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为全面了解全国高等院校医学人文教育现状,采取问卷调查的方式对来自全国48所高等院校的18 326名在校学生进行调查。调查得出学生对本校医学人文课程设置、自身学习效果和校园医学人文氛围整体状况较为满意。但也存在课程内容不全面、教学方法单一、缺少实践教学平台等问题。由此得出结论:高等院校医学人文教育的任务需要明确,医学人文课程体系需要完善,医学人文课程教学方式需要优化,医学人文教育评价需要多元化,医学人文教师队伍需要强化,医学人文教育平台需要巩固拓展。

心理咨询与治疗的流派体系是流派横向知识模块系统与历史纵向知识模块系统的有机结合.随着有关理论的不断引进和吸收,界定流派体系的基本内涵和定位,从而构建适应我国心理咨询与治疗事业发展所需要的心理咨询与治疗流派体系,是当前我国心理咨询与治疗理论研究的紧迫问题.  相似文献   
我国医患关系由“互信、尊重、理解、接受”变化到近年来的多元化.“互信、尊重、理解、接受”依然是我国医患关系的主流,但亦出现了“猜疑、轻视、迷茫、否认”等现象.通过对近年来的不和谐医患关系现象的分析描述,可知不和谐医患关系产生的原因为医学科学技术处于发展阶段的必然,我国卫生法制的相对滞后,国人固有的思维定势和科学知识思想的博弈.  相似文献   
Utility blindness occurs under limited information processing when consumers base their purchase decisions solely on transaction utility (gains from the deal) rather than on total utility. When the deal is attractive enough, consumers will buy a product even though the total utility is little or negative; on the other hand, an unattractive deal might decrease consumers' purchase likelihood even when the total utility is unaffected by the promotion. In this paper, three experiments provide evidence for the existence of utility blindness and demonstrate that information processing limitation is the underlying process. Transaction utility salience and cognitive load are identified as the moderating factors. Theoretical contributions, managerial implications, limitations, and future areas of the current research are also discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
通过探讨典型空间关系客体对中单个客体的视觉工作记忆,考察空间位置关系的解码特征和主动客体记忆优势。结果发现:(1)当客体以符合空间位置关系方式呈现时,记忆更准确;(2)符合空间位置关系条件下单个客体提取反应时更长,上方客体反应时更短,记忆更准确;(3)兼具空间位置关系与动作关系客体对中的主动客体记忆正确率更高。结果表明,现实场景客体空间分组中单个客体提取时存在解码现象和顺序效应,对现实中的上方与主动客体存在加工偏好。  相似文献   
Contemporary Chinese ethics faces two theoretical tasks: expansion in breadth and exploration in depth. The former refers to the opening of the problem area, and the latter refers to the deepening of ethics itself. To get out of the dilemma that academic results in the area are abundant in quantity but low in quality, contemporary Chinese ethics should expand and deepen in the three dimensions, namely, “no longer,” “being” and “not yet.” Within the framework of “no longer,” efforts should be made to deepen the studies of the history of moral concept and practice, and the ethics of culture from the perspective of genetics; with regard to the perspective of “being,” the ethical reflection on public crisis, system and Lnstitutional ethics, the dilemma of virtue theory and normative theory, and the conflicts and generalization between different moral paradigms will become the difficulties that require in-depth analysis and demonstration. As for the contemporary Chinese ethics towards “not yet,” attention must be paid to the duality of modern technology, the origin of human ethics based on building a community with a shared future for mankind and the moral philosophy that goes deep into people’s minds. To complete the above theoretical tasks, one must have judgment, thinking, and willingness, which can only be cultivated in the experience and thinking of “practical” life.  相似文献   
This paper examines critically the notion of reflection as self-objectification and points out its insufficiency in accounting for the pathological phenomenon of hyperreflexivity. It proposes an understanding of reflection as situated and motivated from within a world and having a normative aspect that concerns the very life of the reflecting person. On this account, the paper argues, on the one hand, that both phenomenological reflection and hyperreflexivity can be viewed as forms of reflection characterized by loss of the world. On the other hand, by construing the phenomenological loss as imaginative vis-à-vis the real loss of hyperreflexivity, the paper emphasizes a difference between the two domains.  相似文献   
为了解我国部分医科类高校医学(生命)伦理学课程的开展现状,对国内48所高校中68名从事医学(生命)伦理学教学工作的教师进行问卷调查。结果显示,23所高校教师人数超过4人;女性教师中学历为硕士的人数最多;32.4%的教师第一专业具备临床或医药背景;学时为32学时~36学时的高校仅1所,学分为2学分的高校也只有1所,以必修课形式开设的高校只有2所;28所高校开设了医学(生命)伦理学相关的讲座,其中2所高校年均开设次数达到5次或以上。调查显示,高校整体师资力量较薄弱、女性教师学历水平有待提高、教师知识结构较单一、课程受重视程度低、医学人文环境较差。建议扩大、优化师资结构,重树学科定位,加强医学人文建设,营造医学人文氛围。  相似文献   


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