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采用Rosenberg自尊量表(RSES)对425名在校大学生进行施测,应用项目反应理论的Rasch模型对项目指标进行分析及DIF检验。结果表明,Rosenberg自尊量表具有单维性,量表的信度为0.84; 除项目8以外,其他项目拟合指标良好,较适用来区分中等及偏低自尊水平的个体,项目功能差异检验发现在项目1和项目5上存在DIF,表现为男生自尊水平要高于女生。相对于经典测量理论,应用Rasch模型分析Rosenberg自尊量表具有优势,为进一步的完善和使用该自尊量表提供依据。  相似文献   
心理韧性、孤独感、自我效能感都会影响老年人的主观幸福感,但三者影响程度的相对大小尚不清楚。为考察其影响力的大小,本研究采用了优势分析的方法。选取心理韧性量表、UCLA孤独量表、一般自我效能感量表分别测量老年人的心理韧性、孤独感、自我效能感,主观幸福感量表、费城老年中心信心量表测量老年人主观幸福感。优势分析结果表明,孤独感对老年人主观幸福感的预测力大于心理韧性与自我效能感;心理韧性的预测力大于自我效能感。本研究提示减少孤独感是提升老年人主观幸福感的重要途径,而老年人的心理韧性和自我效能感对提升老年人主观幸福感有一定的作用。  相似文献   
Proactive personality has been demonstrated to be positively correlated with individual’s job satisfaction in addition to big five traits. However, what is less clear are the intervening mechanisms underlying this relationship, the present study examined the mediating effects of self-efficacy and work engagement on the association between proactive personality and job satisfaction. Three hundred and fifty-two (194 females and 158 males) primary and middle school teachers completed the proactive personality scale, the teachers’ self-efficacy scale, the work engagement scale and the short-form Minnesota job satisfaction questionnaire. Results revealed that proactive personality was positively related to teachers’ job satisfaction. In addition, mediation analyses showed that the relation between proactive personality and teachers’ job satisfaction was simple mediated by self-efficacy and work engagement and sequentially mediated by self-efficacy–work engagement. These findings contribute to the complex nature of the relationship between proactive personality and job satisfaction. The possible explanations and limitations are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
A visual search for targets is facilitated when the target objects are on a different depth plane than other masking objects cluttering the scene. The ability of observers to determine whether one of four letters presented stereoscopically at four symmetrically located positions on the fixation plane differed from the other three was assessed when the target letters were masked by other randomly positioned and oriented letters appearing on the same depth plane as the target letters, or in front, or behind it. Three additional control maskers, derived from the letter maskers, were also presented on the same three depth planes: (1) random-phase maskers (same spectral amplitude composition as the letter masker but with the phase spectrum randomized); (2) random-pixel maskers (the locations of the letter maskers’ pixel amplitudes were randomized); (3) letter-fragment maskers (the same letters as in the letter masker but broken up into fragments). Performance improved with target duration when the target-letter plane was in front of the letter-masker plane, but not when the target letters were on the same plane as the masker, or behind it. A comparison of the results for the four different kinds of maskers indicated that maskers consisting of recognizable objects (letters or letter fragments) interfere more with search and comparison judgments than do visual noise maskers having the same spatial frequency profile and contrast. In addition, performance was poorer for letter maskers than for letter-masker fragments, suggesting that the letter maskers interfered more with performance than the letter-fragment maskers because of the lexical activity they elicit.  相似文献   
