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高旭 《管子学刊》2013,(1):44-50
《淮南子》对墨子持有复杂的政治认识与态度,这在秦汉思想史上具有一定的代表性。从黄老道家的根本立场出发,“批墨”是《淮南子》政治思想的基本主张,但与此同时,《淮南子》也内在地显示出“尊墨”的政治情怀,进而试图对墨子政治思想有所借鉴和汲取,达到“融墨”之理论目的。对待墨子及其政治思想的历史态度,既凸显出《淮南子》立足黄老,融通诸子的博大精神,也彰显出墨子在秦汉政治思想发展中独特的历史影响。  相似文献   
徐怀静 《法音》2021,(1):71-76
在卷帙浩繁的汉语佛教典籍中,《心经》被称为佛经之心,是最为著名的传世佛典之一。在诸多汉译本中,玄奘所译《心经》流通最广。随着佛教的海外传播,《心经》被译成多种语言,其中影响最大者,当推爱德华·孔兹版的英译《心经》。关于译者的地位和作用,余光中曾经写道:译者与伟大的心灵为伍,见贤思齐,当其意会笔到,每能超凡入圣,成为神之巫师,天才之代言人。此乃寂寞之译者独享之特权。[1]因为卓越的译者能将佛经翻译为各种语言,起源于印度半岛的佛教,才能在全世界拥有今天的影响力。  相似文献   
国际合作中知情同意面临的难题及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前在医学研究的国际合作中,知情同意原则在实施中出现了许多争议和难题.结合一些典型案例,对知情同意的跨文化研究、知情同意表格的误解以及保护受试者与自由研究之间的权衡等问题进行了深入地分析.指出:加强交流、相互尊重、求同存异是解决跨文化研究的必由之路;严格审查、加强监管是避免知情同意流于形式的重要手段;鼓励与防范并举才能达到双赢的局面.  相似文献   
人格类型对应激反应影响的实验研究(实验室应激源部分)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究以EPQ为依据选择高神经质和低神经质2组共24名被试,以有时间压力的心算和复杂辨别反应操作为紧张性刺激,在进行作业的同时记录被试的呼吸频率、呼吸流量、脉率、指端血管容积和皮肤电反应等五项生理指标,并检测尿内儿茶酚胺分泌量。通过对人格类型、作业成绩、作业难度主观评价、紧张性情绪体验,以及对尿内儿茶酚胺分泌量和五项生理指标的综合分析,以研究人格类型对应激反应影响的程度和途径。结果表明,在两组被试作业成绩无显著差异的情况下,在对作业难度主观评价和情绪体验的程度上,高神经质组高于低神经质组。在平静状态下,高神经质组去甲肾上腺素分泌量高于低神经质组;应激状态下,高神经质组的儿茶酚胺反应强度和变化幅度均明显高于低神经质组。高神经质组的五项生理指标均比低神经质组有较大的变化幅度。儿茶酚胺分泌量与脉率有明显的正相关。另外,通过与自然应激源部分的实验结果比较,发现实验室与现场应激的效果基本一致。  相似文献   
Abundant research conducted in Western contexts has shown that biological risk factors such as low resting heart rate (HR) might be related to childhood aggression. However, it was unclear (1) how resting HR, as well as other markers of cardiac functions such as resting vagal tone, may be related to subtypes of aggression such as reactive and proactive aggression, and (2) whether the HR-aggression relation can be replicated in non-Western contexts. Therefore, this study examined the concurrent and prospective relations between resting HR, vagal tone, and Chinese children’s reactive and proactive aggression. Participants were 183 children (M age?=?7.64 years, 91 girls) recruited from an elementary school in Zhenjiang, PRC. Children’s resting HR and vagal tone were assessed in the second grade (T1). Teachers rated children’s reactive and proactive aggression in the second (T1) and fourth grade (T2). Results showed that lower resting HR at T1 was associated with higher reactive and proactive aggression at T1 and T2, and higher vagal tone was associated with lower HR, which in turn was related to higher reactive and proactive aggression at T1 and T2. Lower vagal tone was directly related to higher reactive but not proactive aggression at T1 and T2, whereas lower HR was related to higher reactive aggression at T2 for children with low or moderate vagal tone but was not for children with high vagal tone. These psychophysiological findings from a non-Western context add additional support for both similarities and differences between reactive and proactive aggression in childhood.  相似文献   
