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诺贝尔生理学或医学奖已有百余年历史,其间遗传学获奖项目运用了很多实验材料。它们有的已淡出人们的视线;有的还在使用,并频繁获奖;呈现出此起彼伏、交相更迭的"诺贝尔医学奖实验材料更替现象"。本文旨在探讨与诺贝尔生理学或医学奖相关的遗传学实验材料更替现象,总结其更替规律,并在此基础上预测其选用趋势。  相似文献   
以事观之,主要是从"事"这一角度出发来对人和世界加以理解,而不是对"事"本身做出某种终极的哲学论述。现实世界与真实存在的生成过程,与人所从事的多样活动——人所作的多样之事——无法相分。西方没有类似"事"这样的概念,这表明了中国哲学的独特意义:中国哲学包含不少其他文化传统所缺乏的概念,后者有助于我们更深入地理解现实世界和人类生活。就意识层面而言,作为意识主体的自我和作为反观对象的自我之间的关联,实在地发生于做事过程。在事的展开过程中,知识与价值的问题密切联系在一起,做事既需要解决做什么的问题,也需要解决怎么做的问题。从事的角度来看,儒道两家的理想人格呈现出不同特点。道家以自然为第一原则,主张"为无为",儒家则更重视参与活动的合目的性。从事的角度来理解世界和人,既着眼于大的哲学问题,也关注于伦理学、语言哲学等具体领域的思考。  相似文献   
汉语词汇产生中音、形、义三种信息激活的时间进程   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
采用图-词干扰范式和图片命名方法,探讨语音、语义、字形在汉语词汇产生中激活的时间进程与特点。选择与目标图片名称(如“羊”)具有同音(“阳”)、语义相联(“牛”)、字形相似(“丰”)或无关控制(“冷”)等四种关系的干扰字,依SOA条件呈现在将要被命名的图片上,发现图片命名时间受干扰字的影响:语义干扰效应存在于较早期的SOA(0ms)条件中,在较晚期SOA(150ms)时有很大的减弱;语音促进效应和字形促进效应同时强烈地存在于早期和晚期SOA。实验发现了词条选择(语义激活)和音位编码(语音提取)在激活时间上的重叠现象,与传统的独立两阶段模型的预期存在明显矛盾,倾向于支持交互作用理论的观点。  相似文献   
为证明年龄对老化的标识作用,研究假设降低被试的主观年龄可减少老年人的主观老化体验。采取实验组控制组前测后测设计,以主观年龄为自变量,分为"等于年代年龄"(控制组)和"小于年代年龄10±5岁"(实验组)两种水平,随机分配至两组的62名老年被试填写《个人老化体验问卷》,评估其主观老化体验。结果显示,实验组在后测中的主观老化体验不仅显著低于本组前测,也显著低于控制组,且这一结果不受被试最初自评的主观年龄影响。原假设得到证明,支持年龄对老化的标识作用。年龄标识对老化意义的简单化建构了世俗的绝对老化观。  相似文献   
为考查观察者公正敏感性对不公正信息加工(注意、解释)的影响,该研究开展了两个实验研究。在实验一中,让被试观看不公正影片剪辑或中性剪辑后,要求他们完成视觉探测任务,判断探测刺激是在不公正词汇还是中性词汇的左边或右边;在实验二中,让被试对一个模糊的暗含不公正意义的影片剪辑中的主角进行公正性评价。结果表明,当被试不公正概念被激活后,观察者公正敏感性高的被试比观察者公正敏感性低的被试对不公正信息的注意加工更集中和更自动,同时他们对模糊的信息解释为更不公正。  相似文献   
In four samples of adults, individual income was negatively associated with a measure of prefrontal cortex dysfunction even after implementing controls for age, sex, and education. The small association was stronger for men than for women. These results provide support for a neuroeconomic approach to the study of micro-economic variables.  相似文献   
In a replication study, purchasing books online by 137 state college students was predicted by computer/Internet skills.  相似文献   
We explored infants’ ability to recognize the canonical colors of daily objects, including two color-specific objects (human face and fruit) and a non-color-specific object (flower), by using a preferential looking technique. A total of 58 infants between 5 and 8 months of age were tested with a stimulus composed of two color pictures of an object placed side by side: a correctly colored picture (e.g., red strawberry) and an inappropriately colored picture (e.g., green-blue strawberry). The results showed that, overall, the 6- to 8-month-olds showed preference for the correctly colored pictures for color-specific objects, whereas they did not show preference for the correctly colored pictures for the non-color-specific object. The 5-month-olds showed no significant preference for the correctly colored pictures for all object conditions. These findings imply that the recognition of canonical color for objects emerges at 6 months of age.  相似文献   
Facial electromyography (EMG) is a useful physiological measure for detecting subtle affective changes in real time. A time series of EMG data contains bursts of electrical activity that increase in magnitude when the pertinent facial muscles are activated. Whereas previous methods for detecting EMG activation are often based on deterministic or externally imposed thresholds, we used regime-switching models to probabilistically classify each individual’s time series into latent “regimes” characterized by similar error variance and dynamic patterns. We also allowed the association between EMG signals and self-reported affect ratings to vary between regimes and found that the relationship between these two markers did in fact vary over time. The potential utility of using regime-switching models to detect activation patterns in EMG data and to summarize the temporal characteristics of EMG activities is discussed.  相似文献   
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