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利他惩罚是指个体为惩罚违反社会规范的人而自愿个人支付成本,它在人类合作演化过程中扮演着重要的作用。"认知控制"与"情绪满足"被用来阐述利他惩罚的产生机制。而神经层面的研究也发现,利他惩罚主要涉及以背外侧前额叶皮层为主的基于规则的系统和包括纹状体、内侧前额叶皮层以及脑岛等脑区在内的情绪驱动系统。此外,5-羟色胺、多巴胺等神经递质可能是利他惩罚行为发生的神经生化基础。未来研究除了需进一步深入探讨与整合利他惩罚的发生机制、神经机制、基因机制以外,还应注重利他惩罚在自然情境下的研究。  相似文献   
n-back任务下视觉工作记忆负荷研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实验采用n-back范式,考察了视觉工作记忆负荷与反应时、辨别力和主观评价的关系,以及空间位置记忆负荷与图形记忆负荷的差异。结果发现,随着记忆负荷的增大,反应时延长,辨别力降低,主观负荷提高。视觉图形记忆任务的负荷水平高于视觉空间位置记忆任务的负荷水平;同时也为视觉图形记忆和视觉空间记忆具有不同的加工过程提供了证据。  相似文献   
Fear of being laughed at and family interaction are highly related. Parental over‐control and over‐protection influence children's excessive anxiety over being laughed at. Conversely, parental attachment is an important index of the parent–child relationship and is closely correlated to children's gelotophobia. However, is it the style of parenting or the outcome of parenting (i.e. attachment) that influences a child's gelotophobia? To answer this question, the present study analysed the relationships between gelotophobia, perceived parenting of children and parent–child attachment, as well as the mediating role of attachment between parenting and children's gelotophobia, using a sample of 373 high‐school students. The results show that being highly communicative and close attachment completely weakened the negative correlation between warm, caring parenting and the child's gelotophobia; moreover, being highly communicative and close attachment, together with over‐protective and over‐controlling parenting, influence children's gelotophobia. In sum, this study indicates that parent–child attachment has a direct and indirect influence on perceived parental care and protection and children's fear of being laughed at.  相似文献   
Intrigued by relationship between team motivational context and individual characteristics in the organizational reality, we developed and tested a cross‐level model to investigate the interactive effects of team empowerment and individual goal orientations on individual creative performance through the mediating mechanism of an individual's creative self‐efficacy. Using multi‐wave multi‐source data from 63 R&D teams in three IT companies, we found that (1) team empowerment, individual learning goal orientation, and individual performance orientation are all positively related to individual creative performance through mediation of creative self‐efficacy; (2) learning orientation and performance approach orientation could both supplement the effects of team empowerment on individual creative self‐efficacy. Our findings point to the importance of individual goal orientation in shaping the effects of team motivation climates and provide insights for both scholars and practitioners. The specific practical implications include but are not limited to (1) individuals with learning and performance approach orientations should be identified during hiring procedures given that they could still thrive in less empowered teams and maintain a relatively high level of creative self‐efficacy and creative outcomes; (2) managers should consider assigning employees who are more learning oriented to more empowering and open‐ended tasks in order to obtain better creative results.  相似文献   
谢莹  李纯青  高鹏  刘艺 《心理科学进展》2019,27(6):990-1004
研究以直播营销为背景, 引入产生于通讯领域的社会临场感概念, 在文献归纳分析的基础上首先探讨直播营销环境下社会临场感的内涵和构成; 之后基于从众消费理论通过行为实验的方法探究直播营销中社会临场感影响线上从众消费的认知机制; 进一步, 根据社会临场感理论探讨自我建构和消费者-主播关系强度在此过程中的调节作用; 最后基于社会助长理论, 利用神经科学方法客观性和“过程测量”的优势探索直播营销中社会临场感影响线上从众的情感机制。研究将揭示社会临场感影响线上从众消费行为的机理, 为直播播主和电商卖家提供指导的同时, 帮助消费者了解自我, 以做出更理性的消费决策。  相似文献   
The same social comparison information may be expressed in different ways (e.g. ‘I am better than him’ versus ‘he is worse than me’). The results of four studies indicated that the way social comparison is expressed can affect an individual's satisfaction (i.e. ‘better’ versus ‘worse’). Specifically, in upward comparisons, the expression ‘I am worse than him’ makes individuals feel less satisfied than the expression ‘he is better than me’. In downward comparisons, those who use the expression ‘I am better than him’ are more satisfied than those who use the expression ‘he is worse than me’. The motivation of information processing acted as the mediator.  相似文献   
The study examined how child and parent characteristics, and contextual sources of stress, such as marital conflict predict initial status and trajectories of parent involvement, support, and harsh control, over a 4‐year period in families in Taiwan (= 4,754). Based on Belsky's (1984) ecological model of parenting, three domains predicting parenting were tested, child characteristics (age cohort and gender), father and mother characteristics (education and depressive symptoms), and contextual sources of stress (marital conflict). The study followed two cohorts of children; the younger cohort was followed from first to fourth grade and the older cohort from fourth to seventh grade. Initially, fourth graders reported more parental involvement, support, and harsh control than first graders. However, involvement, support, and harsh control decreased across the 4 years for the older cohort as they transitioned to early adolescence. In the first year, girls reported more parental involvement and support and less harsh control than boys. Across the 4 years, involvement and support increased, and harsh control decreased for boys; whereas involvement stayed the same, support slightly decreased, and harsh control slightly increased for girls. Children whose parents were more educated reported more parent involvement, support, and harsh control in the first year. Children whose fathers were chronically depressed and whose parents were experiencing marital conflict reported decreasing parent involvement and support over the years.  相似文献   
Journal of Religion and Health - Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) health maintenance approach is widespread among the lay public as a tool of health maintenance and disease prevention across the...  相似文献   
Generalized DINA Model(G-DINA)为认知诊断模型提供了一个一般性的理论框架,而高阶诊断模型不仅能描述被试的总体水平,还能描述被试对属性的掌握情况(微观的认知状态)以及被试掌握属性与能力的关系,提供更丰富的信息。如果能把这两者结合起来,可能对实际诊断工作的操作有较大帮助。文章首先对考虑高阶结构的整合性模型——HO-GDINA模型的形式进行讨论,探讨其参数估计EM算法的实现,并用模拟过程对模型的估计精度进行研究,结果验证了HO-GDINA的EM算法的正确性,并且说明该算法对该模型有较高估计精确度。然后用饱和模型在约束条件下的特殊形式HO-DINA模型对"分数减法"这一经典数据进行EM算法参数估计和具体分析,展示了HO-GDINA在实际情况中的具体使用,并与de la Torre之前用MCMC估计算法得到的研究结果做比较,基本一致,进一步表明HO-GDINA模型的参数估计EM算法在实际情境中的特殊形式下仍然适用。  相似文献   
Since the last decades of the 20th century,analytic philosophy has been undermined by many philosophers in many ways.Some have claimed that analytic philosophy effectively ended with Quine's attack on empiricist dogmas,moving in an alternative direction.Others have insisted that it endures,taking a specific approach to philosophical problems inspired by prior speculation.Still others have criticized it based on recent developments in such fields as neuroscience and computer science.Clearly,the present status and the nature of analytic philosophy has been disputed.Several international conferences have recently been held in China to reflect upon,and respond to,these controversies.  相似文献   
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