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鬼谷子的测谎心理思想其目的在于帮助统治者考察权变、征召远近人才、谋划国家事物、献说陈情、决安危、定亲疏、察同异、辨真伪。其基本依据的是阴阳观。他认为阴阳是宇宙变化的一贯之道,把握了阴阳之道,就获得了开启人内心隐秘的基本原理。其所遵循的原则是:知己知人原则,隐秘性原则,把握时机原则。其具体技术有捭阖术,即根据阴阳变化原理提出的开启和闭藏的技术;钩言术,即通过语言表达的动静状态窥探他人内心情报的方法;飞箝术,是以激励、褒扬的言语诱导对方获得实情而抓住对方心理的一种测谎技术。揣摩术,又分揣术和摩术。揣术是根据情感的两极变化和惯常行为表现推测对方心理真实情报的方法。摩术是指将内在情感与外在符验相结合进行推测、切磋、体会获得对方真实情报的方法。  相似文献   
Children and individuals with developmental disabilities (DD) compared to typical participants are disadvantaged not only by virtue of being vulnerable to risks inherent in research participation but also by the higher likelihood of exclusion from research altogether. Current regulatory and ethical guidelines although necessary for their protection do not sufficiently ensure fair distributive justice. Yet, in view of disproportionately higher burdens of co-occurring physical and mental disorders in individuals with DD, they are better positioned to benefit from research by equitable participation. Greater elucidation of this ethical dilemma is called for by researchers, institutional review boards, and funding agencies to urgently redress the imbalance. This article discusses many of the regulatory principles to ensure better research participation of children and individuals with DD: human rights, validity, distributive justice, beneficence/nonmaleficence, and autonomy.  相似文献   
燕良轼 《心理学报》2001,34(5):78-83
能够代表汉代200余年历史进程的性习心理思想的主要观点可以概括为:《淮南子》的“循天返朴说”、董仲舒的“性待教为善说”和王充的“性有善恶,教可异化说”。这些观点不仅在当时能够集时代之大成,就是今天,对现代心理学研究仍有启发和借鉴的价值。  相似文献   
定量运动负荷后间隔不同时间的肘关节动觉方位准确性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
石岩 《心理学报》1999,32(1):84-89
该研究以过去研究中发现的定量运动负荷可以显著提高肘关节动觉方位准确性为基础,试图讨论这种定量运动负荷后间隔不同时间的肘关节动觉方位准确性。  相似文献   
In their paper “Do Bilinguals Automatically Activate Their Native Language When They Are Not Using it?”, Costa, Pannunzi, Deco, and Pickering (Cognitive Science, 2017) proposed a reinterpretation of Thierry and Wu's (2004, 2007) finding of native language‐based (Chinese, L1) ERP effects when they tested Chinese–English late bilinguals exclusively in their second language (English, L2). Using simulations in a six‐node Hebbian learning model (three L1 nodes, three L2 nodes), Costa et al. suggested that form overlaps in L1 between otherwise unrelated words create a persistent relationship between their L2 translations. In this scenario, words in the nascent L2 lexicon overlapping in their L1 translations would become linked during learning because of the form overlap in L1; once the L2 words are learned, the direct link between them would be sufficient to generate robust, apparently “L1‐mediated” priming without requiring any activation of L1 translations. Costa et al. contend that links between L2 words remain beyond the learning phase, even after links to L1 representations have been severed, and thus that their model affords an alternative account to (but not a rebuttal of) Thierry and Wu's claim of language non‐selective activation—or automatic activation of translation equivalents—in late bilinguals. In this response, we build on Costa et al.'s original simulation code, showing that it can only reproduce L1‐independent priming when implementing the L1 disconnection in their particular way. By contrast, when severing inter‐language connections bidirectionally, their model fails to retain any sizeable influence of L1 form overlap on L2 activations. The model is not the theory, however, and we discuss several issues that would need to be addressed in further attempts to model language non‐selective activation in late bilinguals.  相似文献   
本文针对1例伴心脑血管疾病的老年患者行半髋关节置换术的麻醉方案进行循证分析.首先,笔者评估该患者术前的生理情况,对围术期可能出现的棘手问题进行预测.然后,针对如何科学地看待上述问题,进行证据检索和评价.最后,根据循证依据为该患者选择理想的麻醉方式.  相似文献   
CD147属于免疫球蛋白超家族的跨膜糖蛋白,在多种细胞表面均有表达,在生殖、机体发育、免疫功能中发挥重要作用,还参与了肿瘤浸润转移等多种病理过程,由于其在多种肿瘤细胞表面高表达,而且与肿瘤的恶性程度相关,目前已成为研究肿瘤浸润与复发的热点.  相似文献   
采用EyeLink II眼动仪,以小学二年级语文学优生和学困生为被试,考察词切分对句子阅读的影响.实验设置四种空格呈现条件:正常无空格条件、字间空格条件、词间空格条件和非词空格条件.研究表明:(1)小学二年级学生阅读词间空格文本、字间空格文本和正常无空格文本效果相同.(2)与语文学优生相比,学困生阅读任何条件的句子需要更多的注视时间和注视次数.非词空格呈现条件对学困生的干扰更大,表明学困生更依赖文本的低水平信息.文章最后探讨了汉语阅读的基本信息单元问题.  相似文献   
韩黎  张妍  郑涌 《心理学探新》2012,32(3):195-198
随着对个体心理复原力研究不断深入,文化作为影响个体心理复原力的重要因素日益受到关注,研究者在厘清文化与复原力之间的关系后,尝试以积极心理学的视角,将中国传统文化中"天人合一"、"以人为本"、"自强不息"、"厚德载物"等文化精神引入到个体心理复原力发展的过程中,为个体心理复原力的研究贡献价值。  相似文献   
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