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Multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) models can be applied to longitudinal educational surveys where a group of individuals are administered different tests over time with some common items. However, computational problems typically arise as the dimension of the latent variables increases. This is especially true when the latent variable distribution cannot be integrated out analytically, as with MIRT models for binary data. In this article, based on the pseudolikelihood theory, we propose a pairwise modeling strategy to estimate item and population parameters in longitudinal studies. Our pairwise method effectively reduces the dimensionality of the problem and hence is applicable to longitudinal IRT data with high-dimensional latent variables, which are challenging for classical methods. And in the low-dimensional case, our simulation study shows that it performs comparably with the classical methods. We further illustrate the implementation of the pairwise method using a development study of mathematics levels of junior high school students in which the response data are collected from 65 classes of 8 schools from 4 different school districts in China.  相似文献   
成瘾人群的决策障碍:研究范式与神经机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
药物成瘾者和赌博成瘾者常常偏好即刻的奖赏而忽视将来的消极结果。在进行决策任务时, 他们倾向于做出不利的选择, 偏好短时的获益而不顾长期的损失, 这是一种决策障碍的表现。延迟折扣任务(DDT)、爱荷华赌博任务(IGT)和剑桥赌博任务(CGT)是研究决策障碍的三种常用方法和范式, 分别考察成瘾人群的冲动性决策、决策短视和决策时的冒险行为。近十几年来的研究表明, 前额叶皮层(PFC)在人类的决策活动中起重要作用。其中, 腹内侧前额叶(VMPFC)、眶额叶(OFC)、背外侧前额叶(DLPFC)等皮层的功能变化与成瘾人群的决策障碍有密切关系。  相似文献   
孙楠  郑希付 《心理学报》2014,46(4):507-515
采用事件相关电位技术和条件性关联学习模型相结合的方法, 考察在负性背景下男女性对一般事件的关联学习和消退是否存在差异。结果表明:在关联学习阶段, 男性较女性表现出P2潜伏期缩短和N2波幅增大, 而女性比男性表现出更大的P3波幅。在消退阶段, 女性较男性出现更小的P2波幅和更大的P3/LPP波幅。这说明女性可能慢于男性探索到条件刺激和非条件刺激之间的关联, 并且保持时间更久; 男性在相对早期对消退产生更大的反应, 女性则在相对晚期对消退投入更多的资源及努力。  相似文献   
创制理想的动物模型是突破抑郁症研究的技术难点之一。来自进化研究的证据提示, 树鼩属灵长类近缘的一种小型动物, 具有较为发达的神经系统和与人类相似的应激系统, 因而可能成为创制精神疾病行为模型的较佳选择。已有的研究表明, 树鼩社会挫败模型可能具有比啮齿类更好的表面效度、预测效度及结构效度。由于树鼩与人类的近缘关系, 对其抑郁行为的脑机制研究或药物评价可能更具潜在价值。但是, 该模型仍有待进一步利用、拓展和完善。  相似文献   
《周易》对于客观世界的认识有着一个完整的图式 ,其基本结构是象数 ,其中象是认知经验的形象化和象征化 ,数是形象和象征符号的关系化以及在时空位置上的排列化以及应用化与实用化。在此基础上 ,易象的关系和排列亦即易象的数的关系中呈显的意义凝化为概念并将这些意义和概念发挥为命题及判断 ,即易象、易数、易义的整体化和思辩化 ,这标志着《周易》的思想从最初的原始巫术蜕变为缜密严谨、完整系统的哲学体系。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to explore the expectation that, in conversations between unacquainted men and women, men would disclose more than women and would create a positive impression in so doing. In 8-min, relatively unstructured conversations, both men and women (N=301) perceived themselves and their partners as disclosing approximately the same amount. For both sexes, the more their partners disclosed, the more favorably they rated their partners on social attractiveness and positive attributes. Moreover, both sexes believed that the more they disclosed themselves, the more positively their partners evaluated them. However, the strength of this relationship was significantly stronger for men than for women. Neither sex conformed to the expectation that men should disclose more, but both may have believed to some extent that their partners were evaluating them in accord with this expectation.  相似文献   
