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The International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) assessed the therapy status of fluency disorders, service opportunities, and education of logopedists (speech-language pathologists) with a mail survey in Eastern Europe. Information was collected on the following aspects: incidence, prevalence, availability of information, non-therapeutic support for persons who stutter (PWS), providers of diagnostics and therapy, cooperating professionals, therapy approaches, forms, goals, financing, early detection and prevention, training of professionals, specialization in stuttering therapy, needs for improving the situation of PWS, and problems which hinder better care. Stuttering therapy for children is available in many countries and is frequently provided by the educational system. Therapy for adults is provided best by the health services but is not satisfactorily available everywhere. Modern therapeutic approaches coexist with obsolete ones. Lack of resources, awareness, entitlement, and assessment of therapy effectiveness are pervasive problems.

Educational objectives: Readers will be able to describe and evaluate: (1) the therapy status of fluency disorders and service opportunities in various East-European countries; (2) the training of logopedists (speech-language pathologists); (3) specialization in stuttering therapy; and (4) the organizational services for PWS within the health and human service systems.  相似文献   

Individuals with obesity in Western societies often face weight-related stigmatization and social exclusion. Recurrent exposure to prejudice and negative social feedback alters one’s behavior in future social interactions. In this study, we aimed to investigate autonomic nervous system and affective responses to social interactions in individuals with obesity. Women and men with (n = 56) and without (n = 56) obesity participated in episodes of social inclusion and social exclusion using a virtual ball-tossing game. During the experiment, heart rate was measured and parasympathetic activity (overall high-frequency power and event-related cardiac slowing) was analyzed. Our results show that in novel social interactions, women with obesity, relative to the other groups, exhibited the strongest increase in parasympathetic activity. Furthermore, parasympathetic activity was related to a more negative body image in individuals with obesity, but not in lean individuals. Additionally, women with obesity reported a stronger decrease in mood after social exclusion than did the other participants. Our results demonstrate influences of objective and subjective bodily characteristics on parasympathetic cardio-regulation during social interactions. In particular, they show behavioral and physiological alterations during social interactions in women with obesity.  相似文献   
Facial expressions such as smiling or frowning are normally followed by, and often aim at, the observation of corresponding facial expressions in social counterparts. Given this contingency between one’s own and other persons’ facial expressions, the production of such facial actions might be the subject of so-called action–effect compatibility effects. In the present Experiment 1, we confirmed this assumption. Participants were required to smile or frown. The generation of these expressions was harder when participants produced predictable feedback from a virtual counterpart that was incompatible with their own facial expression; for example, smiling produced the presentation of a frowning face. The results of Experiment 2 revealed that this effect vanishes with inverted faces as action feedback, which shows that the phenomenon is bound to the instantaneous emotional interpretation of the feedback. These results comply with the assumption that the generation of facial expressions is controlled by an anticipation of these expressions’ effects in the social environment.  相似文献   
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic debilitating disease. MS is associated with high rates of depression and dissatisfaction with life. “Positive psychology,” (PoP) has endeavored to better understand happiness, meaning in life and how these can be developed. There is a growing interest amongst clinicians and consumers in happiness and personal growth as indicators of patients’ well-being. To evaluate happiness and personal growth in treated relapsing-remitting (RR) MS patients compared with age and gender matched healthy subjects. The Oxford Happiness Inventory (OHI), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SLS) and the Personal Growth Initiative Scale (PGIS) were completed by 105 RR-MS patients [70 females, mean age 44.4 ± 13.3 years, Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) 3.6 ± 2.3] and 87 healthy subjects (66 females, mean age 39.7 ± 11.5 years). Scores were correlated with disease and treatment related