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“要有创造性”指导语效应(effects of explicit instructions to“be creative”),是指在创造力测验或实验任务中,明确要求“要有创造性”(be creative)的指导语,能够促进被试的创造性表现的现象。该效应的理论解释主要有最大化表现理论、目标设置理论和注意控制理论。在指导语中对“创造性”作出解释、创造性任务的类型以及被试特征,都会影响“要有创造性”指导语效应的产生。在创造性教学过程中,可以根据“要有创造性”指导语效应发生的机制,从设置创造性目标、根据任务特征施加精细指导、结合学生特征实施个性化教学三个方面,设计创造性活动,以促进学生创新能力的发展。  相似文献   
采用亲密关系经历量表(ECR)、UCLA孤独量表、罗森伯格自尊量表和纽芬兰纪念大学幸福感量表(MUNSH)对311名老年人进行调查,探讨老年人依恋对主观幸福感的影响,以及孤独感和自尊的中介作用。结果发现:(1)孤独感在依恋焦虑对主观幸福感的影响中起部分中介作用,孤独感在依恋回避对主观幸福感的影响中起完全中介作用;自尊在依恋焦虑、依恋回避对主观幸福感的影响中不起中介作用;(2)孤独感、自尊在依恋焦虑、依恋回避对主观幸福感的影响中起链式中介作用。  相似文献   
Although a growing body of research has detected the effects of community‐level religiosity on various health outcomes, very little scholarship has examined the influence of religious ecology on infant mortality rates (IMRs). We conduct ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analyses on postneonatal IMRs (PNIMRs) using county‐level data from the National Center for Health Statistics Linked Birth and Infant Death Data (1990, 2000, and 2006–2010), churches and church membership data, and the Area Health Resource File. We find that while overall rates of postneonatal deaths have decreased over time, the effects of religion on this outcome have become more pronounced. Specifically, we find that counties with greater proportions of mainline Protestant and Catholic adherents exhibit significantly lower PNIMRs. We further find that a greater proportion of conservative Protestants, and especially fundamentalists, increases postneonatal infant mortality. Our findings lend additional support to cultural explanations of U.S. infant mortality.  相似文献   
To increase game loyalty but decrease game addiction, this study examines online game social migration and tests the mediating effects of offline social value and maladaptive cognition on the basis of the theory of consumption value and the cognitive behavioral model of pathological Internet use. The results are as follows: (i) Overall, online game social migration is associated with greater game loyalty and less game addiction; (ii) The positive association between online game social migration and game loyalty was mediated by offline social value; and (iii) Online game social migration is associated with lower game addiction. This paper provides a new perspective (taking into account both business interests and players' psychological health) for online game research and also offers practical guidance for cooperation between game companies and the public. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The present study investigated whether cooperative goals mediate the relationship between similarity in gender and self‐esteem and social support and relationship quality in ongoing peer dyads. Based on data collected from 209 student dyads, the findings largely support the mediating role of cooperative goals. However, the study found that gender similarity was positively related while self‐esteem similarity was negatively related to cooperative goals and relationship quality of peer dyad members.  相似文献   
许科  王明辉  刘永芳 《心理科学》2008,31(3):584-587
采用研究者自行编制的员工组织社会化内容问卷,通过对382名企业员工进行调查,运用潜变量路径分析技术,探讨了员工组织社会化程度和员工行为绩效间的关系.结果表明:组织文化社会化对员工组织认同感有显著正向影响,工作胜任社会化对员工工作绩效有显著正向影响,人际关系社会化对员工工作绩效和工作满意度均有显著正向影响,组织政治社会化对员工组织认同有显著负向影响而对离职意愿有显著正向影响.  相似文献   
就遗传咨询服务及相关保健服务过程中涉及到的科技保障与伦理优先的问题进行了讨论。对在遗传咨询服务和产前诊断技术服务中的有关伦理问题提出了一些见解。认为,科技保障是遗传咨询和相关保健服务的基础,而伦理优先则是传咨询和相关保健服务的道德规范。只有在符合道德规范前提下的技术服务,才是真正科学的技术服务。  相似文献   
虽然印顺与拉纳拥有不同的宗教信仰和文化背景,但他们都是关注人间、人性和现实问题的宗教思想家。这一特征在印顺的菩萨论与拉纳的基督论上得到了最集中的体现,因为两者都有试图在自己最核心的宗教观念上摆脱"天神化"或"抽象化"的倾向,并且通过回归"人间"和"人性"来建立以人为本的理论体系。本文分别以这两种理论为例,对他们的人本主义思想加以比较研究,以期能够促进佛教与基督宗教之间的对话和交流。  相似文献   
浅谈情绪智力与人工智能中的感情计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于情绪智力是加工、处理情绪及情绪信息的能力,而人工智能中的感情计算是要赋予计算机与人互动过程中情感信息的加工能力,人脑处理情绪信息的能力与电脑处理情绪信息的能力可以进行类比。近几年来,人工智能专家已经认识到情绪智力在感情计算中的重要作用和意义,把人类识别和表达情感的能力赋予计算机,开发了具有部分感情能力的计算机。新一代感情计算机的研发和应用依赖于人工智能专家与心理学家之间的密切合作,两者的研究成果可以相互借鉴和互补  相似文献   
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