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采用注意焦点、任务转换、强制刷新三种任务范式分别测量了60岁以上老年人和20岁左右年轻人的注意焦点功能、内容调控功能、任务管理功能.分析三种工作记忆中央执行功能的年龄差异.结果发现:1.注意焦点没有表现出明显的年龄差异;任务转换和强制刷新成绩在青年和老年被试之间差异显著.2.注意焦点成绩与任务转换成绩.强制刷新成绩之间无显著相关,任务转换成绩与强制刷新成绩呈现中度相关.研究结果表明,工作记忆的执行功能是一个包括多种相对独立子成分的系统,不同执行功能老化轨迹不尽相同.  相似文献   
企业员工的组织支持感   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
采用实证研究的方法探讨了企业员工组织支持感的结构维度及其与相关行为变量的关系。研究表明,我国员工组织支持感的因素结构不同于西方的单维结构,而是包括工作支持、员工价值认同和关心利益的三维度结构模型。组织支持感对感情承诺和利他行为具有积极的影响作用。程序公平影响组织支持感的形成  相似文献   
This article proposes an approach to modelling partially cross‐classified multilevel data where some of the level‐1 observations are nested in one random factor and some are cross‐classified by two random factors. Comparisons between a proposed approach to two other commonly used approaches which treat the partially cross‐classified data as either fully nested or fully cross‐classified are completed with a simulation study. Results show that the proposed approach demonstrates desirable performance in terms of parameter estimates and statistical inferences. Both the fully nested model and the fully cross‐classified model suffer from biased estimates of some variance components and statistical inferences of some fixed effects. Results also indicate that the proposed model is robust against cluster size imbalance.  相似文献   
社会规范的跨文化比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对中、日、美三国的社会规范进行了比较研究。被试为北京1434人,大阪608人,洛杉矶1409人。在3方共同研讨基础上编制了统一的调查问卷,共67个项目。采用SPSS 10.0软件对结果进行了多元统计、解析。结果表明:(1)三国国民的社会规范的基本维度是一致的,包括伦理道德、价值取向、法律规章和社会习俗4个维度。其中,伦理道德和价值取向组成内控规范,法律规章和社会习俗组成外控规范。(2)中日两国的社会规范都是以内控规范为主,外控规范为辅。中国人在内控规范中,以伦理道德为主,价值取向为次;在外控规范中,法律规章为主,社会习俗为辅。而日本人的内控规范中却以价值取向为主,伦理道德为辅。(3)美国人的社会规范以外控为主,内控为辅。在外控的两大维度中,法律规章为主,社会习俗为次;在内控规范中,以价值取向为主,伦理道德为辅。尽管三国之间有着相同的规范维度,但组成各规范维度的具体规范,既有超越特定文化的共同规范,又存在着依存于特定文化的特殊规范。社会规范的文化差异是导致管理冲突的根本原因。  相似文献   
向玲  王宝玺  张庆林 《心理学报》2012,44(9):1149-1159
本研究采用时间估计任务, 利用高时间分辨率的ERP技术, 试图从时间进程上窥探行为调节的认知神经机制。该时间估计任务提供了指导行为调节的反馈信息有三类:时间估计的准确性、时间估计的不准确方向和不准确程度。行为结果表明, 被试根据前次时间估计的对错、不准确的方向和程度进行相应的调整。脑电成分发现, FRN对于时间估计的对、错敏感, 对时间估计的不准确的方向和程度不敏感, 显示FRN提供了粗略的、需要做出行为调节的早期预警信号; 相反, P300能够区别时间估计上不准确的方向和程度, 结合行为数据, 显示P300反映的是整合不同的信息来更新行为表征, 从而引导被试做出不同方向和不同程度的调节。这些结果表明, 行为调节的认知神经基础可能由两个阶段组成:早期传递需要做出行为调节的预警信号阶段和晚期整合信息来更新行为表征从而指导行为调节的阶段。  相似文献   
辅助生殖技术(Assisted Reproduction Technique,ART)的飞速发展给社会带来了复杂的伦理难题.实践证明,只有发挥伦理委员会作为一个工作机构的职能,在医患人群中加强ART技术基本原理及相关伦理原则的宣传教育,才能促使医患人群都能够自觉遵守优良的医学伦理道德规范,保证人类辅助生殖技术的健康发展.  相似文献   
卢海陵  杨洋  王永丽  张昕  谭玲 《心理学报》2021,53(12):1376-1392
感知能力不被领导信任是信任研究的重要内容。已有研究普遍认为感知不被领导信任会对员工的自我产生不利影响。相反, 传统领导方式“激将法”则认为领导的不信任可以刺激员工展现更好的自我。为了解释上述矛盾, 本研究基于自我评价理论和心理逆反理论, 采用实验研究和多源多时间点问卷调查研究方法, 探讨了感知能力不被领导信任对员工自我的“双刃剑”效应及边界条件。研究结果表明, 当员工感知领导能力较强时, 感知能力不被领导信任会通过降低员工的工作效能感削弱员工的工作努力和绩效表现; 当员工感知领导能力较弱时, 感知能力不被领导信任会通过增强员工证明自我能力动机提升员工的工作努力和绩效表现。  相似文献   
为探讨3~5岁幼儿职业声望认知及职业声望垂直空间、大小双重隐喻的发展规律,研究采用将高声望职业人物和低声望职业人物图片放置垂直空间的上方/下方和大/小的人物剪影图片的任务操作。通过2个实验及综合分析结果发现:3岁幼儿职业声望隐喻理解能力开始萌芽,高职业声望为“上”的正极概念隐喻开始出现; 4岁幼儿职业声望隐喻理解能力得到发展,已形成高职业声望为“上”、“大”,低职业声望为“下”、“小”的双重隐喻能力; 5岁幼儿职业声望的双重隐喻能力进一步加强。研究揭示:3~5岁幼儿对职业声望的隐喻加工存在正极优势。幼儿对职业声望的垂直空间和大小双重隐喻理解能力的发展不同步,职业声望的垂直空间隐喻发展优于大小隐喻。  相似文献   
