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Educationally significant behaviors of students, teachers, and supervisors were directly assessed daily for a fiscal year in a residential school in which the results of behavior analysis research are applied to all levels of schooling. The variables assessed included those found to be concomitantly related to effective schooling as determined by the educational research literature, and functionally related to effective teaching as determined by the literature of behavior analysis. Weekly summaries of the following variables were analyzed for each of two daily shifts of teachers and supervisors: (a) number of trials presented and correct number of trials, (b) number of instructional sessions conducted, (c) number of learning objectives achieved, (d) percentage correct in each of three curricular areas, (e) weekly teacher observation scores, and (f) the total and rate per hour of supervisors' task accomplishments. There were strong positive correlations between: (a) instructional sessions and learning objectives, (b) teachers use of behavioral techniques in weekly observations by supervisors and students' achievement, (c) number of supervisor tasks completed and number of instructional sessions conducted by teachers, (d) number of teacher observations by supervisors and teachers' performance during observations, and (e) number of student objectives attained and number of tasks completed by supervisors. The assessment is the most comprehensive and sustained analysis of the daily behaviors of schooling. The relationships found between students and teacher behaviors replicate the effects of numerous experiments but do so in a total school setting. The relationships found between supervisor and student behavior have not been demonstrated in prior research. There is a need for similar school wide assessments in other types of schools to determine the generality of the relationships obtained in the present article.  相似文献   
为了解亲子关系、师生关系和同伴关系对高中生内外化问题的相对影响大小,并探究自尊的中介作用,采用问卷法对北京4所中学共计794名高中生进行了调查。结果发现:(1)师生关系对于高中生内外化问题的影响大于亲子关系和同伴关系的影响;(2)自尊在亲子、师生、同伴关系与高中生内化问题中起中介作用,而在亲子、师生同伴关系与外化问题中的中介作用不显著;(3)性别差异检验发现,自尊在女生同伴关系与内化问题中起完全中介作用,而在男生同伴关系与内化问题的中介作用不显著。  相似文献   
We examined the link between household chaos (i.e., noise, clutter, disarray, lack of routines) and maternal executive function (i.e., effortful regulation of attention and memory), and whether it varied as a function of socioeconomic risk (i.e., single parenthood, lower mother and father educational attainment, housing situation, and father unemployment). We hypothesized that: 1) higher levels of household chaos would be linked with poorer maternal executive function, even when controlling for other measures of cognitive functioning (e.g., verbal ability), and 2) this link would be strongest in the most socioeconomically distressed or lowest-socioeconomic status households. The diverse sample included 153 mothers from urban and rural areas who completed a questionnaire and a battery of cognitive executive function tasks and a verbal ability task in the laboratory. Results were mixed for Hypothesis 1, and consistent with