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The effects of self–other decision-making on intertemporal choice have been revealed in many studies using a monetary outcome. However, the outcome of intertemporal choice is not restricted to money; time is also a scarce and nonrenewable resource outcome. Thus, we conducted a series of experiments to address the effects of self–other decision-making on time-based intertemporal choice, a type of intertemporal choice that uses time as an outcome. Over the course of three experiments, differences in self–other decision-making were evidenced. Participants who made decisions for others were more likely to prefer the smaller but sooner (SS) option over the larger but later (LL) option and considered the gain of the SS option to be significantly greater than that of the LL option. Participants who made decisions for themselves were likely to prefer the LL option over the SS option. However, they considered the gains of the LL and the SS option to be indifferent. Changing the role of decision-making could affect the ability of individuals to consider the future consequences of their decisions. The effects of self–other decision-making on time-based intertemporal choice could be explained by the accounts of economic reasoning and construal level theory. The findings indicated that the effects of self–other decision-making on time-based intertemporal choice, which could be generated simply by rewording questions, can help individuals make optimal long-term choices without the need for increased control.  相似文献   
子夏之学基本特征是:在现实上表现为求成效的事务主义,在学术上表现为穷经的章句之学。这种特征可用小人儒名之而与君子儒相对,君子儒盖指内及于性,外达于天之儒,为思孟学派之特质,得孔子之道的正宗者。孔子之后,能绍述之者乃曾子,其后的子思与孟子俱依此而弘教。子夏与曾子并为孔子后期开坛授徒之弟子,但子夏德行存养上的弱使子夏之学沦为了小人儒,故其内不能及于性,外不能达于道,而形上之道缺焉。子夏之儒的事务主义在后世为荀卿所继承,其流变为法家;而其章句之学在汉代则流为家法传经。二者俱远离孔子之道的真精神。  相似文献   
对真人面孔与卡通面孔记忆线索的比较研究,有助于深入认识儿童的面孔认知机制。采用“学习-再认”范式,以内部线索面孔、外部线索面孔和完整面孔为刺激材料,探究面孔线索对4~6岁幼儿真人与卡通面孔记忆的影响。结果发现:(1)女童对真人面孔的记忆显著优于卡通;(2)对卡通面孔的记忆,男童显著优于女童;(3)对真人面孔:完整面孔记忆显著优于内部线索面孔与外部线索面孔;对卡通面孔:外部线索面孔记忆最佳,其次完整面孔,内部线索面孔最低;(4)幼儿对外部与内部线索面孔的记忆能力随年龄逐步提高,6岁显著优于4岁。综上,幼儿对真人面孔与卡通面孔的记忆模式存在差异;且面孔类别、性别、面孔线索与年龄等因素均影响幼儿的面孔记忆。  相似文献   
孔雁 《法音》2020,(1):57-61
曹洞宗在北宋初已成衰微之势,在梁山缘观时代几至法脉断绝。经大洪报恩(1058-1111)、芙蓉道楷(1043-1118)的振作,才开始走向繁荣,并在丹霞子淳(1063-1117)一系的弘扬下,发展到鼎盛时期,成为后世两大主流宗派之一。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of psychological interventions (e.g. cognitive restructuring, relaxation) on physiological and psychological health in osteoarthritis patients. A systematic literature search was done using PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, Web of Science, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, and Wanfang Database through November 2016. Studies were included if they used a randomized controlled trial designed to explore the effects of psychological interventions in osteoarthritis patients. Two independent authors assessed the methodological quality of the trials using criteria outlined by Jadad et al. Meta-analysis was done with the Revman5.0. Twelve randomized controlled trials, including 1307 osteoarthritis patients, met the study inclusion criteria. Meta-analysis showed that psychological interventions could reduce the levels of pain [standard mean difference (SMD) ?0.28, 95% CI ?0.48, ?0.08, P-value 0.005)] and fatigue (SMD ?0.18, 95% CI ?0.34, ?0.01, P-value 0.04). In addition, psychological interventions significantly improved osteoarthritis patients’ self-efficacy (SMD 0.58, 95% CI 0.40, 0.75, P-value 0.00) and pain coping (MD 1.64, 95% CI 0.03, 3.25, P-value 0.05). Although the effects on physical function, anxiety, depression, psychological disability were in the expected direction, they were not statistically significant. In conclusion, the role of psychological interventions in the management of osteoarthritis remains equivocal. Some encouraging results were seen with regard to pain, pain coping, self-efficacy, and fatigue. We believe that more methodologically rigorous large-scale randomized controlled trials are necessary to answer this study question.  相似文献   
Humans exhibit a remarkable ability to discriminate variations in object volume based on natural haptic perception. The discrimination thresholds for the haptic volume perception of the whole hand are well known, but the discrimination thresholds for haptic volume perception of fingers and phalanges are still unknown. In the present study, two psychophysical experiments were performed to investigate haptic volume perception in various fingers and phalanges. The configurations of both experiments were completely dependent on haptic volume perception from the fingers and phalanges. The participants were asked to blindly discriminate the volume variation of regular solid objects in a random order by using the distal phalanx, medial phalanx, and proximal phalanx of their index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger. The discrimination threshold of haptic volume perception gradually decreases from the little finger to the index finger as well as from the proximal phalanx to the distal phalanx. Overall, both the shape of the target and the part of the finger in contact with the target significantly influence the precision of haptic perception of volume. This substantial data set provides detailed and compelling perspectives on the haptic system, including for discrimination of the spatial size of objects and for performing more general perceptual processes.  相似文献   
目的:运用自编幼儿人格发展教师评定问卷对幼儿人格进行追踪测量,探讨其年龄及性别发展特点。方法:用整群抽样法选取3~3.5岁、3.5~4岁、4~4.5岁3个年龄群组幼儿为被试,采用群组序列的追踪设计,进行为期1年半的追踪测量,结合潜变量增长曲线模型和多层线性模型处理数据,探讨幼儿在3~6岁间人格的发展特点。结果:(1)幼儿的智能特征、认真自控、外倾性、亲社会性、情绪稳定性5个人格维度在3~4岁发展最快,4~5岁持续增长但发展速度放缓,到5~6岁时趋于平稳;(2)女孩的认真自控和亲社会性在3岁时显著高于男孩,但在3~6岁间的增长率不存在差异,即女孩的认真自控和亲社会性在幼儿阶段发展水平始终高于男孩。结论:从家庭进入幼儿园的环境变迁促使了幼儿人格的进一步发展,5岁左右幼儿人格开始初步形成;女孩的认真自控和亲社会性水平在幼儿阶段始终高于男孩。  相似文献   

循证医学引发医学领域的创新和革命,其理念应用于公共卫生领域形成了循证公共卫生。21世纪多种新发和复发传染病的全球性暴发为循证理念的应用带来挑战。高风险的研究环境、复杂的干预手段、证据稀缺、研究设计困难,以及在高度不确定和紧迫时间下建立程序和生成建议的需求,使循证方法学必须通过拓展和调适以解决传染病问题。六步骤快速风险评估机制、AGREE Ⅱ指南评估工具、全球传染病循证资源数据库,成为满足传染病防治的特殊要求而创新的循证实践工具。

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