98 américains (Illinois), 112 japonais (Tokyo) et 99 indiens (Mysore). Les concepts-stimuli étaient composites : il s'agissait d'individus diversifiés selon toutes les combinaisons possibles de profession (médecin ou menuisier), de religion (identique ou différente de celle du sujet), de sexe (homme ou femme), et d'âge (jeune, d'âge mûr, vieux). Les éhelles du différentiateur sémantique ont été empruntées à une étude d'Osgood et al. Les échelles du différentiateur de comportement ont été traduites à partir des échelles de comportement qui avaient les saturations les plus élevées dans l'analyse factorielle des composantes comportementales des attitudes, faites par Triandis (1964 b). Indépendamment des jugements formulés sur les stimuli composites, les sujets devaient juger les éléments constituants des stimuli composites. Le principe de congruité d'Osgood et la théorie de la sommation de Fishbein ainsi qu'un certain nombre d'autres principes, ont été utilisés pour découvrir si l'on peut prédire les jugements d'un sujet à l'égard des stimuli composites à partir de ses jugements à l'égard des stimuli simples. Le but de cette étude était d'établir la généralité des résultats américains concernant certains aspects de la perception interpersonnelle. Les résultats montrent que les résultats antérieurs peuvent être grossièrement généralisés, bien que, dans le détail, les résultats ne se recoupent pas d'une culture à l'autre. Ainsi par exemple, bien que les mêmes structures factorielles se retrouvent dans tous les échantillons qu'il s'agisse du différentiateur sémantique ou du différentiateur de comportement, l'analyse détaillée des échelles qui ont des saturations élevées dans les différents facteurs suggére l'existence d'une spécificité culturelle. La théorie de la sommation s'avère supérieure à la théorie de la congruité, pour prédire les jugements des sujets relativement aux stimuli composites à partir des jugements sur les stimuli simples.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the ongoing changes in socio-cultural values regarding women in business and industrial infrastructure accruing from the emerging womenpower in contemporary Japan. Women are becoming an important part of corporate culture. Their role in political life is also increasing. The mass media programmes are frequently targeted to female audiences. In contrast, the fate of men, especially that of husbands, seems to be getting increasingly obscure in contemporary Japanese society. From the perspective of work organizations, a true picture of ongoing changes in socio-cultural values regarding women and in the infrastructure accrued from the emerging womenpower in Japan deserves future research attention.  相似文献   
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