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平面香水广告版面设计的眼动研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究以EyeLinkⅡ型眼动仪探讨被试在观看香水广告时的眼动特征。实验设计为4(香水瓶位置:左上角、右上角、左下角、右下角)×3(背景图案:人物、广告词、风景)×2(兴趣区:香水、背景)的被试内设计。结果发现:(1)当香水瓶位于广告的下半部分时能够吸引消费者更多的注意;(2)当以人物为背景图案时,被试对位于广告左下角的香水瓶的注意更多;当以广告词为背景图案时,被试对位于广告的左上角的香水瓶的注意更多;(3)被试对香水广告版面设计时背景图案为风景的香水广告的喜爱甚于人物(名人或模特)和广告词。  相似文献   
团队作业与团队互动两类共享心智模型的发展特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
共享心智模型指团队成员关于团队作业、策略、团队情境、团队互动等的共同的知识结构,根据内容不同可以分为团队作业模型和团队互动模型两类。该研究通过实验室实验探讨两类共享心智模型的发展特征。132名大学生组成44个3人团队,随机分为团队绩效反馈组和无团队绩效反馈组。采用相似性评定法在团队执行作业前、中、后三次测量两类共享心智模型。结果发现:(1)共享心智模型随团队运作时间增加而发展;(2)团队互动模型形成和发展的难度高于团队作业模型;(3)团队绩效反馈对两类心智模型发展的作用不同,反馈加速了团队作业模型的发展速度,但却是团队互动模型能否得以发展的决定性因素。两类共享心智模型的不同发展特征应归因于两者特异性高低的不同  相似文献   
采用快速掩蔽启动范式、Go/No-go范式和事件相关电位(ERP)技术,探讨蒙语词汇识别过程中语音自动激活的时程及对语义通达的作用。实验中要求被试执行一个额外的语义分类任务,对关键刺激不做明显的行为反应。结果发现,SOA为67ms时,语音启动在头皮的额区诱发了明显的P150和N400成分;SOA为167ms时,语音启动在头皮的额区和中央区诱发了明显的P200成分,在整个大脑皮层诱发了明显的N400成分。结果表明,语音在蒙语词汇识别的早期自动激活并促进语义的通达。  相似文献   
This study examined the psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) in terms of internal consistency reliability, factorial validity, and measurement invariance across gender, age, residential region (metropolitan area/county town/rural area), educational level, and household income with a nationally representative sample of 4,795 participants in China. The percentages of male (47.0%) and female (53.0%) participants were about equal, and the mean age was 38.56 years (SD = 11.87). The results show that the SWLS has a high internal consistency reliability, a one-factor structure (with a wording effect on Items 4 and 5), strict invariance across gender, partial strict invariance across education (Items 1, 2 and 3), and partial strong invariance across age, income (Items 1, 2 and 3) and residential region (Items 1 and 2). The non-invariance of some items across age and region is discussed in terms of the rapid economic and social transitions of China in the past three decades.  相似文献   
周公的宗教信仰与政教实践发微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白欲晓 《世界宗教研究》2011,(4):143-151,194
周公拥有大祭司、摄政王和政教宣化者的多重身份。在周公这里,周人的"上帝"崇拜与"天"之信仰得到了继承和发展。周公"以德配天"与"制礼作乐"的文化与制度创设,既表现出理性的精神,又洋溢着对神道的崇敬。周公的政教实践,贯穿着道德的理想,但仍与宗教信仰相配合。周公之信仰与政教实践,对后世儒教有深远的影响。  相似文献   
该研究探讨提取抑制能否减少错误记忆的发生.以自编的DRM词表为实验材料,实验1采用有意遗忘范式(有意抑制),实验2采用部分线索效应范式(无意抑制).实验1结果发现:关键诱饵在“记住”条件下的错误回忆成绩显著高于“遗忘”条件下的错误回忆成绩;学过项目在“记住”条件下的正确回忆成绩显著高于“遗忘”条件下的正确回忆成绩.实验2结果发现:关键诱饵在“无部分线索”条件下的错误回忆成绩显著高于“部分线索”条件下的错误回忆成绩;学过项目在“无部分线索”条件下的正确回忆成绩显著高于“部分线索”条件下的正确回忆成绩.研究结果提示:有意和无意两种提取抑制都可以降低错误记忆,结果支持基于激活与监测的双加工理论的观点.  相似文献   
Shu H  Xiong H  Han Z  Bi Y  Bai X 《Behavioural neurology》2005,16(2-3):179-189
We present a Chinese-speaking patient, SJ, who makes phonological errors across all tasks involving oral production. Detailed analyses of the errors across different tasks reveal that the patterns are very similar for reading, oral picture naming, and repetition tasks, which are also comparable to the error patterns of the phonological buffer deficit cases reported in the literature. The nature of the errors invites us to conclude that the patient's phonological output buffer is selectively impaired. Different from previously reported cases, SJ's deficits in oral production tasks are not accompanied by a similar impairment of writing performance. We argue that this dissociation is evidence that the phonological output buffer is not involved in writing Chinese words. Furthermore, the majority of SJ's errors occur at the onset of a syllable, indicating that the buffer has a structure that makes the onset more prone to impairment.  相似文献   
TODAM is a theory of distributed associative memory based on the convolution-correlation formalism of A. Borsellino and T. Poggio (1973, Kybernetik, 122, 113-122), and TODAM2 is a revised version which includes context, auto-associations for binding, a dual basis for item information, and mediators for associative information. It can explain some complex interactions (differential forgetting and differential attention) between item and associative information. In this paper we derive the basic expressions for the memory-probe dot product for the 2x2 cases (item and pair study crossed with item and pair probe), and then we apply these expressions to judgments of frequency (JOF) and judgments of recency (JOR). We report an experiment which tests both JOF and JOR for single items with post-cuing to control for encoding strategies and suggest an attenuation factor for repetition to improve the fits. With attenuation, TODAM2 can fit the JOR data, but the JOF fits, while not too bad, consistently predict too much dependence between item and associative information. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   
不同年级学生读课文时眼睛注视方式的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
采用3200型眼动记录仪,以小学三年级、小学五年级、初中一年级、高中一年级和大学各30名视力正常的学生为被试,记录了他们在有一定阅读任务要求下的眼睛注视方式。结果发现:阅读速度随年级升高而加快,且小学五年级组和初中一年级组、高中一年级组和大学生组之间差异显著;在读课文的过程中,各年级学生使用两种类型的国视和四种注视课文的方式;回视次数随年级升高而减少,且句间回视次数显著多于句内回视次数;各年级学生读课文时以使用直接和往复注视方式为主,以使用问题和不规则方式为辅。  相似文献   
Advances in natural language processing provide accessible approaches to analyze psychological open‐ended data. However, comprehensive instruments for text analysis of stereotype content are missing. We developed stereotype content dictionaries using a semi‐automated method based on WordNet and word embeddings. These stereotype content dictionaries covered over 80% of open‐ended stereotypes about salient American social groups, compared to 20% coverage from words extracted directly from the stereotype content literature. The dictionaries showed high levels of internal consistency and validity, predicting stereotype scale ratings and human judgments of online text. We developed the R package Semi‐Automated Dictionary Creation for Analyzing Text (SADCAT; https://github.com/gandalfnicolas/SADCAT ) for access to the stereotype content dictionaries and the creation of novel dictionaries for constructs of interest. Potential applications of the dictionaries range from advancing person perception theories through laboratory studies and analysis of online data to identifying social biases in artificial intelligence, social media, and other ubiquitous text sources.  相似文献   
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