parameters. All patients were treated for at least 6 months with interferon-beta-1a (Rebif). Mean happiness scores in MS patients for the OHI (103.1 ± 17.0), the SLS (23.9 ± 6.8) and the PGIS (40.1 ± 7.6) were not statistically different from those of healthy subjects. Categorical analysis of the SLS demonstrated a different distribution wherein more MS patients were in the “dissatisfied” subgroup (SLS score < 20) as compared to healthy subjects (24.8% vs. 12.6%, p = 0.045), while rates were similar in the extremely satisfied subgroup (SLS ≥ 30). Happiness was scored similarly in treated RR-MS patients and healthy subjects despite a greater percentage of patients reporting being dissatisfied with their lives. These findings may reflect positive treatment effects, hedonic adaptation or their combination.  相似文献   
Pavlovian conditioning is a form of associative learning shown to contribute to the development and reduction of clinical anxiety and fear, and more recently, intergroup anxiety and fear. The current review provides a synthesis of the literature on associative learning of fear toward outgroups. Findings are reviewed that outline how fear toward the outgroup, relative to the ingroup, can be preferentially learnt and is resistant to extinction‐based techniques. Novel future research directions for intergroup anxiety are then identified based upon previous research on clinical anxiety. It is proposed that processes known to enhance the extinction of specific phobia should be investigated with social stimuli. Specifically, it is argued that exploring cognitive factors during extinction and conducting extinction in multiple contexts may provide new avenues to pursue intergroup harmony through reduced intergroup anxiety. The review concludes by suggesting innovative research designs are needed to validate an associative learning account of fear toward outgroups outside of experimental settings.  相似文献   
This review focuses on prolactin as a potential candidate for the regulation of emotional and neuroendocrine stress responses in the brain. In particular, we summarise evidence for a brain prolactin receptor-mediated anxiolytic action both in female and male rats, and for inhibitory actions on the reactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the neurohypophysial oxytocin system. These physiological functions of the brain prolactin system are especially relevant in the peripartum period, as an attenuation of behavioural and neuroendocrine stress responses has been described during pregnancy and lactation. At this time, there is an increase in brain prolactin receptor expression and binding, and an increase in hypothalamic prolactin gene expression. In the absence of a selective prolactin receptor antagonist, complementary approaches including chronic intracerebral infusion of prolactin, and antisense targeting of the long form of the brain prolactin receptor were used to investigate the actions of prolactin. The hypothesis of a brain prolactin system activated in the peripartum period which contributes to the adaptive changes in stress responsiveness in order to support reproductive functions is strongly emphasised.  相似文献   
One hundred forty-nine inpatients within a maximum security psychiatric facility were assessed with the Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version (PCL:SV; S. D. Hart, D. N. Cox, & R. D. Hare, 1995). Within the total sample, 68% had a psychotic disorder and 30% met criteria for psychopathy. Using confirmatory factor analysis, the authors tested the 2-factor PCL:SV model of psychopathy and recent 3- and 4-factor models. Results indicated good fit for each model, with the 4-factor model showing best overall fit. Structural equation modeling was used to determine which psychopathy factors predicted 6-month follow-up of inpatient aggression. The 2-, 3-, and 4-factor models, respectively, accounted for 16%.27%. and 3l% of the variance in aggression.  相似文献   
Three experiments investigated a dissociation originally described by Neumann, Esselmann, and Klotz. Stimuli were geometric shapes, preceded by similar shapes that were masked by metacontrast. Each experiment consisted of three parts. In the reaction time (RT) part, participants saw an array of geometric shapes, one of which was marked by bars, and had to respond to the marked shape's position by pressing an appropriate button. A prime (a similar, but smaller stimulus) preceded either the marked or an unmarked stimulus. In the temporal order judgment (TOJ) part, the task was to judge the temporal order of the marked and the unmarked stimulus. In the detection part, detectability of the prime was tested. Although its detectability was zero or close to zero, the prime affected both RT and the apparent onset as measured by TOJ. The effect on RT was significantly larger than the effect on TOJ (Exp. 1). Increasing the spatial context (number of non-target stimuli in the display) did not affect this pattern (Exp. 2). By contrast, reducing the temporal context (range of stimulus onset asynchronies) abolished the prime's effect in the TOJ task, although the prime affected RT under identical conditions. It is concluded that partially different mechanisms mediate the prime's effect in the two tasks and that the effect of stimulus context on TOJ found in the Neumann et al. study was due to temporal, not spatial context. Received: 17 December 1997 / Accepted: 15 December 1998  相似文献   