金贵昌  郑竺英 《心理学报》1987,20(1):102-106
本实验利用条纹发生器产生正弦调制的条纹作视觉刺激,用NICOLETCA—1000平均仪,从枕骨隆起上方沿中线5cm处记录瞬态视觉诱发电位。实验用四种不同反差,十种空间频率,四名被试。结果表明瞬态视觉诱发电位(C_1—C_2)的峰值随反差的增加而变化,其在空间频率上有一定的分布,最敏感处落在3—5C/deg。在阈上刺激时,被试个体有差异,但分布趋势相似,最敏感处也为3—5C/deg,这和心理物理实验获得的调制传递函数(MTF)结果很吻合。从实验结果可以看到(C_1—C_2)值对反差变化是敏感的,它反映了人视觉系统对不同空间频率上的反差敏感性,可以把它与MTF相类比。  相似文献   
汉末社会民生凋敝、世风日下,天命谶纬、神学目的论等思想使儒学经学掺入了谶纬化、巫术化的杂质,道家对儒家在思想内涵上的互补功用凸显出来,儒道互补蔚然成风。《易传》作为儒道交融的重要经典其中开放性的宇宙观和辩证法思想受到社会批判思想家的汲取和借鉴。仲长统深受《易传》中自然哲学思想浸染和启示,心驰于世务,思锐于人事,主张所贵乎用天之道人事为本,天道为末,将治乱周复视作天道大数,对天道、人事多有阐发,并立足时局,以其特有的批判精神犀利地鞭挞了社会弊端,对汉代封建社会的制度作了深入批驳和历史性总结,提出了众多颇有裨益的改革主张,体现出杂糅儒道,重人贵天的思想倾向。通过散见于《后汉书·仲长统传》《群书治要》中收录的有关《昌言》的诸断篇残文、政论主张可以管窥仲长统思想中的易学因子。  相似文献   
In an early study in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Rekers and Lovaas (1974) evaluated the Behavioral Treatment of Deviant Sex-role Behaviors in a Male Child. They investigated the use of reinforcement and punishment to target non-gender-conforming behaviors of a 5-year-old male child. This study was considered by some to be controversial and concerning, even near the time of publication (Nordyke et al. 1977; Winkler, 1977). The concerns focused on the ethicality of selecting non-gender-conforming behavior as a target response and the use of punishment for this type of response, particularly at the behest of parents when the young child was not seemingly distressed. The study has subsequently been used as empirical support for conversion therapy creating concerns about misinterpretation of the original article and harm to the LGBTQ+ community. This editorial reviews the concerns originally presented by Nordyke et al. (1977) and Winkler (1977) and issues an official Expression of Concern about the various harms that have been associated with this paper.  相似文献   
We propose a latent topic model with a Markov transition for process data, which consists of time-stamped events recorded in a log file. Such data are becoming more widely available in computer-based educational assessment with complex problem-solving items. The proposed model can be viewed as an extension of the hierarchical Bayesian topic model with a hidden Markov structure to accommodate the underlying evolution of an examinee's latent state. Using topic transition probabilities along with response times enables us to capture examinees' learning trajectories, making clustering/classification more efficient. A forward-backward variational expectation-maximization (FB-VEM) algorithm is developed to tackle the challenging computational problem. Useful theoretical properties are established under certain asymptotic regimes. The proposed method is applied to a complex problem-solving item in the 2012 version of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).  相似文献   
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