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The authors argue that in the 1993 Duma elections it was the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, led by Gennady Zyuganov, that incorporated rhetorical values and audience adaptation into its campaign strategy. Finding its discursive ground limited by history, the CPRF gradually shifted its rhetorical posture and argumentative strategies, redefining itself in the process. This evolution allowed the CPRF to employ the ideographs of democracy, will of the people, citizen, and other key terms of Western-style democracy, while retaining, albeit in transformed meaning, traditional communist ideographs such as justice and spirituality. In addition, the CPRF was able to borrow selectively from the history of the USSR between 1917 and 1989, thereby imbuing their political appeals with historical force and cultural memory.  相似文献   
This study examines middle-aged parents' disclosure about their own lives and current concerns, with their late-adolescent children. Three hundred seventy-two parents of college freshmen, averaging 47 years of age, participated by filling out an anonymous questionnaire that asked about 28 topics, varying in intimacy, of concern to adults. The subjects indicated whether they had discussed each topic with their child, and, if they had, the motivations that prompted them to do so. The data revealed that mothers disclosed more than did fathers, and they were more likely to cite “venting,”“asking advice,” and “seeking emotional support” as reasons for disclosure; fathers were more likely to cite “trying to change his/her behavior” as a rationale for disclosure. Child's gender did not affect disclosure rates, but sons and daughters were disclosed to for different reasons. Divorced parents disclosed more than did parents from continuously intact families, and they cited somewhat different reasons for disclosure.  相似文献   
Using the American Psychological Association (APA) Division 17 position paper on cross-cultural counseling competencies as an organizing framework, this article provides an overview of the various cross-cultural counseling training models and points to the need to go beyond sensitivity training to actually providing culture-specific knowledge in our training models. The Intercultural Sensitizer (IS) is presented as a training tool that can serve this need. The history, rationale, and development of the IS, previously called the Culture Assimilator, is described. Some illustrative critical incidents from the Asian American Intercultural Sensitizer are also presented. Finally, future direction for the use of the Intercultural Sensitizer as a training tool and potential problems are discussed. Este artículo usa la positión del APA Division 17 en competencias de consejería intercultural como un cuadro organizational para proporcionar un panorama de los diferentes modelos de preparación de consejería intercultural y para indicar la necesidad de llegar más alla que la preparación sensitiva para dar en realidad a los modelos de entrenamiento un conocimiento culturalmente específico. Se presenta El Sensibilizador Intercultural como un instrumento de entrenamiento para cumplir esta necesidad. Se describe la historia, razonadamente, y el desarrollo de El Sensibilizador Intercultural, anteriormente llamado Asimilador Cultural. También se presentan unos incidentes ilustrativos del Sensibilizador Intercultural Americo-asiatico. Finalmente, ademas de discutir la dirección futura para el uso de El Sensibilizador Intercultural como un instrumento de entrenamiento, se habla sobre los posibles problemas.  相似文献   
采用2(新闻框架类型:诱发气愤情绪或诱发悲伤情绪)×2(危机事件团体回应类型:惩罚型或补偿型)×2(团体回应中情绪感染力的呈现情况:呈现或缺乏)的被试间实验设计,探讨不同版本的危机事件新闻报道诱发出的不同情绪如何影响个体的信息加工,以及情绪反应怎样影响个体对组织随后回应策略的偏好。结果发现:气愤情绪促使公众采用启发性加工方式,悲伤情绪促使公众采用系统性加工方式;相比于悲伤情绪,气愤情绪会导致公众对公司更加负面的态度;惩罚型回应信息的可信性更高;惩罚型和补偿型回应信息使公众对企业的态度从比较消极转变为偏向积极;具有强烈情绪感染力的回应信息更容易降低气愤组对企业的责任归因程度,并进而促进公众对企业态度的改变;公众的气愤和悲伤情绪水平在接受企业回应后明显减弱,但没有达到基线水平。结果表明,在面对危机事件时,新闻框架的类型、企业对危机事件的回应方式以及回应中的情绪感染力,会结合在一起,制约公众对危机事件的知觉以及对企业的判断。  相似文献   
Children in majority groups hold favourable attitudes toward members of their own group, whereas those in minority groups typically hold more favourable attitudes toward majority than own group members. It was expected that when evaluating task outcomes, majority group children would display own group favouritism, and minority children would show other group favouritism or ‘reverse ethnocentrism’. In this study, white and Native Indian elementary school children saw a video of a white and native child listening to sounds and trying to identify them. One-third of subjects saw white models correct more often than Native models, one-third saw Native models more often correct than white models, and the remaining third saw both models correct on an equal number of trials. When white models were successful, children from both groups made more positive evaluations of, optimistic predictions about, and internal attributions for task outcomes. When these models did poorly, negative attributes were deemphasized and task outcomes were attributed to external factors. Success by native models was attributed to external factors and task outcomes had little influence on predictions or evaluations. When native models were unsuccessful subjects accentuated negative attributes of these models and made internal attributions for their failures. Results were discussed in terms of cognitive and motivational theories of social judgements.  相似文献   
The beneficial effects on job satisfaction of social support at work and home were established in this study of 85 randomly selected female clerical workers. Partners were found to be effective buffers of adverse work conditions as well.  相似文献   
本文介绍了性别歧视语言的几个基本概念,重点探讨了性别歧视语言对认知的影响,阐述了当前研究中主要成果,提出了消除性别歧视语言的对策。最后,结合汉语特点,就当前性别歧视语言研究的不足以及今后研究的方向提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   
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