身体攻击行为学生自主神经活动的情绪唤醒特点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运用情绪生理学的方法,以31名具有身体攻击行为的初中工读学生和30名普通初中生为研究对象,研究了身体攻击行为学生与普通学生在基线生理唤醒和情绪生理唤醒的方面不同特点。结果发现,在生理唤醒的基线水平上,身体攻击行为学生与普通学生在指温、R-R间期、心率、指脉率方面差异显著,身体攻击行为学生的指温、心率、指脉率比普通学生低,身体攻击行为学生的R-R间期比普通学生R-R间期长。在愤怒刺激条件下,身体攻击行为学生报告的愤怒体验水平比普通学生高;愤怒诱发刺激引起身体攻击行为学生R-R间期、心率变化显著,而普通学生R-R间期、心率变化不显著。厌恶与恐惧、悲伤、愉快诱发刺激引起普通学生皮肤电变化显著,而身体攻击行为学生皮肤电变化不显著  相似文献   
慧远以二藏、四宗、顿渐局来判释佛陀所说经教.吉藏则以二藏三法轮来判释佛教经教.二者的共同之处在于皆以二藏判教思想为旨归.慧远、吉藏的二藏判教思想,是对整个南北朝判教思想的总结,标志着南北朝佛教判教思想的成熟.  相似文献   
目的:了解高中生的绝望感、自杀意念状况,分析中学生自杀意念的保护性因素的作用机制,为自杀的心理干预提供必要的支持。方法:采用分层整群抽样法抽取在校高中生300人,利用应对效能量表、贝克绝望量表和自杀意念量表等进行调查分析。结果:自杀意念者的检出率为15%,数量分布无性别、年级和独生子女上的差异;应对效能、家庭亲密度和适应性和乐观主义与自杀意念呈显著负相关,对自杀意念有显著的负向影响;乐观主义在应对效能、家庭亲密度和适应性对自杀意念的影响种起部分中介作用。结论:应对效能、家庭亲密度和适应性和乐观主义是自杀意念的重要保护性因素;应对效能、家庭亲密度和适应性通过乐观主义对自杀意念产生影响。  相似文献   
“生生”思想是儒家超越死亡焦虑的根本路径,具体体现在以下六个方面:宇宙自然视域下的“原始反终”; 血脉和精神传承视域下的“父死子继”; 丧礼和祭礼视域下的“慎终追远”; 体生和不朽视域下的“存顺没宁”; 生死抉择视域下的“杀身成仁”; 知命和立命视域下的“顺受其正”。儒家以“生生”思想统摄生死,彰显了深沉的人文智慧。  相似文献   
科学心理学观念的普遍兴起,是19世纪中叶错综复杂的思想史背景的产物。只有在人类思想及其历史作为整体的关系背景中,才能澄清这个观念的内在本性。也只有在系统地接受这个背景的制约关系中,这个观念才能获得其真理的实现。能否在人类思想作为整体中胜任并执行其理论职能,成为我们检验一种心理学体系之真理性的途径之一:科学心理学观念只有实现为现象学心理学,才能执行其为人文科学奠基的逻辑职能; 反之亦然。这个关系还从否定方面暗示着,一切以异化的形式实现的心理学,都不可能真正承担起为人文科学奠基的逻辑职能,并因而违背了我们的常识。  相似文献   
Group, which involves collective actions for achieving shared goals, can be conceptually understood as an important source of agency and control. The current research investigated whether group identity salience can enhance sense of agency within the individual. Specifically, we examined whether an activated cultural group identity, through presenting different types of cultural photographs in a predictable way, would facilitate people's sense of agency by using an implicit method, namely, intentional binding effect paradigm. Experiment 1a found that an activated cultural group identity enhanced the sense of agency. Next, Experiment 1b replicated the findings by recruiting a different ethnic group in the same society. Experiment 2 explored what may affect the intensity of induced sense of agency and found that perceived representativeness of the presented cultural stimuli was positively correlated with the intensity of induced sense of agency. Finally, Experiment 3 explored whether ethnic minority and majority groups would demonstrate different intensity of agency when their cultural identity was activated. The results showed that the sense of agency induced by the mainstream cultural stimuli was greater than that induced by the foreign cultural photographs. These patterns were not different between the two ethnic groups. Taken together, these findings reflected the dynamic nature of cultural identity construction in a multicultural society.  相似文献   
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