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PurposeThe aim of this study was to identify whether different patterns of errors exist in irregular past-tense verbs in children who stutter (CWS) and children who do not stutter (CWNS).MethodSpontaneous language samples of thirty-one age- and gender-matched pairs of children (total N = 62) between the ages of 24 months and 59 months were analyzed.ResultsResults indicated that children who do and do not stutter over-regularize irregular past-tense verbs (i.e., saying runned for ran) with comparable frequency. However, two nonsignificant trends which suggest possible intra-group differences were noted. First, irregular past tense verbs represented a greater portion of total verbs for CWS than for CWNS. Second, CWS appeared to double-mark (i.e., say ranned for ran) more often than CWNS. Results are discussed in light of theories about the acquisition of the irregular past-tense and about differences in language skills between CWS and CWNS.Educational objectives: After reading this article, the reader will be able to: (a) summarize previous findings about connections between stuttering and language in CWS and CWNS; (b) describe similarities and differences between irregular past-tense verb use and errors in CWS and CWNS; (c) discuss possible connections between the declarative–procedural model and stuttering.  相似文献   
Forty-one female and 61 male assistant professors, of whom 46% were involved in dual-career relationships, responded to a mail questionnaire that assessed (1) androgyny; (2) satisfaction at work, home, and in their personal life; (3) stress at work, home, and in their personal life. A 2×2×2 analysis of variance was conducted to evaluate the effects of relationship status, androgyny, and sex of subject. The results indicated that being androgynous was associated with increased work stress, but simultaneously increased personal satisfaction. A significant interaction between androgyny and relationship status demonstrated that androgynous dual-career persons reported highest personal satisfaction; androgynous nondual-career persons reported highest work satisfaction. Dualcareer status increased personal and work stress, as well as relationship satisfaction. The importance of considering each person's specific life situation when evaluating androgyny as a positive or negative attribute is discussed.  相似文献   
There is growing but equivocal evidence that the language abilities of young children who stutter (CWS) may be depressed when compared to those of their fluent peers. In particular, the lexical skills of CWS have variously been reported to be weaker or stronger than comparison children in a number of recent studies. One source for such disagreement may be the measures used to compute lexical characteristics of these children’s spoken conversations. In this study, we examined the concurrent validity of two measures of lexical diversity in spontaneous language samples, Type-Token Ratio (TTR) and the newly developed utility vocd (Malvern & Richards, 1997), using a standard test of expressive vocabulary as the comparison measure. Findings indicated that vocd values (“D”) correlated well with standardized measures of expressive vocabulary, while TTR values did not. In addition, both the standardized measure and vocd revealed significantly poorer expressive lexical skills of CWS, whereas TTR analyses did not evidence this difference. Results are discussed in relation to the relative strength of vocd over TTR as a method for describing lexical characteristics of the spontaneous language samples of this population.

