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体验是情绪的核心成份之一.然而,由于体验的复杂性,长期以来情绪心理学家乃至整个心理学界却一直鲜有研究.为弥补情绪心理学研究的缺失,更为了进一步完善心理学中基本概念的研究,该文首先从散见于相关学科对体验概念的零星论述中,提炼出建构体验概念所需的思想质料与方法.随后对其进行系统化的理论分析,指出目前研究中存在的问题.最后,通过相关概念辨析的方法揭示出心理学意义上体验的内涵,即体验,是个体以身体为中介,以“行或思”为手段,以知情相互作用为典型特征,作用于人的对象对人产生意义时而引发的不断生成的居身状态.  相似文献   
Two types of the attentional network, alerting and orienting, help organisms respond to environmental events for survival in the temporal and spatial dimensions, respectively. Here, we applied chromatic flicker beyond the critical fusion frequency to address whether awareness was necessary for activation of the two attentional networks. We found that high-frequency chromatic flicker, despite its failure to reach awareness, produced the alerting and orienting effects, supporting the dissociation between attention and awareness. Furthermore, as the flicker frequency increased, the orienting effect attenuated whereas the alerting effect remained unchanged. According to the systematic decline in temporal frequency sensitivity across the visual hierarchy, this finding suggests that unconscious alerting might be associated with activity in earlier visual areas than unconscious orienting. Since high-frequency flicker has been demonstrated to only activate early visual cortex, we suppose that neural activation in early visual areas might be sufficient to activate the two attentional networks.  相似文献   
An often‐neglected perspective is that work–family incompatibilities are not only intrapersonal role conflicts but also typically involve interpersonal conflicts. This study adopts an episodes approach and uses the theory of cooperation and competition to understand the interaction that promotes resolving work–family conflict incidents. Two‐hundred and four Chinese dual‐career parents each described a specific work–family conflict incident and responded to specific questions to code the interaction. Structural equation analyses indicated that cooperative goals facilitated constructive controversy that in turn promoted high quality resolutions, strong relationships, and confidence in the future of their work and family lives.  相似文献   
Because women?s faces and bodies carry different cues of reproductive value, men may attend to different perceptual cues as functions of their long-term versus short-term mating motivations. We tested this hypothesis in three experiments on 135 male and 132 female participants. When influenced by short-term rather than long-term mating motivations, men?s attention was captured by (Study 1), was shifted to (Study 2), and was distracted by (Study 3) the waist/hip area rather than the face on photographs of attractive women. Similar effects were not found among the female participants in response to photographs of attractive men. These results support the evolutionary view that, similar to the attentional selectivity found in other domains of life, male perceptual attention has evolved to selectively capture and hold reproductive information about the opposite sex as a function of short-term versus long-term mating goals.  相似文献   
采用Levinson的旋转实验,考察了智障儿童在空间任务中参考框架的选择。结果发现:(1)在非言语的空间操作任务中,智障儿童倾向于选择以观察者为中心的相对参考框架;(2)智障儿童的空间参考框架的选择倾向主要由他们的认知能力、语言能力、自我中心倾向以及习惯空间术语的影响导致。  相似文献   
闾小波 《学海》2006,(3):54-61
近年来,陈独秀晚年在书信中表达的民主观备受学界的关注,且被有些学者不适当地夸张。事实上,影响陈独秀民主观形成的思想资源,既有当时西方一些“苏联之友”的作品,更有托洛茨基的几部重要著作,尤其是他的《被背叛的革命》一书。挖掘陈独秀晚年民主观生成的思想资源,并不排除陈氏本人对此所作的思考与辨析,更不否认陈独秀在全球自由主义与民主主义衰落时期的至尊地位。  相似文献   
关于《德意志意识形态》"费尔巴哈"章的排序问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鲁克俭 《哲学动态》2006,3(2):13-16
主要由马克思和恩格斯撰写的《德意志意识形态》手稿的主要部分形成于1845年至1846年之间,1846年其主要部分曾送交出版社,但因故没有出版。全文第一篇在马克思和恩格斯生前没有完成,加上手稿的部分佚失和损坏,马克思和恩格斯去世以后,各种版本各持己见对此进行了不同的编辑。我们在此发表两篇《德意志意识形态》文献学讨论的文章,以纪念其主要手稿形成160周年。  相似文献   
陆群 《宗教学研究》2006,(2):128-132
自然宗教最基本的教义特征是把自然力人格化并重巫术,因而试图把这类宗教从很多研究者定义为的“初级宗教”或“原始宗教”还原为“自然宗教”,把其视为一种独特的宗教类型来看。对自然宗教的研究其文化意义从理论上讲是对长期的已然存在的自然宗教社会事实的确认,对以往原始宗教认识的深化和发展,从实践上讲可以为我国民族地区的宗教事务管理提供整套的资料储备和历史借鉴,对防范宗教信仰失控,维护民族地区的安定将发挥重大的作用。  相似文献   
卢风 《道德与文明》2006,2(4):32-35
“发展是硬道理”,这一观念已家喻户晓、深入人心。但现代发展观包含着悖谬,本文将揭示这种悖谬,探讨摆脱这种悖谬的出路,并将证明只有涵盖精神提升和道德进步的发展才是真正可持续的。  相似文献   
读过《红楼梦》的人都知道书中有个“马道婆”。靠着装神弄鬼骗取钱财,传说这是曹雪芹根据一个真实的故事写成的。据说曹雪芹在京西香山键锐营写《红楼梦》时,营子里有个外号叫“马大仙”的妇人,本名马二秀,年幼时父母双亡,17岁上跟着一个道士到西山的云霞观里当了道姑。可她吃不了出家人  相似文献   
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