Hypothesis 2. Two-thirds of the variance overlapped between household chaos and maternal executive function, but only in families with high levels of socioeconomic risk. This pattern was not found for chaos and maternal verbal ability, suggesting that the potentially deleterious effects of household chaos may be specific to maternal executive function. The findings implicate household chaos as a powerful statistical predictor of maternal executive function in socioeconomically distressed contexts.  相似文献   
同一性风格:青少年自我同一性研究的新视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,自我同一性问题的研究由关注同一性状态转向关注同一性风格。同一性风格是指个体在建立与维持同一性时表现出的社会认知策略方面的偏好,包括信息风格、规范风格和扩散/逃避风格。研究者围绕同一性风格与社会认知加工策略、人格、家庭环境、心理健康、学业表现等方面关系展开了丰富的研究。未来的研究方法和被试样本应该更加多样化,跨文化比较研究及干预性研究也有待进一步开展。  相似文献   
对比不同手术方法对桡骨远端骨折的疗效.收集我院自2008年10月到2012年12月桡骨远端骨折患者86例,双盲随机分成试验组和对照组,试验组采用无头加压空心钉内固定,对照组采用锁定钢板内固定,比较两组的平均手术时间和平均术中出血量.术后12个月采用Jakim标准进行腕关节功能评定,同时对随访患者的腕关节功能进行临床评分.试验组平均手术时间为(30.45±5.14)min,显著低于对照组的(63.42±8.14)min(P<0.05),而试验组平均术中出血量为(23.67±6.14)ml,少于对照组的(83.12±10.47)ml(P<0.05).术后随访试验组腕关节功能优良率为87.5%;对照组则为87.1% (P>0.05),试验组和对照组腕关节在功能、握力活动范围等方面评分存在显著差异,在疼痛评分上两组无明显差异.采用无头加压空心钉治疗桡骨远端骨折可以显著减少手术时间及术中出血,提高腕关节功能而且在疗效上与传统锁定钢板治疗桡骨远端骨折相比无明显差异.  相似文献   
该研究基于问题行为理论,采用问卷法对普通高中、中职院校689名青少年学生进行调查,探讨了积极同伴压力、自尊对青少年不同冒险行为的影响及其交互作用和学校差异。结果表明:(1)中职院校生的积极同伴压力和冒险行为都显著高于普通高中生;(2)积极同伴压力不能预测青少年的适应不良冒险行为,但可显著预测普通高中生的社会可接受冒险行为;(3)自尊可显著负向预测青少年的适应不良冒险行为,显著正向预测普通高中生的社会可接受冒险行为;(4)自尊仅可以调节普通高中生的积极同伴压力与社会可接受冒险行为的关系:高自尊增强了高积极同伴压力对青少年社会可接受冒险行为的影响;但它不能调节无论哪所学校青少年的积极同伴压力与适应不良冒险行为的关系。  相似文献   
选取88名大班儿童(43名女童和45名男童)及90名在校大学生(42名男生和48名女生)为实验被试,通过心理量表评分,探讨面部特征空间关系、肤色和亮度对儿童卡通面孔吸引力影响。结果显示:(1)幼儿与成人对卡通面孔最佳面部特征空间关系评价存在差异;(2)幼儿评价女童卡通面孔眼嘴间距离占面长24%时吸引力最优,两眼间距离占面宽41%时吸引力最优,但未达显著。成人评价女童卡通面孔也存在纵向“黄金比例(19%)”现象;(3)男童卡通面孔不存在最佳比例;(4)幼儿偏爱偏白肤色,而成人偏好白里透红;(5)受众性别与卡通形象性别均对肤色偏好有影响;(6)亮度高的儿童卡通面孔更具吸引力。结论:卡通面孔吸引力受面部特征空间关系、肤色与亮度等因素显著影响,卡通设计需针对不同年龄、性别受众来设定面部特征空间关系与肤色等要素。  相似文献   


该研究基于自我差异理论与自我验证理论探究自拍照编辑与女大学生主观幸福感的关系,以及积极反馈与自我概念的中介作用。采用自拍照编辑问卷、线上自拍照积极反馈问卷、一般自我概念量表、主观幸福感量表对550名女大学生进行调查研究,结果发现:(1)自拍照编辑的频率、积极反馈、自我概念、主观幸福感两两之间均呈显著正相关;(2)自拍照编辑的频率通过三条中介路径影响女大学生主观幸福感:通过积极反馈的中介作用;通过自我概念的中介作用;通过积极反馈及自我概念的链式中介作用;(3)积极反馈与自我概念在自拍照编辑的频率与女大学生主观幸福感的关系中起完全中介作用。研究结果进一步揭示自拍照编辑对主观幸福感影响的作用机制,为女大学生健康使用社交网站及社交网站的功能完善提供依据。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to develop empirically based typologies of religiousness/spirituality (R/S) and to determine whether the typologies were related to health and well-being. The study used a nationally representative sample of adults (N = 1,431). Using latent profile analysis, typologies were derived based on religious service attendance, prayer, positive religious coping, and daily spiritual experiences. Multivariate statistical tests were used to examine cluster differences in health and well-being. A four-class model was identified: highly religious, moderately religious, somewhat religious, and minimally religious or non-religious. The four classes were distinctively different in psychological well-being, in that the highly religious class was most likely to be happy and satisfied with finances and least likely to be psychologically distressed.  相似文献   
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