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Six experiments tested a dilution model of self-regulation, whereby increasing the number of goals (e.g., building muscles and losing weight) that a single means (e.g., exercising) can satisfy reduces the perception of its instrumentality with respect to each goal. The authors found that an increase in the number of simultaneous, salient goals that can be satisfied via a single means weakens the associative strength between that means and each individual goal, and as a result, individuals perceive the means as less effective for the attainment of each goal. Consequently, means that are connected to multiple (vs. single) goals are less likely to be chosen and pursued when only one of these goals is activated.  相似文献   
正念禅修在心理治疗和医学领域中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
正念禅修渊源于南传佛教中的毗婆舍那禅修传统,指透过如实观察身心变化实相而达至烦恼解脱的禅修方法,于20世纪80年代初被引入心理治疗和医学领域后,其临床应用和相关研究日益增多.本文主要介绍了其中最为突出的正念减压疗法(MBSR)、正念认知行为治疗(MBCT)、辩证行为治疗(DBT),以及正念在创伤治疗中的应用情况;并综述了正念疗法在医疗保健和心理治疗领域的应用、疗效、作用机制等方面的相关研究.  相似文献   
增加样例学习中认知负荷的研究及思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
样例学习研究的一个重要取向:基于认知负荷理论.文章主要基于国外相关的研究文献,首先简述样例学习与认知负荷理论的关系,然后梳理增加样例学习中有效负荷研究概况与趋势,最后就有关研究问题作了进一步思考.  相似文献   
践行科技荣辱观:思想意识、舆论氛围和制度保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
践行社会主义科技荣辱观,提高科技工作者的科研道德水平,进而促进我国科技事业的健康发展是一项系统工程和重要工作.本文从思想意识、舆论氛围和制度保障等三个方面对科技工作者践行科技荣辱观的条件进行了初步探讨,以期能加强我国科技工作者的思想道德建设.  相似文献   
陈独秀爱国主义思想浅论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
爱国主义是人们千百年来固定下来的对祖国的一种最深厚的感情,中国传统爱国主义包含着丰富的内容,陈独秀对其进行了批判,提出并用自己的行动实践了新的爱国主义思想.  相似文献   
一一对应和数量比较是幼儿数概念发展的两个重要方面。在本研究中.40名4岁和39名5岁的儿童分别完成了不同比例数量的一一对应任务和数量比较任务。结果表明:(1)两种实验任务下均出现比例效应.说明儿童在解决一一对应问题时,仍然用数量比较的方法来进行判断;(2)任务类型的主效应显著,一一对应任务下的正确率要显著低于数量比较任务下的正确率;(3)知觉线索更多地影响数量比较任务。  相似文献   
采用句子为阅读材料,变化句子中一个单字词形成语义连贯与语义违背两种实验条件,通过两个眼动实验探讨中文句子阅读中预视效应的产生是否受语义信息的影响。实验一运用自然阅读范式,考察当语义连贯与违背两类信息被读者直接注视时,读者眼动模式的变化。结果发现,在语义连贯与违背两种条件下,读者的眼动模式在目标位置立即产生差异,违背条件下首次注视时间更长,说明中文句子理解中语义加工可以进行得十分即时。实验二运用边界技术,使实验一的语义连贯与违背两类关键字只呈现在预视位置上,当读者的注视点越过边界时,两类预视字均变为另一个与句子意义连贯的目标字。结果发现,语义违背预视条件下,读者对预视位置将进行更长时间的加工。上述结果表明,中文句子阅读过程中,语义信息可以对预视效应产生影响  相似文献   
Purpose  This research conceptualizes and tests an integrative model of customer loyalty by linking two important theories: expectation–confirmation theory and self-determination theory. Design/Methodology/Approach  The model is examined using data obtained from 207 part-time students who have encountered the service of a skincare and beauty salon in Taiwan. These students work as full-time professionals in a variety of industries during the daytime and are financially independent for their daily consumption. Findings  The empirical results of this study indicate that loyalty is positively influenced by both intrinsic regulation and identified regulation, while introjected regulation and external regulation are insignificantly related to loyalty. Affected positively by service expectation and service confirmation, satisfaction has positive influences on all four dimensions of self-determined motivation—namely, intrinsic regulation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, and external regulation. Implications  The findings of this study show that the proposed model helps to learn about loyalty formation and its mediating mechanism in service contexts. Intrinsic regulation and identified regulation may be applied as two potential checkpoints for management to learn the actual status of customer loyalty based on a constant service quality offered by the service provider. Originality/Value  This study is one of the earliest to integrate expectation–confirmation theory and self-determination theory to explore loyalty. Besides, this study transplants the traditional application of self-determination theory from educational service to commercial service in general so that efficient strategies can be made for boosting loyalty.  相似文献   
利多卡因凝胶在手术室麻醉诱导后留置尿管中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析手术室麻醉诱导后留置尿管产生尿路疼痛等不良反应的原因,探讨利多卡因凝胶在克服上述反应方面的作用及其他预防措施。采用方便取样将70例留置尿管的患者分为试验组和对照组,麻醉诱导后试验组在尿管上涂抹利多卡因凝胶(0.5ml/cm)后再按常规操作插管;对照组以石蜡油为润滑剂按常规操作留置尿管。比较两组患者心率、血压情况及躁动、疼痛评分。结果提示麻醉诱导后留置尿管可以有效减轻患者清醒状态下置管引起的尿路疼痛等问题,但不能避免患者苏醒期出现上述反应;使用利多卡因凝胶可有效预防患者苏醒期出现的尿路疼痛及其它不良反应,增加患者的舒适度。  相似文献   
幽门螺杆菌感染是胃癌发生的重要危险因素,目前研究集中在根除幽门螺杆菌是否能预防胃癌的发生,以及胃早癌内镜切除术后给予预防性根除幽门螺杆菌治疗能否降低胃癌的复发率,本文将就胃癌预防与根除幽门螺杆菌治疗的相关文献作一分析。  相似文献   
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