Researchers have gone beyond identity status and been putting more and more emphases on the dynamic process of identity development and its contextual embeddedness. Study of individual’s adaptation to the multicultural background is a good point of penetration. Because of the differences in regional conditions and cultural traditions, the minority youths who go to university in the mainstream culture would have special experiences and challenges in the development of their self-identities. Semi-structured interview and narrative were used in this research to discover the characteristics of the self-identity constructing processes of Mongolian undergraduates in a Shanghai university context. Their identity constructing process could be divided into three stages: difference-detecting, self-doubting and self-orienting. The main efforts of identity constructing in each stage could all be described as self-exploring and support-seeking. Special contents of internal explorations and sources of support were distinguished at different stages. As relative results, three main types of self-orientation were revealed: goal-oriented, self-isolated and unreserved assimilated. The characteristics of them are quite similar to those of three identity processing styles proposed by Berzonsky, which indicates there are some common elements lying in all self-development processes of adolescences and young adults. Ethnicity and culture could be background and resource or what Côté called identity capital that impacts the special course of self-identity constructing under similar principles. Different attitudes towards and relationships with their own ethnicity and new surroundings separated the three types of students from each other and interacted with the developmental characteristics and tendencies of their ethnicity identifications and self identities. It was found that minority youths’ self-identity constructing was based on their needs of self-value and interacted with their ecological niche constructing. Take ethnicity attachment and ethnicity responsibility as a typical example: the setting up of bi-direction relationship between individuals and their ethnicity (or other identity-related factors) was very important for minority youths to expand and integrate themselves. We also presented in detail our methodological exploring process so as to illuminate the limitation of traditional methods and the necessity and importance of methodological reform. Methodologically, both emic and etic positions were taken, interview and narrative approaches were adopted and individual angle of analysis was kept in the research. They were all proved to be effective to provide insight into the dynamic process of self identity constructing.  相似文献   
系统性红斑狼疮是一种复杂的自身免疫性疾病,本文试从系统论中的整体性、层次性、动态性、目的性原理来阐述SLE分类标准的变迁,揭示系统性思维对于正确把握SLE分类标准的重要性,临床诊疗决策中系统论的运用具有重要意义.  相似文献   
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