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以"人类是否对自然承担直接道德义务"的问题为根据,可以将西方环境伦理学划分为非人类中心主义和人类中心主义两种类型。这两种类型的环境伦理学存在尖锐的分歧和激烈的争论背后却具有理论基础、价值立场的一致性。从理论基础的一致性看,它们都割裂自然观与历史观的辩证统一关系,这使得它们不去探讨一定的社会制度和生产方式下人类和自然之间的实际的物质与能量交换关系是如何断裂的,进而把生态危机的本质归结为生态价值观的危机,秉承的都是一种抽象的文化价值决定论;从价值立场的一致性看,它们不仅都是为资本主义制度和生产方式辩护的伦理学,而且漠视人民群众和发展中国家为了消除贫困追求生存的发展权与环境权,是一种以追求"生活质量为导向"的"西方中心主义"的环境伦理学。我国的生态文明理论研究开始于对西方环境伦理学的引进、评介,由此形成借鉴或认同人类中心主义或非人类中心主义两种类型的生态文明理论。随着学术界对西方环境伦理学在理论基础和价值立场上的缺陷的认识更加深入,学术界提出了环境伦理学本土化的理论主张,这也使得学术界开始运用马克思主义关于人与自然关系的理论,在吸收西方环境伦理学积极成果的基础上,建构中国形态的生态文明理论,...  相似文献   
厌恶是人和动物最基本的情绪之一,起源于口腔对苦味(有毒)物质的排斥,常伴有恶心呕吐和远离诱发刺激的强烈愿望,具有回避潜在疾病威胁的功能。大量动物和人类研究表明,催产素、孕激素和雌激素不同程度地影响核心厌恶刺激的感知、核心厌恶情绪的产生与表达、条件性厌恶习得和厌恶表情识别。三种激素主要通过作用于五羟色胺、γ-氨基丁酸、乙酰胆碱和谷氨酸等神经递质受体,调节杏仁核、脑岛、前扣带回、壳核、梨状皮层、额中回等脑区活动,影响厌恶加工。未来研究应当在准确测量激素水平和控制实验任务难度的基础上,探究各激素对不同感觉通道厌恶加工的影响,及其性别的调节作用;同时结合脑成像技术和动物行为学,明确各激素影响厌恶加工的神经内分泌机制。  相似文献   
地方性立法涉及道德与法律的关系,审慎、科学地认识道德与法律的关系在地方性立法中具有十分重要的实践意义,地方性立法应注意区分不同类型的道德,并审慎量度道德立法的必要性与可行性同题.  相似文献   
2006年12月12日中国无神论学会和《科学与无神论》杂志社共同召开了“科学与宗教学术研讨会”。来自自然科学与社会科学的研究部门、大学和新闻单位的专家、学者30余人参加了研讨会。  相似文献   
万毅 《现代哲学》2007,51(1):118-122
该文对唐末五代时期“禅宗五家”之一云门宗创始人文偃的禅学思想进行了初步分析,指出了其宗教哲学的客观唯心主义本质,同时也揭示了其“机锋”的反理性、反逻辑、反知识的特点。  相似文献   
本文以平台被动回避反应为行为模式,采用侧脑室微量注射AVP和GABA能受体激动剂蝇蕈醇(Muscimol)、受体拮抗剂印防己毒素(Picrotoxin),进一步研究了AVP易化记忆巩固效应及与中枢GABA能系统的关系。主要实验结果如下: 1.AVP对被动回避行为模式的学习训练过程无促进作用,但促进了这种行为的记忆巩固过程,注射AVP的动物记忆保持能力显著高于对照组动物,有效剂量为30ng/大鼠。 2.侧脑室注射100ng/大鼠蝇蕈醇后,AVP仍非常显著地保持其行为效应,但注射100ng/大鼠印防己毒素后,AVP的效应已见下降,剂量增至300ng/大鼠后,AVP的效应已被完全消除。 实验结果再次提示,加压素具有促进记忆巩固过程的中枢性效应,脑内GABA能神经元的活动可能参与了这种效应。  相似文献   
王垒  姚真 《心理学报》1997,30(3):264-270
14个小组的大学生共68人参加两种不同的群体工作,其中7组进行开放式问题的讨论,7组进行封闭式问题的讨论。从工作进程、工作模式和工作特点等方面记录群体工作行为:工作进程各阶段所用时间,发言的针对性,发言的连续性,说明问题的方式和深度,群体的意见分歧与支持行为和表达方式。结果表明:封闭式问题需要更多的时间澄清问题并且更多引用例子来阐述观点;讨论开放式问题多采用归纳推理而封闭式问题多采用演绎推理;无论在哪种问题的讨论中,针对个体的发言都显著多于针对整体的发言,而且人们更多地以非言语的方式而不是口头方式表示赞成。本文对以上结果在电视、电话和计算机辅助会议系统设计中的应用作了进一步讨论  相似文献   
本文探讨了脑内GABA能神经元在加压素易化记忆巩固过程中的作用。结果表明,第三天建立实验后立即腹腔注射印防己毒素(picrotoxin,0.5mg/kg),消除了加压素对条件反应消退过程的延缓作用,而注射氨氧乙酸(aminooxy-acetic acid,20mg/kg)获得相反结果。 实验结果提示,脑内GABA能神经元可能参与了加压素对记忆巩固过程的易化作用。  相似文献   
Contingency management procedures resembling the Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) were compared with a conventional lecture method in teaching an introductory psychology course. The use of a within-subjects design in which half of the students experienced both teaching conditions made it possible to examine the reliability of test-score differences over time when subjects were balanced over conditions. In the contingency management course, material was broken down into 14 small units, each unit covering about 30 pages of text. Students were assigned to an undergraduate teaching assistant who was encouraged to develop a close working relationship with each of his/her 13 assigned students. Specifically, this meant that the assistant was to call each student by his/her first name, show an interest in the student's quiz performance, help the student understand difficult concepts, and discuss various topics of interest to the student. Each week, the teaching assistant administered up to four different 10-item multiple-choice quizzes over the week's chapter. A modified “Doomsday Contingency” required each student either to achieve a score of 80% on one of the four quizzes or drop the course. Most students passed the quiz during the first session of the week; those