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杨姿芳 《现代哲学》2008,(1):124-128
孟子是先秦儒家学派的重要代表人物,其德育思想主要表现为:通过创立性善论建立了道德教育的理论基础;把仁义统一为道德教育的核心内容;强调自我教育是德育的关键环节;推崇诗意的理想人格从而达到以德治国的政治目的.  相似文献   
人格特征是导致社会偏见产生的影响因素之一.文章介绍了与此相关的两种理论模型--"独裁主义人格理论"和"双过程动机模型"的主要观点和实证依据,并对其中的争议及未来的发展方向进行梳理和展望.  相似文献   
随机抽取80名大学生参与实验,采用DRM(Deese-Roediger-Mcdermott)范式,探讨了激活水平和呈现方式对错误记忆的影响。结果发现:(1)在随机呈现条件下,关键诱饵的错误再认率显著低于分组呈现条件,但学过项目的正确再认率在两种条件下无差异。(2)在高激活水平条件下,学过项目的正确再认率明显低于低激活水平条件,但关键诱饵的错误再认率在两种激活条件下的差异不够明显。这表明,呈现方式对关键诱饵的错误再认率有显著影响,而激活水平的影响则不显著。由此可知,人们的记忆可以在没有任何外界信息干扰的情况下因内在联想过程而自发地发生改变。  相似文献   
自发性知觉经络反应(autonomous sensory meridian response,ASMR)是指在特定的视听刺激下,某些个体(ASMR敏感个体)在头皮后部、颈部乃至全身体验到一种令人极度愉快和放松的刺麻感的现象。其中,刺麻感的产生可能是个体大脑中负责感觉和肌肉运动的脑区高度激活引起的; 而与情绪和奖赏有关脑区的高度激活以及心率和呼吸频率的下降可能是产生愉快和放松感的重要原因。相比普通个体,ASMR敏感个体具有较高的神经质、共情特质、感觉受暗示性和特质正念。这可能说明ASMR敏感个体的感觉敏感性较高,情绪稳定性较弱,且比较关注自己身体的内外感受。这些个性特质可能导致ASMR敏感个体对某些视听刺激中所包含的一些感觉和情绪信息更加敏感,对其反应也更加强烈。目前,ASMR已经被用于抑郁,压力,失眠和慢性疼痛等的临床治疗以及商业广告之中。但ASMR可能会干扰个体的执行功能,在认知控制需求较高的情景下应尽量避免接触ASMR刺激。  相似文献   
前瞻记忆是指现在对将来某一段时间要做的行为的记忆。采用情绪图片作为诱发材料,研究了在情绪刺激下前瞻记忆任务以及前瞻记忆TAP效应的影响。结果表明:不同情绪效价主效应显著,正性情绪组成绩显著高于中性情绪组和负性情绪组; 前瞻记忆TAP效应在正性情绪和中性情绪下显著,负性情绪下部分显著; 在不同情绪效价影响下,语义—语义组、语义—知觉组、知觉—知觉组以及知觉—语义组的前瞻记忆成绩差异均存在统计学意义。  相似文献   
研究了条件反射性抗体反应增强模型的建立。被试为49只雄性成年Wistar大鼠,采用糖精水作为条件性刺激,一种蛋白抗原卵清蛋白作为非条件性刺激配对给予大鼠,两者结合后,在初次抗体应答下降阶段再次单独给予条件刺激,用酶联免疫吸附法分时段检测抗体水平的变化。发现条件组在条件刺激后15,20,25天左右抗体水平明显高于对照组。这一过程与初次抗体应答的规律类似。这些结果证实经一次条件训练,单独给予条件刺激能诱导出明显的条件反射性抗体反应增高。  相似文献   
后现代主义思潮影响下的自我研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
后现代主义思潮的兴起使自我研究重新受到重视。后现代主义思潮影响下的自我研究将出现新的特征:从传统的个人主义取向的概念界定转向从社会和个人双重取向的概念界定;从单纯重视自我的稳定性研究转向将自我的稳定性与可变性结合;从重视自我发展的一般规律研究到重视文化对自我发展的影响。  相似文献   
Unimanual left-right responses to up-down stimuli show a stimulus-response compatibility (SRC) effect for which the preferred mapping varies as a function of response eccentricity. Responses made in the right hemispace and, to a lesser extent, at a midline position, are faster with the up-right/down-left mapping than with the up-left/down-right mapping, but responses made in the left hemispace are faster with the up-left/down-right mapping. Also, for responses at the midline position, the preferred mapping switches when the hand is placed in a supine posture instead of the more usual prone posture. The response eccentricity effect can be explained in terms of correspondence of asymmetrically coded stimulus and response features, but it is not obvious whether the hand posture effect can be explained in a similar manner. The present study tested the implications of a hypothesis that the body of the hand provides a frame of reference with respect to which the response switch is coded as left or right. As was predicted by this hand referent hypothesis, Experiment 1 showed that the influence of hand posture (prone and supine) on orthogonal SRC was additive with that of response location. In Experiment 2, the location of the switch relative to the hand was varied by having subjects use either a normal grip in which the switch was held between the thumb and the index finger or a grip in which it was held between the little and the ring fingers. The magnitudes of the mapping preferences varied as a function of the grip and hand posture in a manner consistent with the hand referent hypothesis.  相似文献   
Yang Z  Shimpi A  Purves D 《Perception》2002,31(8):925-942
The motion of objects that are both translating and rotating can be decomposed into an infinite number of translational and rotational combinations. How, then, do such stimuli routinely elicit specific percepts and behavioral responses that are usually appropriate? A possible answer is that motion percepts are fully determined by the probability distributions of all the possible correspondences and differences in the stimulus sequence. To test the merits of this conceptual framework, we investigated the perceived motion elicited by a line that is both translating and rotating behind an aperture. When stimuli are presented such that a particular sequence of appearance and disappearance occurs at the aperture boundary, subjects report that the line is rotating only; furthermore, the perceived centers of rotation appear to describe a cycloidal trajectory, even when one aperture shape is replaced by another. These and other perceptual effects elicited by translating and rotating stimuli are all accurately predicted by the probability distribution of the possible sources of the physical movements, supporting the conclusion that motion perception is indeed generated by a wholly probabilistic strategy.  相似文献   
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