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一、狠抓不久前,秦皇岛市海港区耀振里小区,有一名自称“神仙附体”、名为“三太爷”的老妇,在她的“仙阁”内,周围桌子上摆放着不少神像,墙上悬挂着许多自制的写有“神医下界”、“妙手回春”的牌匾,装神弄鬼,标榜“包治百病”,骗取群众钱财,少则数十、数百,多则数千元。在得知上述情况后,秦皇岛市卫生执法监督所医疗卫生监督科王科长与《燕赵都市报·冀东版》  相似文献   
一、日本神道教的宗教动员在历次侵略战争中,日本军国主义政府以神道教为国教,发动佛教及其他宗教实施宗教动员。1.神道教的宗教动员思想神道教主张“神国日本”在世界上的绝对优越性,具有领导全世界的责任和神圣使命感。天皇是创造日本国的天照大神的直系子孙,具有神权,是日本唯一正统的统治者,国民必须对天皇绝对崇敬和绝对服从。而且臣民必须“忠于天皇”、“敬神崇祖”、“灭私奉公”,甚至要求“一旦如有缓急,当义勇奉公,以扶翼天壤无穷之皇运”,即要求一旦遇有战争等非常事态,要为天皇制国家卖命。而以天皇名义发动的战争则是“圣战”,…  相似文献   
由于职业的关系,作为一位科普期刊记者的我常和科学家们打交道。走进这支特殊群体的内心世界,他们向我吐露心扉,为我讲述他们毕生执著追求的科技事业。我这才得知他们的故事很精彩。我常常把他们美誉为“金字塔上的人物”,这是因为这些科学家们用他们的卓而不群的智慧,将呕心沥血的科研成果广泛应用于实际生产当中,推动了中国乃至世界的生产力的发展。他们是最可爱的人。我常常思索这么一个问题:是什么样的一种力量支撑着这些科学家们投入到物我两忘、宠辱不惊的伟大的科技事业?继而,为了全人类生产力的发展,为全人类谋求一个和谐、幸福、和…  相似文献   
Parents who experienced infertility have increasingly used medically assisted reproduction (MAR) to add children to their families over the past few decades. These parents will need to decide if they will tell their children about being conceived using MAR. Although MAR information sharing operates within family contexts, little is known about the role of conversation orientation—one family contextual factor—in child outcomes associated with MAR information sharing in middle childhood. Derived from the Family Communication Patterns Theory, this study proposes that conversation orientation moderates the associations between MAR information sharing and children's psychosocial adjustment. This proposal was tested using a sample of 81 6- to 12-year-old MAR-conceived children from 55 families and a structured observational measure of conversation orientation. Multiple regression analyses showed that MAR information sharing interacted with conversation orientation to influence children's behavioral and attention problems but not emotional problems. In families with high conversation orientation, MAR information sharing was not significantly associated with children's behavioral and attention problems. In families with low conversation orientation, MAR information sharing was significantly associated with an increase in children's behavioral and attention problems. Results of this exploratory study demonstrate the potential significance of general communication orientation in understanding child outcomes of MAR information sharing and highlight the needed family context nuances in MAR research.  相似文献   
Chen  Jinsong 《Psychometrika》2020,85(3):738-774
Psychometrika - For test development in the setting of multidimensional item response theory, the exploratory and confirmatory approaches lie on two ends of a continuum in terms of the loading and...  相似文献   
In five studies, we tested whether ostracism triggers feelings of relative deprivation and whether relative deprivation accounts for the impact of ostracism on aggression. Relative to participants who recalled either inclusive or neutral experiences, participants who recalled ostracism experiences reported higher levels of relative deprivation (Study 1). Furthermore, the feeling of relative deprivation mediated the effect of ostracism on aggression (Studies 2, 3a, and 3b). Framing ostracism as an experience of nondeprivation weakened the connection between ostracism and aggression (Study 4), which suggests an effective way of reducing aggression following an ostracism experience. Together, these findings highlight the significance of relative deprivation in shaping people's responses toward ostracism.  相似文献   
Luo  Yi-jun  Jackson  Todd  Niu  Geng-feng  Chen  Hong 《Sex roles》2020,82(5-6):293-305
Sex Roles - Appearance pressure from mass media and appearance social comparisons have been implicated in theory and research on disordered eating. However, mediating effects of upward and downward...  相似文献   
基于自我建构理论和情绪理论, 本文探讨了自我建构与广告诉求对品牌认同的交互作用、影响机制及边界条件。通过3个实验, 我们发现对于独立自我建构的消费者来说, 能力广告诉求更能提高品牌认同感, 而对于相依自我建构的消费者来说, 热情广告诉求则更有效; 同时我们也验证了广告诉求到愉悦感到品牌认同最终到购买意向的因果链模型, 并确定了企业类型对该机制的调节作用。  相似文献   
赵玉杰  高扬  周欣悦 《心理学报》2020,52(7):909-920
本文通过两个研究探讨天气状况和空气污染对诚信行为的影响。研究1通过重新分析Cohn, Maréchal, Tannenbaum和Zünd (2019)在全球范围内对诚信行为的研究数据, 发现了天气状况和空气污染对诚信行为的影响; 研究2通过准实验的研究方法, 在3所高校进行了丢钱包的实验并记录当天天气和空气污染状况。两项研究共同表明:(1)在非晴朗的天气下, 人们会做出更多的不诚信行为; (2)空气污染越严重, 人们越有可能出现不诚信的 行为。  相似文献   
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