Ein Modell kortikaler Einfachzellen mit dominanter opponenter Inhibition zur robusten Kontrastdetektion Zusammenfassung. Im primären visuellen Pfad wird Information in zwei getrennten, komplementären Domänen repräsentiert, den on- und off-Zellen. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Interaktion von on- und off-Zellen zur Generierung der Eingabe für eine kortikale Einfachzelle. Basierend auf physiologischen Studien schlagen wir einen Mechanismus vor, bei dem eine kortikale Einfachzelle aus beiden Domänen eine Eingabe erhält, wobei die Eingabe aus dem opponenten Pfad stärker gewichtet wird. Mit diesem Mechanismus der dominanten opponenten Inhibition können Antworten von kortikalen Einfachzellen auf Hell-Dunkel-Balken simuliert werden, die im primären visuellen Kortex der Katze gemessen wurden. Bei der Verarbeitung synthetischer und natürlicher Bilder können mit dem neuen Modell schärfere Antworten und bessere Rauschunterdrückung erreicht werden. Wir geben eine stochastische Analyse der Rauschunterdrückungscharakteristika des vorgeschlagenen Mechanismus und präsentieren detaillierte numerische Simulationen mit systematischen Parametervariationen. Die Resultate zeigen, dass das Modell kortikaler Einfachzellen mit dominanter opponenter Inhibition robuster gegenüber verrauschten Eingaben wird, weitgehend unabhängig von der Stärke des Rauschens. Diese Eigenschaft ist möglicherweise der Grund für die physiologisch gemessene dominante Inhibition und für die Repräsentation von Kontrastinformation in zwei komplementären Domänen. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen stellen wir die Hypothese auf, dass dominante opponente Inhibition im visuellen System verwendet wird, um in verrauschten Umgebungen Kontraste robust extrahieren zu können. Summary. In the primary visual pathway, information is represented in two distinct, complementary domains, namely "on" and "off" cells. In this work we examine how on and off cells may interact to form the input to simple cell subfields. On the basis of physiological evidence, we propose a mechanism of dominating opponent inhibition, where a simple cell subfield is driven by both on and off domains, receiving more heavily weighted input from the opponent pathway. We demonstrate that the model can account for physiological data on luminance gradient reversal recorded from simple cells in cat striate cortex. Next, we use the model for the processing of synthetic and natural images, showing that sharpness of response and robustness to noise can be increased by dominating opponent inhibition. Finally, we present a stochastic analysis of the noise-suppression characteristics of the proposed mechanism accompanied by detailed simulations with systematic parameter variations. Results show that dominating opponent inhibition makes the simple cell responses more robust to noise, largely independently of the amount of noise added. This property may give a rationale for the strong inhibition measured physiologically and for the representation of contrast information in two complementary domains. On the basis of these findings, we hypothesize that the visual system uses dominating opponent inhibition in order to robustly extract features in noisy environments.  相似文献   
The Schedule of Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Change Version (SADS-C; Spitzer & Endicott, 1978b) is a brief, highly reliable structured interview with clinical applications to diverse populations. This investigation involved reanalyses of data from 2 earlier studies (Rogers, Grandjean, Tillbrook, Vitacco, & Sewell, 2001; Ustad, Rogers, & Salekin, 1998). Focusing on 2 clinical samples from a metropolitan jail, we investigated its subscales via exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. A good model fit was found (comparative fit index =.92; robust comparative fit index =.94) for 4 subscales (Dysphoria, Psychosis, Mania, and Insomnia) with good interrater reliability (M intraclass coefficient =.95) and clinical relevance. As a preliminary screen for feigned mental disorders, 2 detection scales (Symptom Combinations and Symptom Selectivity) were moderately successful. By maximizing negative predictive power, the SADS-C detection strategies proved effective at ruling out feigning for mentally disordered offenders with a high likelihood of genuine disorders.  相似文献   
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