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青少年学校归属感问卷编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究在开放式问卷与相关研究基础上,编制了学校归属感初始问卷。对240名学生初始测试后进行探索性因素分析,然后对440名学生的正式测验结果进行验证性因素分析。结果表明学生归属感问卷包括四个维度:同伴关系,教师支持,规章制度,硬件设施。验证性因素分析后各个数据均达到可接受水平,四维度模型拟合度较好。问卷具有良好的信度与效度,可以作为青少年学校归属感水平的测量工具。  相似文献   
Using a speeded retrieval procedure, we investigated time-of-day effects in automatic and controlled retrieval. Morning-type adults were tested at either peak (early morning) or off-peak (late afternoon) times on a speeded implicit (Experiment 1) or explicit (Experiment 2) stem completion task. In Experiment 1, retrieval strategies were identified by changes in response speed between a practice phase with rapid retrieval and an implicit memory test phase. Performance based on controlled retrieval (shown by slowdown participants) showed more priming at peak than at off-peak times of day, a finding confirmed in Experiment 2, in which the participants were given intentional retrieval instructions when the materials switched. In contrast, performance based on automatic retrieval (shown by nonslowdown participants) did not differ across peak and off-peak times. The finding suggests a robust synchrony effect in controlled retrieval, but not in automatic retrieval, which does not appear to vary across the day.  相似文献   
Children are immature in face recognition, particularly in face configural decoding. This study examines the developmental difference of face recognition in another mechanism: viewpoint transformation processing. Adults and sixth‐grade children were instructed to match a series of one‐tone black face silhouettes to their corresponding front‐view faces. This task involves sophisticated calculation in pictorial information, precise viewpoint transformation, and most probably a 3‐D face representation. The results showed that although the performances were well above chance level in the recognition of familiar faces, for children, they were at chance level in the recognition of unfamiliar faces. The results indicate that children, at least to the age of about 12 years, are still immature in the processing of face viewpoint transformation compared to adults.  相似文献   
随着网络教学和视频学习的普及, 近期大量研究关注视频学习过程中教师角色的作用。真人教师对学习的作用存在不同的理论解释:准社会交往理论、社会存在理论和社会代理理论支持真人教师能够促进学习; 而多媒体学习认知理论、认知负荷理论等则认为教师的存在会阻碍视频学习。汇总以往实证研究发现:第一, 教师对视频学习效果有比较弱的促进效应, 这主要体现在保持测验(d = 0.23)和迁移测验(d = 0.1)中; 第二, 教师对视频学习主观体验的影响主要体现在学习感知(d = 0.49), 学习兴趣(d = 0.5)和学习满意度(d = 2.21)上, 显示中等及大的效应; 第三, 教师的存在会降低学习者对视频学习材料的注视时间(d = -2.02)。未来研究仍需要从真人教师呈现方式、学习者特征、学习材料特征以及测量方式等方面加以探讨。  相似文献   
语意好恶度在人物观感研究中构成的系统性偏差   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵志裕  杨中芳 《心理学报》1989,22(3):110-114
本研究要旨在探讨问卷中题目的语意好恶度在人物观感研究中所构成的系统性偏差效应。被试为87名大学生。他们需要评定如果要在某一项专业上有优良的表现,哪些性格特征会比较重要。我们把被试随机地分成三组,然后指示每一组被试分别就三种性质很不同的专业的其中一种评鉴121项性格特征的重要性。跟着我们采用每一性格特征的重要度评分与它的语意好恶值进行了一连串的相关分析。结果发现性格特征形容词的语意好恶度可能会对被试在人物观感研究中的评分构成系统性偏差的。最后笔者针对这研究结果引申出来的方法问题提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
杨晓春 《世界宗教研究》2011,(3):118-131,194