以往研究发现,个体对不同类型的视觉信息进行视觉工作记忆巩固的模式存在差异,如对于方向信息,一次只能有一个项目被巩固进入视觉工作记忆系统,而对于颜色信息,个体则可以一次巩固两个项目进入视觉工作记忆系统。但对于视觉信息的巩固模式是否会受其他因素的影响,目前仍然没有明确的定论。本研究将探讨视觉信息的巩固模式是否可能受到记忆项目空间距离因素的影响。研究采用变化觉察范式、序列-同时呈现操作及控制记忆项目呈现间距的方法,通过3个实验考察记忆项目之间的空间距离是否能够影响个体对颜色信息和方向信息的巩固模式。在三种空间距离水平上序列呈现或同时呈现两个记忆项目,实验结果一致发现记忆项目之间的空间距离会对视觉工作记忆巩固模式产生明显影响,个体在同时呈现条件下的正确率会随着空间距离的增大而降低。这些结果表明对同一类视觉信息进行巩固的过程中所存在的项目数量限制并不是固定的,个体可以采用序列模式或有限容量的并行模式对同一类信息进行巩固,巩固的模式可能与视觉空间注意的分配以及视觉信息所能获得的注意资源有关。  相似文献   
Laboratory studies have investigated how individuals with normal memory spans attained digit spans over 80 digits after hundreds of hours of practice. Experimental analyses of their memory skills suggested that their attained memory spans were constrained by the encoding time, for the time needed will increase if the length of digit sequences to be memorised becomes longer. These constraints seemed to be violated by a world-class memorist, Feng Wang (FW), who won the World Memory Championship by recalling 300 digits presented at 1 digit/s. In several studies we examined FW’s memory skills underlying his exceptional performance. First FW reproduced his superior memory span of 200 digits under laboratory condition, and we obtained his retrospective reports describing his encoding/retrieval processes (Experiment 1). Further experiments used self-paced memorisation to identify temporal characteristics of encoding of digits in 4-digit clusters (Experiment 2), and explored memory encoding at presentation speeds much faster than 1 digit/s (Experiment 3). FW’s superiority over previous digit span experts is explained by his acquisition of well-known mnemonic techniques and his training that focused on rapid memorisation. His memory performance supports the feasibility of acquiring memory skills for improved working memory based on storage in long-term memory.  相似文献   
最近研究者发现,人们对决策任务的加工随表述的语言形式(母语/外语)的不同而发生改变,即出现外语效应,并基于双加工模型提出了直觉(即情绪)加工被弱化和审慎(即认知)加工被增强两种理论解释,且均获得部分研究结果的支持。本文概述了外语效应及其心理机制的主要研究文献,并指出由于既往研究范式无法分离情绪与认知加工两个子过程的效力,未来研究应利用加工分离程序以及负性情绪与认知加工阻断技术,深入考察外语对直觉加工和审慎加工的影响,以阐明外语效应的形成机制。  相似文献   
行为学研究表明归类过程中的反应具有认知风格上的不同,但未有研究明确探讨归类过程的神经活动是否也受认知风格的影响。本研究通过双重认知风格分型任务筛选出分析型和整体型被试,以探讨归类过程中二者之间是否表现出神经活动的差异。实验任务要求被试从两个待选物中选出与目标物属于同一类别的一个。同时,采用fMRI技术扫描并记录他们完成任务时的BOLD信号。结果发现,与基线任务相比,整体型和分析型个体均激活了额-枕网络的一些脑区,包括额下回、楔前叶、枕中回等,表明不同认知风格个体在任务中可能共享与工作记忆等相关的脑区。另外,与分析型个体相比,整体型个体在右额下回、右旁海马回呈现更广泛的特异性激活,提示,认知风格可以影响归类过程中的脑活动,而整体型个体大脑右半球更强烈的活动表明这一类型认知风格个体在归类时更依赖于远距离的语义联结。  相似文献   
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