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周雅  刘翔平 《心理发展与教育》2013,29(3):312-318,334
研究基于积极心理视角,考察抑郁个体在多个自我维度上,外显及内隐自尊的水平高低与稳定特性。被试选自高中学生,有效数据131人,分为抑郁(65人)与正常(66人)两组。所有被试在有/无应激两个时间点完成自我描述问卷II与改进内隐联想测验。结果发现,不论外显/内隐水平,抑郁个体倾向在指向个体内部的自我维度上具有积极自我,并且倾向在核心价值之外的自我维度上具有稳定自尊。由此证实,抑郁个体自我机制中的确存在积极成分。  相似文献   
脓毒症及其治疗策略的反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
脓毒症是各种严重创伤、烧伤、缺氧、再灌注损伤及外科大手术常见的并发症.目前脓毒症休克的临床病死率仍高达50%以上.对脓毒症发病机制的进一步深入认识和现行治疗措施的反思有助于改善其临床防治.  相似文献   
应用Markov模型进行临床决策分析的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用模型进行临床决策分析的研究日益增多,Markov模型就是近年来用于临床决策分析的一种.它优于传统的决策树分析方法,能应用于疾病预后影响因素的研究、筛查试验的评价、疾病治疗结局预测、纵向生命质量资料分析等多个方面.Markov模型用于临床决策分析,是创新思维的体现,是实事求是的典范,体现了认识的辩证过程.  相似文献   
The current study compared the predicted social and career impact of socially withdrawn and reticent behaviors among participants from Western and East Asian countries. Three hundred sixty-one college students from 5 Western countries and 455 students from 3 East Asian countries read hypothetical vignettes describing socially withdrawn and shy behaviors versus socially outgoing and confident behaviors. Participants then answered questions following each vignette indicating the extent to which they would expect the subject of the vignette to be socially liked and to succeed in their career. Participants also completed measures of their own social anxiety and quality of life. The results indicated significant vignette-by-country interactions in that the difference in perceived social and career impact between shy and outgoing vignettes was smaller among participants from East Asian countries than from Western countries. In addition, significant negative correlations were shown between personal level of shyness and experienced quality of life for participants from both groups of countries, but the size of this relationship was greater for participants from Western than East Asian countries. The results point to the more negative impact of withdrawn and socially reticent behaviors for people from Western countries relative to those from East Asia.  相似文献   
循证医学方法学应用于中医药针灸临床试验研究,存在一定问题.从中医药针灸临床文献证据等级的确立和循证针灸临床试验方法学要素两个角度探讨存在的问题,认为应该建立符合中医药针灸临床特点的整体、动态、互动、综合的疗效评价体系,并采用适合评价针灸临床疗效的实用型中医药循证医学方法.  相似文献   
近几年,医疗纠纷事件频发,成为影响社会稳定的焦点问题.这就迫切需要行之有效的医疗纠纷解决机制.通过对人民调解机制的概念、在医疗纠纷领域的法律依据、现状、优势等进行了分析,认为将人民调解机制引入医疗纠纷领域,鼓励并发展人民调解机制不失为一条有效、经济、公正的医疗纠纷解决途径.  相似文献   
气候变化是指人类活动直接或间接导致的气候方面的改变, 是本世纪人类面临的最大挑战之一。气候变化对个人的认知、情绪及行为均有影响, 这些心理影响对大多数人而言是渐进式的。目前已有的研究发现, 气候变化的应对策略包括问题聚焦、情绪聚焦和意义聚焦三种, 而意义聚焦可能是其中最有利于心理健康的应对策略。未来的研究需要进一步界定某些重要概念, 并使之能够操作化, 需要探讨气候变化应对策略与心理健康之间的关系, 研究中国人气候变化应对策略的特征等。  相似文献   
The authors investigated the predictive utility of people's subjective assessments of whether their evaluations are affect- or cognition driven (i.e., meta-cognitive bases) as separate from whether people's attitudes are actually affect- or cognition based (i.e., structural bases). Study 1 demonstrated that meta-bases uniquely predict interest in affective versus cognitive information above and beyond structural bases and other related variables (i.e., need for cognition and need for affect). In Study 2, meta-bases were shown to account for unique variance in attitude change as a function of appeal type. Finally, Study 3 showed that as people became more deliberative in their judgments, meta-bases increased in predictive utility, and structural bases decreased in predictive utility. These findings support the existence of meta-bases of attitudes and demonstrate that meta-bases are distinguishable from structural bases in their predictive utility.  相似文献   
Pinto, Olivers, and Theeuwes (2006) showed that a static target can be efficiently found among different types of dynamically changing distractors. They hypothesized that attention employs a broad division between static and dynamic information, a hypothesis that conforms with earlier research. In the present study, we investigated whether attention can only make use of this crude division or can exploit more subtle discriminations within the dynamic domain. In Experiment 1, participants were able to efficiently find a blinking target among moving distractors and moving targets among blinking distractors, although all items changed at the same rate and produced the same change in local luminance. In Experiment 2, search for a dynamic target among dynamic distractors was aided when we gave the distractors additional dynamic cues. Experiment 3 showed that making the displays equiluminant affected search efficiency for a static target among moving distractors, but not among blinking distractors. The findings refute the broad division hypothesis and suggest that object continuity plays an important role in selection.  相似文献   
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