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风景秀丽的树林,流水潺潺的山间小溪;或者那波浪翻滚的江河湖海,声势浩大的瀑布,都会使人感到空气格外清新,备觉舒适。这是什么缘故呢原来这些地方空气离子化程度高,负离子数量多空气里的负离子又叫负氧离子、阴离子。它对人类健康具有重要意义,人们把它誉为“空气维生素”。在  相似文献   
Although information processing has been widely studied with depressed adults, little emphasis has been placed on the specificity of resultant findings to depression, as opposed to other psychological disorders. Analogously, even less effort has been directed toward examining the information processing styles of depressed children and adolescents. The present study investigated the specificity of information processing styles to depression and anxiety among 58 youth psychiatric inpatients. To assess information processing, we used a self-referent encoding task, in which participants were presented with positive and negative adjectives; participants were asked whether these adjectives described them or not, and were then tested on recall of the adjectives. After controlling for age and gender, lower rates of positive adjective endorsement and lower rates of positive adjective recall were found to be associated with depression, but not anxiety. Additionally, negative adjective endorsement was associated with anxiety symptoms. These results suggest specific cognitive features of depressive symptoms.  相似文献   
The main objective of this study was to examine the associated factors of the early postpartum depression, in a Turkish sample of 151 postnatal women. Besides positive and negative affect and marital adjustment measures, demographic and labor related variables, which may affect the postpartum depression, were also included into the study. To reveal the critical factors associated with the early postnatal depressive mood, a regression analysis was conducted. After controlling for the variance accounted for by age and number of children, negative affect and marital maladjustment measures were found to be significant associates of postpartum depression. These findings are discussed in the light of the literature.This work has been supported by the Turkish Academy of Sciences, in the framework of the Young Scientist Award Program. (TG-TUBA-GEBIP/2002-1-11).  相似文献   
听觉、时间加工能力与发展性阅读障碍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来阅读障碍者的知觉加工越来越受到重视 ,本文介绍了近期国外关于阅读障碍者的听觉加工能力、时间加工能力的最新研究进展。快速听觉加工能力的缺失在阅读障碍者身上普遍存在 ,并被认为是阅读障碍产生的主要原因 ;有研究者提出“时间控制障碍”假说 ,认为阅读障碍源自一种普遍性的时间知觉障碍 ,不具有通道特异性。除此之外 ,还发现阅读障碍者对声音频率、响度等非时间特征也出现了觉察困难。通过这些研究我们可以看到 ,听觉加工能力、快速时间加工能力与阅读能力之间可能有着密切的关系 ,但这几种能力如何具体作用于阅读发展 ,它们之间如何相互作用、相互影响仍需进一步探讨。  相似文献   
This research assumes that accuracy of shared historical knowledge of genocide might help new generations cope with the trauma lived by previous generations, while the longer the denial of a genocide the more fragmented the macronarrative and the longer the collective trauma. The Armenian genocide (1915) is generally represented in opposite ways by the Turks and Armenians. The study explores the knowledge accuracy of the 1915 events before and after the centennial commemoration of the genocide and uses convenience samples from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Romania, United States, Venezuela, and a representative sample (Romania, N = 1231). The major findings suggest a very low basic knowledge of genocide, with a few exceptions, despite a significant increase of this knowledge after the 100-year commemoration.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to reveal the cross-cultural utility of the Thought-Action Fusion Scale (TAFS; J. Anxiety Disord. 10 (1996) 379). Thought-action fusion (TAF) refers to the tendency to overvalue the significance and the consequences of thoughts. Two hundred and fifty one undergraduate Turkish students participated in the current study. The reliability and validity analyses of the Turkish version of the scale indicated that the TAFS had adequate psychometric properties in a Turkish sample. Consistent with the original TAF, the Turkish version of TAFS revealed two subscales as TAF-Likelihood and TAF-Morality. Reliability analysis showed that TAF Scale and its factors had adequate internal consistencies and split-half reliability coefficients. Confirming the expectations, TAFS scores were found to be significantly and positively correlated with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, responsibility, and guilt measures. Moreover, it was found that people with high obsessive-compulsive symptoms had higher TAFS scores than those with low symptoms.  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate the importance of different sources of perceived social support, sociotropic and autonomic personality dispositions, achievement expectation, and importance of academic achievement in predicting anxiety symptoms of male and female students who were preparing for the university entrance exam. Three hundred and forty students with ages varying from 16 to 21 participated in the study. Separate multiple regression analyses were run for males and females in predicting anxiety symptoms. The total Sociotropy score and the total Social Support score predicted anxiety for females, whereas for males, anxiety was predicted by four variables, namely, Achievement Expectancy, Concern over Approval, Social Support from Family, and Social Support from Friends. Implications of these results were discussed. This study was supported by the Turkish Academy of Sciences under the Young Scientist Award Program. (TG-TUBA-GEB>P/2002-l-ll).  相似文献   
碳氢共价键结构式正误样例组合的学习效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
许德志  张奇 《心理科学》2011,34(2):386-392
为考察错误样例在样例组合学习中的作用,以烃类物质碳氢共价键结构式为实验材料,以高中一年级学生为被试,对正确和错误样例组合的学习效果进行了实验。结果显示,正、误样例组合的学习成绩显著优于正确样例组合的学习成绩。在正、误样例组合的学习中,正、误样例数量相等的学习成绩明显优于数量不等的学习成绩;“对比”呈现正、误样例的学习成绩明显优于“分块”呈现正、误样例的学习成绩。  相似文献   
There is evidence that daily negative events at work enhance fatigue. In contrast, positive events may trigger processes that increase, but also processes that decrease, energetic resources. Accordingly, results regarding a main effect of positive events on fatigue have been mixed. However, a clearer pattern between positive events and fatigue can be expected under adverse circumstances (i.e., accumulation of negative events, high chronic stressors). Positive events may facilitate coping and accelerate recovery processes and, thus, reduce resource drain due to daily negative events and chronic stressors. Predicting fatigue in a diary study with 76 employees, we investigated interactions between daily positive events and (a) daily negative events and (b) chronic social stressors. Multilevel modeling revealed that negative but not positive events were associated with increased end-of-work fatigue. However, positive events interacted with negative events and with chronic social stressors. As expected, positive events were negatively associated with fatigue only on days with many negative events, but not so on days with few negative events. Analogously, positive events were negatively associated with fatigue only among employees with high, compared with low, chronic social stressors. We conclude that the beneficial short-term effects of positive events on energetic resources are largely confined to adverse circumstances.  相似文献   
In this paper we develop a theory of Bosbach and Rie?an states on non-trivial Hilbert algebras.  相似文献   
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