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武当山金殿四周围绕的148根青铜栏杆是明万历年间(1573-1619)由云南昆明及附近地区的“奉道信士”捐资铸造,专程运至武当山组装而成。从铭文的内容来看,明万历年间云南的真武信仰已很兴盛,尤以昆明地区为最;信仰之人遍及社会各阶层;其信仰带有明显的功利性和现实性。  相似文献   
Mitroff等人的研究发现了OSPBs效应量反映的客体运动方式与主观报告结果相分离的现象,并以两可刺激情景或实体性原则违背假设对该现象作了解释。本文以3个实验与其研究进行了商榷。结果表明,两可刺激情景与实体性违背均不能解释上述分离现象(实验1);其实验范式中混入了距离因素(实验2与实验3)和方位朝向因素(实验1)。基于本研究的结果,笔者认为Mitroff等人的OSPBs效应是由距离效应和方位倾斜效应所致,即可能主要反映了基于空间的选择性注意的影响,而不能以客体表征连续性加以解释。  相似文献   
该研究通过事件性质、重要程度和主体相关性对贝叶斯推算、判断的影响,探索了贝叶斯推理中的情绪启发式现象,结果表明:1)在贝叶斯推算中,事件重要程度不同,后验概率值的事件性质的主效应显著性不同,事件性质与主体相关性交互作用的显著性不同,但主体相关性的主效应均为不显著;2)在贝叶斯判断中,事件重要程度不同,事件性质和主体相关性在判断上的效果不同;3)在贝叶斯推理中,情绪启发式致使个体的推断结果具有某种系统化的倾向.  相似文献   
人类增强技术作为利用高新技术提高人类机体功能或能力的一种技术干预手段,是对人类身体进行的一种技术上的改变,这必然在“人是什么”、社会公平、安全与自主权等方面引发一定的社会伦理问题。而这正是对“人是目的,而不仅仅是手段”这一绝对律令的违背。由此需要对人类增强技术进行全面的评估,从坚守“增强底线原则”、相关法规的制定和加强伦理审查等方面采取有效对策,预防或减少不良后果的产生。这样才能保证人类增强技术的发展做到有效性与合理性、真理性与价值性、安全性与效益性的完美统一。  相似文献   
朝觐是穆斯林的五大宗教功课之一。新中国成立以来,特别是改革开放后,随着我国经济社会不断发展和人民生活水平不断提高,参加有组织朝觐人数不断增加,近年来我国每年的朝觐人数均在一万人以上。这是我国较大规模的常态性涉外宗教活动,组织好我国穆斯林的朝觐活动,是贯彻党的宗教信仰自由政策的具体举措,事关民族团结、社会稳定、国家安全和我国的国际形象。  相似文献   
A combined working memory/repetition priming task was administered to 13 young (mean age 23) and 13 elderly (mean age 69) adults. Each participant memorized a sample target face at the beginning of a trial and then determined whether each of 13 serially presented test faces matched the sample target. In each trial, both the target and one particular distracter face were repeated during the test phase. Within-trial repetition priming effects indicated the contribution of implicit memory to task performance. Response times decreased as items were tested repeatedly within a trial, but this decrement was greater for distracters than for targets. Young and older participants were equally accurate at identifying targets, but elderly were slightly less accurate for distracters. Elderly participants showed repetition priming effects for both targets and distracters, while the young showed such effects only for distracters. The results suggest that active maintenance in working memory, but not inhibition or rejection of distracters, may suppress implicit memory systems.  相似文献   
In a large sample of 722 community residents, scores on the Frontal Systems Behavior Scale were significantly associated with age, sex, and education, indicating that scores were higher for men, younger participants, and less educated participants.  相似文献   
Chiou WB  Yang CC 《Adolescence》2006,41(164):723-737
In this study, modeling advantage that depicts the likelihood of a teacher model being imitated by students over other competing models in a particular class was developed to differentiate the rival modeling of two kinds of teachers (the technical teachers vs. the lecturing teachers) between college students' learning styles and occupational stereotypes in the collaborative teaching of technical courses. Results of a one-semester longitudinal study indicated that the students perceived a greater modeling advantage of the technical teachers than that of the lecturing teachers. Both the students' learning styles and occupational stereotypes were in accordance with those teachers as their role models. In general, the impact of the teachers' learning styles and occupational stereotypes on students appeared to be mediated by the teachers' modeling advantage. Administrators and curriculum designers should pay attention to the fact that the technical teachers appeared to exhibit greater modeling effects than the lecturing teachers in collaborative teaching.  相似文献   
Beckert T  Strom R  Strom P  Yang CT  Shen YL 《Adolescence》2005,40(159):475-488
Education for parents was recently mandated in Taiwan and presents a challenge to the schools. The purpose of this study was to determine how two generations perceive parenting strengths and learning needs. Taiwanese mothers of 10- to 14-year-olds (n=209) and their adolescent children (n=201) completed the Parent Success Indicator. Generational reports were compared, and effects of independent variables were examined. The amount of time mothers spent talking to and doing things with their adolescents had the greatest influence on how both groups rated mother success. Unfavorable ratings expressed by mothers and adolescents identified topics that would be appropriate for parent education. The findings will be used by educators and researchers to support parent development in Taiwan.  相似文献   
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