not passing were tutored on special areas of weakness. No student was actually forced to leave the course under the Doomsday Contingency. Although quizzes were administered on a group basis, they were scored individually while the student stood near by. In addition to the weekly quiz assignment, students under the contingency management procedures were asked to attend one lecture per week. The contingency management method departed from traditional PSI in that (1) self pacing was minimal, such that students were required to master one unit per week or drop the course, (2) teaching assistants met with students in small groups, and usually gave individual tutoring only to those students who did not pass the quiz on the first attempt, and (3) students were asked to attend one lecture per week. However, it was similar to PSI in that small units of subject matter were assigned and unit mastery was assessed through use of undergraduate assistants who delivered immediate feedback. Students in the conventional lecture group attended three 50-min lectures each week; two of these lectures followed textbook material closely, while the third, which was attended by all students, concerned material only indirectly related to the text. As a result, students in both conditions were exposed to essentially identical material. Students in the lecture condition could also obtain copies of the unit quizzes, although few did so. Course grades were determined by scores on two 45-item multiple-choice hourly exams, each covering half of the semester material (each worth 25%), and by a 90-item final exam over the entire course (worth 50%). These measures also served as the dependent variables. The experimental design employed a crossover technique in which one fourth of the students began with the contingency management method and then switched to lecture method at midsemester, while another fourth began with the lecture method and switched to contingency management. The other students stayed in the same condition throughout the semester, half under contingency management and half under the lecture method. On the last day of class, all students filled out an extensive questionnaire that assessed their opinions and attitudes about the teaching techniques. In addition to allowing for assessment of any progressive effects that the contingency management procedures might have had over time, the crossover design also permitted students to make meaningful comparisons of the two teaching methods, since half of the students experienced both methods in the same course. Although average test performance was only slightly higher under the contingency management condition, this difference occurred on each exam and was statistically reliable in each case. Further, the method did not interact with time, as it produced about a three-item advantage per half semester. On each of the three exams, teaching method accounted for between 5 and 8% of the total variance in test scores. Finally, attitude measures indicated that students experiencing half a semester of the contingency management procedures preferred them to the lecture technique, but that only those students with a full semester of contingency management rated the course significantly better than students in the full semester lecture course.  相似文献   
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