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曾看过东部某省电视台播出的一个节目,就是以“号码拍卖,好,还是不好?”为题,组织持完全相反观点的两方“嘉宾”进行现场辩论。持“好”观点一方的三位人物的身份分别是:北京大学教授、《法制行政》副主编、中共山东省委党校副教授(暂称为甲方);持“不好”观点一方的三位人物的身份分别是:山东大学法学博士、清华大学教授、山东某中学教师(暂称为乙方)。辩论是在严肃而紧张的气氛中进行的,完全不是时下一些电视台所搞的那种主持人居中穿针引线,对立双方插科打诨的搞笑节目。甲乙双方唇枪舌剑,争得脸红筋胀,以至于主持人几乎插不进话,几乎驾…  相似文献   
自明治以来,日本佛教中不少宗派相继沦为军国主义的帮凶。为了蒙骗佛教徒去充当侵略战争的炮灰,便挖空心思阉割佛教经典,炮制侵略有理、杀戮无罪的歪理。其中净土真宗和日莲宗表现得尤为恶劣。日莲宗和尚田中智学(1861—1939,东京人)早在中日甲午战争时就组织佛教徒为日军念经祈祷。战后又倡议不尊佛祖而改尊天照大神,鼓吹“必须让日本去统一宇内,让日本最终地永远地成为宇宙人类灵魂之巨镇,世界万邦朝仪的大戒坛,王佛冥合的理想世界。”其狂热的征服世界的邪说,引起了日本右翼政客和少壮派军人的极大兴趣,即由山梨县身延山久远寺的和尚井上…  相似文献   
人类对世界的认识是从身外的天体和动物之类开始的。蒙昧时期的人类智力和生产力同样低下,由于对强大的自然现象不理解,认为冥冥之中必有某种超自然力的东西主宰着宇宙万物,遂把这个主宰者称作神灵,即产生了最初的万物有灵即“神”的观念。起初,人们以特异的动物为神,比如中国的“四灵”(龙、凤、麟和龟)以及西方的太阳神(公狼)和狮身人面像(斯芬克斯)之类。进入文明时期以后,先后取代动物神地位的是被认为具有  相似文献   
Previous work on investor decision making has focused almost exclusively on information specific to the company being judged. Consequently, every decision is viewed as a novel event, disconnected from the investor's existing knowledge. In this study, the analogical reasoning literature provides the theoretical support for arguing that investors frequently utilize existing knowledge as a basis for generating predictions about a company's future. The specific proposal is that investors transfer their existing knowledge via two different forms of analogical reasoning. The first, relational reasoning, is based primarily on structural correspondence between a novel company and an existing schema. The second, literal similarity reasoning, is based primarily on surface correspondence of a novel company and a previously encountered company. Our theoretical framework is tested in a study in which experienced investors predict the outcome of a novel company's strategy after reading about the experiences of other companies who implemented a similar strategy. The results are consistent with the occurrence of both relational and literal similarity reasoning, with relational reasoning emerging as the dominant approach to generating investors' predictions. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of intergroup contact, personality, and demographic characteristics on the intergroup attitudes of police officers, medical doctors and nurses (N=421; 274 females, 147 males). Following the contact hypothesis, intergroup contact in and of itself was not expected to be sufficient for reducing intergroup prejudice, especially in unequal contacts between professionals and their clients. It was argued that the quality of contact required for the improvement of intergroup attitudes is not equal status or emotional closeness of the participants, but rather that of individuation and familiarity of the outgroup member. The results showed that both level of authoritarianism and individuation of an outgroup member affected intergroup attitudes across all types of contact. For authoritarianism, this result did not hold separately for males, but the individuation effect was very stable; those who knew an outgroup member only superficially held more negative intergroup attitudes than those who knew him or her well, even in unequal and non‐voluntary contacts, and even when controlling for authoritarianism, gender, education and professional field. The effect was non‐significant in voluntary contacts. No differences in intergroup attitudes were found between males and females or between the professional groups among males after controlling for authoritarianism. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Cognitive Continuum Theory (CCT) is an adaptive theory of human judgement and posits a continuum of cognitive modes anchored by intuition and analysis. The theory specifies surface and depth task characteristics that are likely to induce cognitive modes at different points along the cognitive continuum. The current study manipulated both the surface (information representation) and depth (task structure) characteristics of a multiple‐cue integration threat assessment task. The surface manipulation influenced cognitive mode in the predicted direction with an iconic information display inducing a more intuitive mode than a numeric information display. The depth manipulation influenced cognitive mode in a pattern not predicted by CCT. Results indicate this difference was due to a combination of task complexity and participant satisfacing. As predicted, analysis produced a more leptokurtic error distribution than intuition. Task achievement was a function of the extent to which participants demonstrated an analytic cognitive mode index, and not a function of correspondence, as predicted. This difference was likely due to the quantitative nature of the task manipulations. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A new method is presented for examining effects of emotion in the detection of change in facial expression of emotion. The method was used in one experiment, reported here. Participants who were induced to feel happiness, sadness, or neutral emotion, saw computerized 100‐frame movies in which the first frame always showed a face expressing a specific emotion (e.g. happiness). The facial expression gradually became neutral over the course of the movie. Participants played the movie, changing the facial expression, and indicated the frame at which the initial expression was no longer present on the face. Emotion congruent expressions were perceived to persist longer than were emotion incongruent expressions. The findings are consistent with previous findings documenting enhanced perceptual processing of emotion congruent information. The value of the current technique, and the types of everyday situations that it might model are discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
互依性与团队协作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互依性是指团队成员在完成作业的过程中相互依赖的程度,分为作业互依性和产出互依性两大类。该文全面的阐述了互依性的概念、分类和测量方法,并重点介绍了20世纪90年代以后有关互依性在团队协作领域中的研究结果。总结发现,两类互依性与很多团队变量均有显著相关,特别是团队的结果变量。在对结果变量的影响上,两类互依性存在交互作用,或互依性与其他变量存在交互作用。文章最后提出了目前研究的局限性,以及未来的研究展望  相似文献   
采用调整后的公共财物范式,将合作分为内部准备阶段(合作意识)和外部表现阶段(合作行为),以中国人人格问卷(QZPS)为工具,研究人格特质结构对合作不同阶段的影响机制。结果表明,(1)在合作的不同阶段,产生影响作用的人格特质因素不同。中国人人格特质中的善良和情绪性直接影响合作意识,行事风格与人际关系因素直接影响合作行为,外向性通过调节合作意识与合作行为的关系影响合作行为。(2)在考虑合作意识与人格特质交互作用的模型能够更好的解释和预测合作行为。文中讨论了在研究合作过程时从个体内部因素、特质以及外部情境等多角  相似文献   
In order to explore cultural differences in child rearing attitudes, we studied 30 Anglo-American mothers and 30 immigrant Chinese mothers in the US, together with their preschool children and the children's teachers. Mothers completed a measure of child rearing attitudes, children were assessed for perceived competence, and teachers rated children's competence. Results showed that immigrant Chinese mothers were more authoritarian overall, as expected from previous research, but that they also were more likely to encourage independence and demand maturity from their children. Chinese-American children scored higher than Anglo-American children on cognitive competence, and their cognitive competence was related to authoritarian child rearing. The results are discussed in the context of Confucian and American cultural values. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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