Educational objectives: The reader will learn about and be able to (1) identify several common measures of conversational vocabulary and the strengths and weaknesses of each, and (2) compare the performance of the young CWS in this study to their normally fluent peers in terms of vocabulary performance on both formal and conversational measures of vocabulary.  相似文献   

倪南 《学海》2005,(4):93-100
易道是易学思想的精髓或内在精神,其最根本的特征是所谓的“一阴一阳之道”。作为易学结构基元的易卦卦象符号,与阴阳观念具有先天性的亲和力,从而使得阴阳观念有了一个可以符号化表征的形式系统。在汉代,阴阳五行与易学成为一个统一的有机整体。两汉的象数理论试图将易道(天道)完全形式化努力的最终结果是“入于礻几祥”,成为一套牵强附会的繁琐哲学。魏晋以后,诸如“时”、“中”一类具有明显的个人独知默会、参悟修证意义的命题,逐渐成为一阴一阳、生生不息的“易道”最为生动的表征。道之真谛,若以易理言之,就是“自强不息”,“与时偕行”。  相似文献   
催产素及受体基因与社会适应行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种在哺乳动物分娩和泌乳中起神经调节作用的激素, 催产素(oxytocin, OT)在人类的母婴关系和社会关系中也发挥着重要作用。研究发现催产素及其受体基因与人类的社会适应行为关系密切。催产素会影响亲子依恋和父母教养行为, 也能促进人际信任及慷慨行为; 同时, 不同催产素受体(oxytocin receptor, OXTR)基因型的个体, 在亲子关系和一些亲社会行为方面都表现出了差异。来自于激素和基因水平的研究提示我们, 催产素及其受体基因可能是通过促进社会识别、调节共情以及降低恐惧、减缓焦虑来影响人类一系列的社会适应行为。未来的研究应考虑结合分子遗传学和神经科学的研究方法, 从基因-激素-行为三个层面系统的研究催产素影响社会行为的分子过程和认知神经过程。  相似文献   
手术部位感染在所有医院感染中占第三位,大肠埃希菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、铜绿假单胞菌、表皮葡萄球菌和肠球菌属是主要病原菌,是外科临床十分关心的问题,围手术期预防使用抗菌药物能降低外科部位感染的发生率。在围手术期使用抗菌药物中,应针对不同部位的手术以及可能的病原体以及本院或本地区病原体药物的敏感性选择抗菌药物,同时应注意给要时间应在手术前30min-1h静脉使用足量抗菌药物,以保持抗菌药物的有效浓度覆盖整个手术过程。预防手术部位感染同时应关注其他综合性预防措施。  相似文献   
利用灰色关联分析方法探索引起“看病贵”的主要因素,并提出有效的策略和措施。以唐山市2所三甲医院2004年出院的800名住院患者的医疗费用为研究对象,利用灰色关联分析法进行分析。提出灰色关联模型更加科学和合理;药费是造成外科疾病医疗费用过高的关键因素;需进一步改革医疗服务价格体系。  相似文献   
Several recent studies have suggested that young children who stutter (CWS) tend to show depressed lexical performance relative to peers. Given the developmental literature as well as several studies of verb processing in individuals who stutter, verbs may pose a particular challenge for this group. The purpose of the present study was to examine verb use in CWS. In theory, if young CWS differ in their production of verbs, this finding would partially explain the findings of studies that probed conversational vocabulary skills more generally. Fifteen CWS and 15 children who do not stutter (CWNS) participated in a play-based conversational sample with a parent. Samples were analyzed for the total number of verbs, the number of different verbs, and the proportion of general all-purpose (GAP) verbs within the samples. CWS produced significantly fewer different verbs and total verbs than the CWNS. However, previously reported near-significant differences in utterance length between groups would appear to temper the robustness of this finding. The groups did not differ in the proportion of GAP verbs used, suggesting that the CWS did not over-rely on GAP verbs in conversational language production but rather used these verbs to the same extent as their peers. Educational objectives: As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to: (1) relate the purpose and rationale for examining verb use in children who stutter (CWS); (2) summarize the procedures used to assess verb use and GAP verb use in the present study; (3) explain the findings of the present study; (4) relate findings to the extant literature on lexical diversity in CWS.  相似文献   
柯学  白学军  隋南 《心理科学》2008,31(2):336-339
研究了视知觉无意识对局部几何特征加工中的整体优势效应.被试为天津师范大学本科生60名.仪器为pentium III高分辨率计算机,程序用E-prime心理实验软件系统编制而成.被试的任务是判断靶图形中央线条的方向或颜色.用MANOVA分析了启动图形对靶图形局部特征加工的启动效应,发现了视知觉对无意识呈现的图形加工具有形状优势效应,启动图形与靶图形的整体形状相同可以抑制对靶图形局部形状特征的判断.当被试的任务变成判断靶线条的颜色或启动图形的边由连通状态变成不连通时,视知觉无意识对启动图形加工的整体优势效应消失.该结果提示整体优势效应很可能与任务涉及的信息通道密切相关,对局部形状特征的注意很可能涉及对周围整体形状信息加工自动抑制的过程.  相似文献   
孙楠  魏艺铭  李倩  郑希付 《心理学报》2012,44(3):314-321
采用预期判断任务考察男女性对已消退的条件性恐惧记忆是否会出现消退返回的现象。结果表明: (1)在对已习得的条件性恐惧记忆消退后4个小时进行测试, 被试整体会出现明显的消退返回现象; (2)对消退返回现象的性别差异进行比较, 女性比男性的消退返回现象更突出, 并且差异显著; (3)与男性相比, 女性对条件性恐惧记忆具有易习得难消退的趋势, 但是性别差异不显著。研究结果验证了消退返回现象存在的普遍性, 并且有着显著的性别差异, 为以后对创伤后应激障碍患者的治疗应考虑性别因素提供了心理学依据。  相似文献   
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