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In an early study in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Rekers and Lovaas (1974) evaluated the Behavioral Treatment of Deviant Sex-role Behaviors in a Male Child. They investigated the use of reinforcement and punishment to target non-gender-conforming behaviors of a 5-year-old male child. This study was considered by some to be controversial and concerning, even near the time of publication (Nordyke et al. 1977; Winkler, 1977). The concerns focused on the ethicality of selecting non-gender-conforming behavior as a target response and the use of punishment for this type of response, particularly at the behest of parents when the young child was not seemingly distressed. The study has subsequently been used as empirical support for conversion therapy creating concerns about misinterpretation of the original article and harm to the LGBTQ+ community. This editorial reviews the concerns originally presented by Nordyke et al. (1977) and Winkler (1977) and issues an official Expression of Concern about the various harms that have been associated with this paper.  相似文献   
Germline genomic testing is increasingly used in research to identify genetic causes of disease, including cancer. However, there is evidence that individuals who are notified of clinically actionable research findings have difficulty making informed decisions regarding uptake of genetic counseling for these findings. This study aimed to produce and pilot test a decision aid to assist participants in genomic research studies who are notified of clinically actionable research findings to make informed choices regarding uptake of genetic counseling. Development was guided by published literature, the International Patient Decision Aid Standards, and the expertise of a steering committee of clinicians, researchers, and consumers. Decision aid acceptability was assessed by self-report questionnaire. All 19 participants stated that the decision aid was easy to read, clearly presented, increased their understanding of the implications of taking up research findings, and would be helpful in decision-making. While low to moderate levels of distress/worry were reported after reading the booklet, a majority of participants also reported feeling reassured. All participants would recommend the booklet to others considering uptake of clinically actionable research findings. Results indicate the decision aid is acceptable to the target audience, with potential as a useful decision support tool for genomic research participants.  相似文献   
为了解定点收治新型冠状病毒肺炎患者的医院中医护人员心理状况,从而针对性地进行心理护理,采用便利抽样法,应用《医护人员心理健康调查表》对3所定点收治新型冠状病毒肺炎患者的医院中1 266名医护人员进行问卷调查。结果显示,定点医院医护人员中,27.5%存在抑郁,26.3%存在焦虑,26.0%存在孤独。女性、已婚、传染科、发热门诊、监护室相比男性、未婚、普通门诊更容易抑郁;传染科、监护室相比普通门诊更容易焦虑。因此,医院应加强对这类群体的心理疏导和人文关怀,以减轻心理压力,提高工作效率。  相似文献   
基因技术的发展将基因隐私保护问题摆在人类面前,“采用怎样的方式才能有效保护基因隐私”是一个亟待解决的疑问。从分析侵犯基因隐私所带来的社会危害出发,对“权利形式是否适用于保护基因隐私”这一问题进行分析,并得出肯定性结论。  相似文献   
干细胞研究取得了里程碑式的进展,在临床疾病的预防和治疗中具有广阔的应用前景,这些研究成果凝聚了各国研究人员的集体智慧,多向立体思维方法得到了充分体现。  相似文献   


“临床记忆量表”的编制   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  
由于实际和科研工作的需要,设计和编制了“临床记忆量表”。量表包括指向记忆、联想学习、图象自由回忆、无意义图形再认和人像特点联系回忆五项分测验,同时编有相匹配的甲、乙两套。标准化分有文化部分和无文化部分分别取样,各2161例及1149例,共3310例。年龄范围为20至89岁。取样测试结果符合常态分配。甲、乙两套复测相关0.85。量表所测记忆与学习成绩、记忆与年龄的关系与经验相符。应用于脑肿瘤患者的结果表明无意义图形再认与右脑机能、联想学习与左脑机能有较多联系,符合预期构想。以上结果表明本量表信度、效度合格。  相似文献   
Diamondv.Chakrabarty案是美国专利法上里程碑式的案件,该案中美国最高法院所做出的判决打开了基因技术可被授予专利权的大门。通过介绍和分析该案件,对基因专利问题的发端进行了深入的剖析,并对基因专利问题带来的正负影响做了全面的分析。  相似文献   
当个体认为内群体为外群体受到的不道德伤害负有责任时会体验到群体内疚。该情绪常见的触发情境包括过往历史的伤害事件、当下的群际冲突、不公正的社会关系及未来的伤害事件。群体认同、内群体责任和不当性评估是影响群体内疚产生的三大心理机制。群体内疚会导致施害群体对受害群体表现出积极行动,如友善态度,冲突和解、群体补偿及群际支持。通过群体肯定、自我肯定、促进共同认同、强调内群体责任及展现已有补偿行为等干预策略可以引发施害群体的群体内疚。未来的研究应澄清群体内疚的成因机制,进一步探索群体内疚与补偿行为间的作用关系。  相似文献   
通过对2型糖尿病心血管终点事件的观察,更多的临床证据提示,糖尿病的治疗目标应该以减少心血管事件为主。糖尿病防治从策略上发生了两个转变,即以血糖为中心转向以防治心血管事件为中心的多危险因素综合防治策略;以糖化血红蛋白检测作为血糖评价的金标准转向以血糖量、质、时程控制的全面评价策略。  相似文献   
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