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本研究将"童年创伤"定义为"个体14岁以前所经历的,站在主体的角度主观感受到的创伤性事件"。采用问卷调查法对302名大学生进行调查,通过定量加定性的方式探索了童年创伤与抑郁之间的关系。相关分析表明:主观童年创伤症状、外向性、抗挫折能力、抑郁之间两两显著相关;结构方程模型表明:主观童年创伤症状通过外向性、抗挫折能力完全、多重中介作用间接预测抑郁。本研究结果在理论和实践层面对大学生抑郁问题的预防和干预工作提供重要的借鉴依据。  相似文献   
徐禕  刘艺璇 《心理科学进展》2021,29(10):1711-1723
在当今知识经济时代, 新技术的采用对于企业提高核心竞争力至关重要。如何使员工面对新技术带来的风险和不确定性, 信任并接受新技术是企业新技术推广的重要问题。现今学界虽已关注到信任在新技术采用这一过程中的积极作用, 但仍缺乏相关的理论和实证研究, 特别是对于其内在心理机制的解释。为弥补这一研究的不足, 本研究通过分析企业新技术推广情境下, 技术信任和领导信任对员工新技术接受的影响, 并引入了感知风险性与技术自我效能感作为中介变量, 探寻信任影响的内在机制。此外, 还进一步探讨企业文化的调节作用, 从而建构信任与企业员工新技术接受的理论模型, 为企业新技术的推广提出合理建议。  相似文献   
李艺  肖风 《心理科学进展》2021,29(10):1887-1900
自动观点采择现象已有很多研究证实, 但其产生机制还存在争议。目前存在内隐心智化与潜心智化两种观点:前者认为自动观点采择是自发采择他人视角的领域特殊加工; 而后者提出自动观点采择实质为反射性注意定向、位置的空间编码等领域一般加工, 模拟了心智化在社会环境中的作用。在内隐心智化和潜心智化可独立或共同运行的基础上, 提出了内隐心智化和潜心智化协同作用模型。未来研究应借助先进的技术手段研究多样的被试群体, 探索自动观点采择的作用机制。  相似文献   
Male and female university students from the United States, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Ecuador, Pakistan, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Turkey read a standardized scenario in which a male professor was accused of sexually harassing a female graduate student. Respondents from individualist countries judged the professor to be guilty of sexual harassment more often than did those from collectivist countries. Women rendered significantly more guilty judgments and assigned more severe punishments to the accused professor than did men. Implications for the individualist–collectivist classification system and cross-cultural research are discussed.  相似文献   
江怡 《世界哲学》2005,(6):57-63
达米特的反实在论意义理论在当代语言哲学中占据重要地位.本文主要分析了他对"意义"和"真"这两个概念的解释,指出他的意义理论完全是一种形式说明,或者说,是对意义理论本身的形式构造.同时,达米特反对用真值条件来解释意义,主要是根据他对"真"这个概念有着不同的理解:他把"真"看作我们在具体场合说出的句子的属性.达米特的思想受到了各方面的批评,他也在这种批评和反批评过程中不断完善自己的思想.  相似文献   
Inhibition of return to occluded objects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since many visual objects are vulnerable to occlusion, an active process that tracks objects behind occluders confers considerable ecological validity to the visual system. We studied this possibility by testing whether inhibition of return can be observed with occluded objects. In our experiments, two moving objects disappeared or reappeared behind occluders while a cue and a probe were presented. Contrary to the results of a previous study (Tipper, Weaver, Jerreat, & Burak, 1994), responses were consistently delayed for the cued object that was occluded when it was cued (Experiment 1), when it was probed (Experiment 2), or both (Experiment 3). These results suggest that attention can select occluded objects that are out of view. Our findings are in line with prior studies that have demonstrated similar perceptual/attentional effects for occluded objects, as well as for visible objects.  相似文献   
The present study compared the effects of environmental enrichment on spatial memory, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) activity, and synaptophysin levels in middle-aged male and female mice. Prior to testing, a subset of 18-month-old male and female C57BL/6 mice was housed with two to three toys and a running wheel in the home cage for up to 29 d. Adult mice (7 mo) of both sexes and the remaining middle-aged mice were group (social) housed, but not exposed to enriching objects. After the enrichment period, all mice were tested in a 1-day version of the Morris water maze, in which both spatial and nonspatial memory were assessed. Immediately after testing, the hippocampus and frontoparietal cortex were dissected, and GAD activity and synaptophysin levels were measured. Environmental enrichment reduced the age-related impairment in spatial acquisition and retention; relative to adult social controls, middle-aged enriched mice were unimpaired, whereas middle-aged social controls were impaired. This reduction was similar in middle-aged males and females. Enrichment did not affect cued memory in either sex. Although hippocampal GAD activity was increased by enrichment in males, all other neurochemical measurements were unaffected by enrichment or aging in either sex. These data suggest that environmental enrichment initiated at middle age can reduce age-related impairments in spatial memory in males and females, although the underlying neurobiological mechanisms of this effect remain unknown.  相似文献   
乐国安  张艺  陈浩 《心理学探新》2012,32(2):146-152
为了深入了解当代大学生的创业意向及其影响因素,研究者以全国30所高校5000多名大学生为被试,对影响大学生创业意向的诸多因素进行了分析。研究发现:当代大学生的创业意向在性别、奖学金获得次数、学生干部经历、出生地上均存在一定差异。大学生主客观条件中的性别、学校性质、创业兴趣、创意能力改善对创业意向有显著影响。创业教育和创业环境认知的引入对于预测大学生的创业意向均有增量效度,能够在个体的主客观条件以外解释个体创业意向的变异。在大学生认知中,影响创业成功的因素主要由客观背景资源、主观能力经验和外部宏观环境3个因子组成,其中主观能力经验的作用排在首位。  相似文献   
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