清末民初发生在中国回族穆斯林和基督教传教士之间的"回耶对话",是历史上文明对话研究的生动个案。而促成两方积极对话的《回教考略》(《四教考略》有关伊斯兰教部分的单行本)一书,则是其中尤其值得关注的关节点。通过《回教考略》的出版以及版本状况的查询、《回教考略》对伊斯兰教批评的具体状况的分析、回族穆斯林学者针对《回教考略》有所反响的八个个案的收集(在回族穆斯林学者中有相当的代表性),我们可以认识到《回教考略》一书在引起回族穆斯林学者注意到并起而反驳基督教对伊斯兰教的批评等方面都有着重要的影响。而从文明对话的角度进行分析,我们还可以看到围绕着《回教考略》的回耶对话的一些特点:其一,这一回耶对话总体上是因为基督教对伊斯兰教的明确批评及试图传教引起的,回族穆斯林学者对基督教方面所描述的有关伊斯兰教内容的辩驳和对基督教的批评,具有必然性;其二,对于伊斯兰教方面而言,这一回耶对话有着相当的"卫教"色彩;其三,虽然当时基督教处于一种主动的且是强势的地位,但这一次回耶之间的对话,却大抵是在一种平等的关系下进行的。  相似文献   
采用项目法定向遗忘的研究范式,在两个实验中分别采用文字和图片材料考察了情绪性记忆定向遗忘的效果及其心理机制。实验中采用了中性和负性两种实验材料,设置了两种记忆指令出现时间(2秒后提示和5秒后提示),相对于中性材料,被试更不容易忘记负性材料。记忆指令出现的时间只影响图片材料的定向遗忘。研究表明负性情绪会干扰定向遗忘,选择性编码理论可以解释情绪性文字材料的定向遗忘,而抑制理论更能解释情绪性图片材料的定向遗忘效应。  相似文献   
赵玉杰  高扬  周欣悦 《心理学报》2020,52(7):909-920
本文通过两个研究探讨天气状况和空气污染对诚信行为的影响。研究1通过重新分析Cohn,Maréchal,Tannenbaum和Zünd(2019)在全球范围内对诚信行为的研究数据,发现了天气状况和空气污染对诚信行为的影响;研究2通过准实验的研究方法,在3所高校进行了丢钱包的实验并记录当天天气和空气污染状况。两项研究共同表明:(1)在非晴朗的天气下,人们会做出更多的不诚信行为;(2)空气污染越严重,人们越有可能出现不诚信的行为。  相似文献   
The other-race effect refers to the difficulty of discriminating between faces from ethnic and racial groups other than one’s own. This effect may be caused by a slow, feature-by-feature, analytic process, whereas the discrimination of own-race faces occurs faster and more holistically. However, this distinction has received inconsistent support. To provide a critical test, we employed Systems Factorial Technology (Townsend & Nozawa in Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 39, 321–359, 1995), which is a powerful tool for analyzing the organization of mental networks underlying perceptual processes. We compared Taiwanese participants’ face discriminations of both own-race (Taiwanese woman) and other-race (Caucasian woman) faces according to the faces’ nose-to-mouth separation and eye-to-eye separation. We found evidence for weak holistic processing (parallel processing) coupled with the strong analytic property of a self-terminating stopping rule for own-race faces, in contrast to strong analytic processing (serial self-terminating processing) for other-race faces, supporting the holistic/analytic hypothesis.  相似文献   
Although the value of relational benefits has been recognised in customer relationship management, the impact of these benefits on loyalty behaviours is yet to be investigated in the context of loyalty clubs. Little is known why some loyalty programmes outperform others. By using both qualitative and quantitative research approaches, this research developed and estimated a conceptual model that describes the interaction of key relational benefits and their contributions to customer loyalty in a set of milk formula customer clubs in China. Data were collected from 300 Chinese infant milk formula buyers, including both customer club members and nonmembers. This study confirms that the customer‐confidence benefits and identity‐related benefits precede other loyalty rewards and strengthen other loyalty incentives in a loyalty programme. The economic benefits and information‐sharing benefits play a mediating role and contribute directly to customer loyalty. The findings of this research help better understand the mechanism behind loyalty behaviours in customer clubs.  相似文献   
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