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<正>8月8日,《中华道藏》(线装本)出版座谈会暨颁赠仪式在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。全国人大常委会原副委员长许嘉璐,中央统战部常务副部长朱维群,国家宗教局局长王作安,中国道教协会会长任法融,国家宗教局办公室主任陈红星、一司司长徐远杰,国家图书馆副馆长陈力,香港道教联合会副主席黄汉翰,香港蓬瀛仙馆副理事长洪少陵,台湾台北指南宫副总干事王樱花,中国社会科学院  相似文献   
在中唐至北宋的儒道复兴运动中,追求合理人间秩序的“外王”之学实与“内圣”之学并行而交叉,自中唐兴起而于北宋中叶大盛的《春秋》学颇能凸显这一思潮线索。本文着重阐发中唐《春秋》学倡明“王道”之要旨及其相关论述,指出,中唐《春秋》学抉发西汉公羊学“天下为公”的微言,于大变动的历史时机重新澄清并确立“大一统”皇权专制的政治宪纲;开始探讨在新的历史条件下士人进行政治实践的思想与行为准则即所谓“时中之道”,以树立新的君子人格;又根据“王道”精神提出振兴唐朝、重建中央集权的具体政治纲领,其“尊王”义恰恰构成对唐皇朝强化中央权威的现实政治路线的批判。中唐《春秋》学所开启的这一“原道”之路,在“大一统”秩序重建并巩固的北宋时代得到回应与延续。  相似文献   
The study examined associations between perceived stress and fat intake, exercise, alcohol consumption, and smoking behaviors. Data were from surveys of 12,110 individuals in 26 worksites participating in the SUCCESS project (D. J. Hennrikus, R. W. Jeffery, & H. A. Lando, 1995), a study of smoking cessation interventions. Linear regression analyses examined cross-sectional associations between stress level and health behaviors. Analyses were stratified by gender and controlled for demographics. High stress for both men and women was associated with a higher fat diet, less frequent exercise, cigarette smoking, recent increases in smoking, less self-efficacy to quit smoking, and less self-efficacy to not smoke when stressed. Stress was not associated with alcohol intake. Findings suggest that the association between stress and disease may be moderated in part by unhealthy behaviors.  相似文献   
Subjective borders are known to behave quite similarly to real borders when the stimulus presents fragments of visually meaningful forms. There is less information on whether this also applies to unfamiliar stimulus elements. Thus, if a dark/bright stimulus border is presented intermittently at certain frequencies below flicker fusion, the bright border enhancement band increases greatly in width and takes on a textured appearance, resembling a halo streaming from the border. The percept is spontaneous and unlike anything experienced in real life. Preliminary observations showed that the effect occurs also at subjective borders. The extent of the halo from the border was measured for various flicker frequencies and compared with similar measurements obtained with real borders. It was found that the extent varies with frequency in an identical manner for real and virtual borders. Also, the halo was judged equal in qualitative appearance for both kinds of border. The striking similarity between virtual and real effects in this respect is best explained in terms of physiological border perception processes, possibly instigated by a cognitive mechanism.  相似文献   
张宁  梅琼林 《学海》2006,(5):60-64
本文将采用框架分析法对日本朝日新闻有关1996年台湾海峡军事]习,和2000年朱钅容基总理访日的报道进行个案分析,从中了解其新闻框架,并简单剖析新闻框架形成的原因和背景。  相似文献   
《京报》是由中国古代朝廷传知朝政的文书抄本发展而来,曾被称为“邸报”、“邸钞”、“朝报”等,到清初始固定报名。《京报》通常被认为是中国古代报纸的最高级形式。本文以天主教和新教传教士对清朝《京报》的翻译为个案,来思考来华传教士在向西方介绍和传播中国的文化情报时所出现的一些值得关注的现象。  相似文献   
清晨,迎着灿烂的朝阳驱车前往镇海寺。虽然刚进入冬季,但这清凉圣地五台山已被晶莹透亮的白雪装扮得更加美丽圣洁。转眼间即至镇海寺脚下,因路滑坡陡,汽车只好停在路边,徒步向上攀登。漫山遍地的皑皑白雪在太阳的照射下熠熠生辉,十分耀眼。再看那碧绿的松枝上好象是盛开着朵朵洁白如玉的圣洁莲花。白色不象红、绿、紫等色那么娇艳,但她给人一种精神上的升华、思  相似文献   
以1700毫秒和2300毫秒为考察时距,采用时距复制任务,对编码阶段的中断位置进行操纵,并记录了14名大学生在进行时距复制任务时编码阶段的事件相关电位(ERP).行为结果发现:分别就1700毫秒和2300毫秒而言,中断位置越靠后,复制时距越短.脑电结果发现:无中断条件的(控制任务1)编码阶段在350~550毫秒和350~1150毫秒的CNV平均波幅分别较中断位置为550毫秒的条件和中断位置为1150毫秒条件显著更高;无中断条件的(控制任务2)编码阶段在350~750毫秒和350~1550毫秒的CNV平均波幅分别较中断位置为750毫秒的条件和中断位置为1550毫秒条件显著更高.这说明了间断编码的时间复制任务中存在期望中断效应且以注意共享机制解释期望中断效应得到了电生理学证据的直接支持.  相似文献   
<正>清代乾隆至道光年间,四川地区先后出了两位道教科仪大师:陈复慧和陈复烜。一、陈复慧著《雅宜集》,编纂《广成仪制》陈复慧,字仲远,号云峰羽客,四川彭山县(古称武阳)人,①乾隆年间青城山道士。著有《雅宜集》,并汇编道教科仪丛书《广成仪制》。《雅宜集》中载有陈复慧嗣派徒张本学、罗本章以及嗣教孙刘合诚之名,可知陈复慧属全真道龙门派传人。  相似文献   
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