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当前阅读研究中眼动指标述评   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
文章重点介绍了阅读研究中常用的眼动指标,它们包括注视时间、眼跳、回视和瞳孔直径等,从字和区域这两个方面探讨了这些眼动指标所反映的认知加工过程,以及选择这些指标时应该注意的问题。最后对眼动指标的选择和使用等问题提出了几点看法。  相似文献   
理论思维是人们在认识心理与行为的过程中,借助于概念、判断、推理等思维形式,运用比较、分析、综合、抽象、概括等思维方法,能动地反映客观现实的理性认识过程。心理学史课程的理论性很强,是当前中国高校所开设的心理学专业课程中,最适于培养学生理论思维的课程之一。教师可以在心理学史的教学过程中,利用比较列表法、范畴分析法以及主题式讨论等方法,来培养学生的理论思维。  相似文献   
Nostalgic experience evokes emotions and activates the cognitive process of recalling and reconstructing information in memory. This study investigated the effects of nostalgia on creativity using experiments and questionnaires. Two-hundred-and-eighty university students were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups, in which participants received and completed different writing tasks (nostalgic experience vs. common life experience). They also responded to questionnaires measuring personality, nostalgia proneness, and creativity. Results showed that participants who were primed with nostalgic experience demonstrated higher creativity than the control group. In both groups, women demonstrated higher creativity than men. When specific aspects of the nostalgic experience were used to predict creativity, results showed that: (a) nostalgia triggered by social interaction and negative affect was positively related to creativity; (b) nostalgic experience containing tangibles positively predicted creativity; (c) the total number of triggers and the amount of, but not the positivity or salience of self in, nostalgia narrative contributed positively to creativity; and (d) higher agreeableness and openness, but not nostalgia proneness or other personality traits, were associated with higher creativity. Implications for both research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
The aggregation behavior of Au atoms and atomic islands on silicone oil surfaces has been systematically investigated by analyzing the evolution of surface coverage. The apparent Au surface coverage increases linearly with the nominal film thickness at low thicknesses and the rate of increase is almost independent of deposition flux. However, as the deposition flux increases, the surface coverage goes up linearly. Further analysis reveals that the deposition flux strongly affects the system free-energy of the island-oil system and therefore the aggregation behavior of the Au atoms and islands.  相似文献   
This study examines the mediating role of media indignation, a set of negative emotional reactions to media coverage perceived to have partisan bias, between hostile media perception (HMP) and its consequences in behavioral willingness, more specifically, willingness to engage in discursive activities. It is examined together with a cognitive pathway through individuals' inference on opinion climate. Data from a web-based survey of university students (N = 696) on three controversial issues were analyzed. Findings showed that the degree of perceived partisan bias in mainstream media coverage on an issue was positively related to the intensity of media indignation and levels of incongruity between one's own opinion and perceived majority opinion. Media indignation in turn had a significant and positive effect on willingness to engage in discursive activities across all three issues, mediating the effect of HMP on behavioral willingness, whereas self-majority opinion incongruity did not. Theoretical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   
2002年:中国医疗纠纷处理的重大转折   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
2002年4月1日开始实施的《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》,要求医院对医疗行为与损害的因果关系和不存在医疗过错承担举证责任,一时间,医院对此忿忿不平,百姓对此拍手叫好,4月15日,期待已久的《国务院医疗事故处理条例》缍正式颁布,与1987年颁布的《医疗事故处理办法》相比有了重大改变,中国医疗纠纷的处理在2002年发生了重大转折,对此进行了详细分析,与大多数人的观点不同,认为前者恰恰对医院有利,而后者对医院更为严格。  相似文献   
多元文化的心理咨询与治疗理论刍议   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
随着西方社会人口比例的改变,以及后现代文化思潮的冲击,西方传统心理咨询与治疗理论的局限性日益凸显。多元文化的咨询与治疗理论(MCT理论)就是在这种条件下产生的,它试图弥补传统咨询与治疗理论忽视文化因素的不足。MCT理论认为,应修正传统理论中的文化偏见,在咨询过程中增强文化敏感性。  相似文献   
本文通过对阿根廷神学家斯坎诺内著作的分析,讨论了解放神学的基本脉络,特别指出六八年世界范围内的革命这一事件对解放神学的重大意义,在教会内部则是有着长久历史的社会教义传统本身可以提供对解放神学的支持,这在解放神学的方法论问题上尤为重要,而在方法论上的不同使得第二代解放神学有别于第一代解放神学.最后笔者吁请关注六八年,关注拉丁美洲.  相似文献   
Working memory (WM) and empathy are core issues in cognitive and social science, respectively. However, no study so far has explored the relationship between these two constructs. Considering that empathy takes place based on the others’ observed experiences, which requires extracting the observed dynamic scene into WM and forming a coherent representation, we hypothesized that a sub-type of WM capacity, i.e., WM for biological movements (BM), should predict one’s empathy level. Therefore, WM capacity was measured for three distinct types of stimuli in a change detection task: BM of human beings (BM; Experiment 1), movements of rectangles (Experiment 2), and static colors (Experiment 3). The first two stimuli were dynamic and shared one WM buffer which differed from the WM buffer for colors; yet only the BM conveyed social information. We found that BM-WM capacity was positively correlated with both cognitive and emotional empathy, with no such correlations for WM capacity of movements of rectangles or of colors. Thus, the current study is the first to provide evidence linking a specific buffer of WM and empathy, and highlights the necessity for considering different WM capacities in future social and clinical research.  相似文献   
追问“什么”是欧洲形而上学的核心,它真正追问的乃是人与自然的关系,也就是在理性观照下,事物在不同层次上的显现与本质。事物的这种显现与本质,既是它们的存在,也是关于它们的知识。但是,对于列维纳斯来说,在人与自然的关系之前,尚有人与他人的关系。这种关系外于“知识”,外于“存在”。因为它是自由者间的关系,他者不可由“我”来显现、观照,是完全异于“我”的。因此,人与人之间首先是伦理-道德的关系,而不是知识的关系。在这个意义上,伦理-道德外于、高于知识。然而,对于人这种有限存在者来说,他的一切知识,实质上都是对“不断(的经验事物)”的一种断,都是在不全处作出全的论断。因此,知识实乃包含着自由与责任于自身。换言之,伦理-道德也在知识中,知识实际上也是事物的一种自由的存在。因此,存在论-知识论与伦理学之关系,是否如列维纳斯所认为的那样,仍值得深究。  相似文献   
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