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在<红楼梦>中,"风月宝鉴"的出现,不是一个孤立的现象.它是我国特定宗教思想文化土壤中的产物,又是宗教思想文化的物质载体,在其背后隐藏着的是我国蕴含深厚、历史悠久的思想文化实体.因此,我们了解了"风月宝鉴"的宗教思想文化蕴含,就可进一步看清作者的创作深意,看清当时思想的发展变化,更可看清文化的传承与历史积淀!  相似文献   
Altruism is an effective method of coping with threats. This research explored the relationship between childhood socioeconomic status (SES) and altruism under different situations. The results of five studies provided reliable evidence that safety-threat conditions moderated the relationship between childhood SES and altruism. Individuals with higher childhood SES exhibited higher altruistic intentions (Studies 1 and 2) and behaviors (Study 3) when they were manipulated to imagine a safety threat scenario (Study 1), when viewing pictures of disasters (Study 2), and when they were manipulated to believe that their health was under threat (Study 3). However, their childhood SES had no significant impact on their altruistic intentions and behaviors in relatively safe environments (Studies 1–3). This effect was again tested in more realistic environmental conditions using a large-scale survey in Study 4. In Study 5, we explored the underlying mechanism behind the earlier findings (i.e., temporal discounting).  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated listeners’ ability to use speech rhythm to attend selectively to a single target talker presented in multi-talker babble (Experiments 1 and 2) and in speech-shaped noise (Experiment 3). Participants listened to spoken sentences of the form “Ready [Call sign] go to [Color] [Number] now” and reported the Color and Number spoken by a target talker (cued by the Call sign “Baron”). Experiment 1 altered the natural rhythm of the target talker and background talkers for two-talker and six-talker backgrounds. Experiment 2 considered parametric rhythm alterations over a wider range, altering the rhythm of either the target or the background talkers. Experiments 1 and 2 revealed that altering the rhythm of the target talker, while keeping the rhythm of the background intact, reduced listeners’ ability to report the Color and Number spoken by the target talker. Conversely, altering the rhythm of the background talkers, while keeping the target rhythm intact, improved listeners ability to report the Color and Number spoken by the target talker. Experiment 3, which embedded the target talker in speech-shaped noise rather than multi-talker babble, similarly reduced recognition of the target sentence with increased alteration of the target rhythm. This pattern of results favors a dynamic-attending theory-based selective-entrainment hypothesis over a disparity-based segregation hypothesis and an increased salience hypothesis.

人们追求人际和谐的动机具有双重性,一方面是为了促进和谐,另一方面是为了避免破裂,两种动机驱使人们在面对冲突时采取不一样的应对策略。那么,谈判作为一种与冲突密不可分的情境,谈判者的和谐的动机将会对他们的谈判结果产生什么影响呢?本研究整合和谐动机和谈判两方面的文献,探讨了在整合性谈判中两种不同的和谐动机与谈判者的行为以及谈判结果之间的关系。研究结果表明,1)在个体层面上,谈判者的促进和谐动机与其个体收益以及对谈判双方关系的评价正相关,而避免破裂动机与其个体收益以及对谈判双方关系的评价负相关;2)在谈判对子层面上,谈判双方总体的促进和谐与谈判双方的联合收益正相关。本研究不仅进一步论证了和谐动机的概念效度,而且从理论上论证了和谐动机与谈判的关系,对于谈判者具有实践意义。  相似文献   
天道性命之说是宋明理学的主要内容之一,它打通了天与人、内与外、形而上与形而下,从而使发端于先秦时期的儒家学说具有了更多的形上内涵.理学家的天道性命之说超越了纯粹实用、功利的目的,而具有较强的伦理道德上的价值.它不仅探讨具体的道德规范、德目,而且还要进一步反思道德的超越根源和内在基础.这种"形上道德"有助于人们培养一种根源意识和超越意识.  相似文献   
Poliheuristic (PH) theory has received strong empirical support for its depiction of the option selection process: it explains how leaders evaluate, weigh, and ultimately choose among a set of policy options. But PH theory does not explain how this initial set of options is generated. Foreign policy problem representation (PR) research has shown that the way in which leaders mentally represent decision problems determines which options are generated for consideration. In this article, we develop a hybrid PR‐PH framework in which leaders’ problem representations drive an unconscious screening process that occurs prior to the conscious screening of PH stage 1. We test hypotheses drawn from this framework experimentally and find that key elements of PR (most notably, perceived threat) determine which options consciously occur to decision makers and which options are not generated during a simulated foreign policy crisis.  相似文献   
研究通过三个实验以检验工作记忆内容能否自动引导注意选择视场中与之匹配的任务完全无关刺激。实验一要求被试在工作记忆保持阶段完成一个视觉搜索任务,结果发现当搜索序列外的无关干扰刺激与工作记忆内容匹配时搜索绩效显著降低;实验二结果表明该干扰效应不能归因于自下而上的启动机制,因为对颜色刺激仅仅进行知觉辨认而没有工作记忆加工时并没有产生启动效应;实验三通过缩短搜索任务刺激的呈现时间以使得被试在完成搜索任务前没有足够时间眼跳至无关干扰刺激,结果发现了与实验一类似的干扰效应,说明在没有眼跳的情况下与工作记忆内容匹配的完全无关刺激可以捕获注意。这些结果表明保持在工作记忆中的信息表征可以自动引导注意选择视场中与之匹配的任务完全无关刺激,为基于工作记忆内容的注意捕获提供了新证据支持。  相似文献   
20世纪中国贡献给世界的唯一一类新药是青蒿素.青蒿素的发现源于中国传统中药青蒿.从青蒿素的发现自然地引出青蒿素是中药还是西药的问题.根据青蒿素发现的思路、过程与方法,可以得出青蒿素是西药的基本结论.青蒿素发现的成功案例,为中医药的现代化指出了一条路径.  相似文献   
张毅 《孔子研究》2020,(1):129-139
《左传》中的十三则筮例是传世文献中最早且成系统的早期易学史资料,自古以来即受到周易研究者的重视。近几十年出土的竹书文献中包含数量可观的筮占记录和数字卦卦画,可以填补《左传》筮例与今本《周易》经传流行之间一段漫长的缺失环节。本文对近三四十年出土的竹书筮占材料详加梳理,胪列了其中对《左传》筮例研究具有较大参考价值的材料,并评介了它们当前的整理、考释、研究状况。通过对这些材料的初步研究,认为新出土的竹书数字卦筮占资料对《左传》筮例研究可以有三方面启发意义:推求今本《周易》文辞的写定过程、搜集古卦象和总结观象玩辞的方法、探索运算成卦的程序和方法。  相似文献   
关羽本是蜀汉的五虎上将之一,但在殁后却成了妇孺皆知、全智全能的尊神,并形成了关羽信仰。究其原因是关羽的道德品质、人格魅力和儒释道三教、文学艺术、历代帝王的美化、圣化、神化之故。在此就文学艺术对关羽的神化作一论述。  相似文献   
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