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This paper selects four dreams before and during COVID-19 which constellated the Plague God image in Chinese culture. The author argues that this shows evidence that the origins of the modern psyche, although hidden, are preserved and living within the ancient anima mundi.  相似文献   
Numerous individuals have lost loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic while millions of others have also experienced ongoing pervasive non-death loss. The understanding of how people deal with non-death loss is still relatively limited. Incorporating theory of coping and loss, this study examines the reciprocal relationship between non-death loss and acceptance coping. Based on the results of a cross-lagged panel model involving 314 participants in China, we found that before the end of the zero-Covid policy, non-death loss at Time 1 predicted less acceptance coping at Time 2, but in the opening up stage in late 2022, non-death loss at time 2 did not predict acceptance coping at time 3. The findings have significant implications for understanding the interplay between non-death loss and acceptance coping and highlights abrupt psychological changes during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   
Previous findings indicate that test cues linked to more associates (more knowledge) produce lower levels of recall than cues with fewer associates. One hypothesis attributes this effect to cross-target interference arising during retrieval on the assumption that cues with more associates are more likely to be indirectly connected to studied words other than the target. Another attributes the effect to sampling associates of the cue on the assumption that the probability of sampling the target declines as more associates are activated. Findings from four experiments showed that recall varied with cue set size, and, more importantly, that cue set size affected recall independently of the interference produced by cross-target connections. These results were interpreted as supporting a model that attributes cue set size effects to sampling processes associated with the intersection of the test cue and its associates with the target and its associates.  相似文献   
从中西医学的竞争和渗透谈现代中医临床思维的变革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代中医的临床思维正在发生着变革,一个以辨病为纲,辨证为目,辨病论治为经,辨证论治为纬的临床思维新模式,已经呼之欲出。这正是21世纪中医学发展的必由之路,学术界必从唯物辩证法的角度来审视这场变革,并因其势而利导之。  相似文献   
Temporal order judgments (TOJs) were obtained for tactile stimuli presented to subjects' fingerpads. In one set of measurements, pairs of spatial patterns were presented successively to a single fingerpad (same-site condition), to two fingers on the same hand (ipsilateral condition), or to two fingers on opposite hands (bilateral condition). The subjects were instructed to report which one of the two patterns was presented first. TOJs were more accurate in the same-site condition than in either the ipsilateral or the bilateral conditions. In the ipsilateral and bilateral conditions, performance improved when judging which one of two locations received a stimulus first, although performance levels were still lower than in the same-site condition. Increasing the size of the pattern set from which the two patterns to be judged were drawn had only a slight effect on same-site performance and no effect on ipsilateral/bilateral performance; however, changing the nature of the patterns had a considerable effect on same-site performance and a smaller effect on ipsilateral/bilateral performance. Introducing an intensity imbalance between members of the pair of stimuli also had a large effect on same-site TOJs: a less intense stimulus tended to be judged as being presented first. In the bilateral condition, however, there was a small effect in the reverse direction: more intense stimuli tended to be judged as being presented first. The intensity imbalance had no effect in the ipsilateral condition. The results suggest that different mechanisms are responsible for TOJs for patterns presented to the same-site and to separate sites and, furthermore, that separate sites may constitute separate channels for spatial information.  相似文献   
徐秉? 《心理学报》1990,23(4):94-100
国外一些科学家设想,神经系统获得和储存信息的能力很可能编录于基因。如能引起单个基因突变,导致学习和记忆能力的变化,那么,从遗传、生化和行为上来研究这种变化,确定相关的基因及基因产物,从而有可能阐明学习记忆的分子机制。这些研究开辟了学习记忆神经生物学基础研究的一个全新的探索领域。果蝇正好是进行这项研究的合适材料。本文分三部分叙述这一研究概况,一,学习记忆有缺陷的果蝇突变型的一般描述;二,突变型的分子损伤;三,问题讨论(包括,1,学习记忆有缺陷的突变型的定义;2,对学习记忆影响的普通性;3,机制的考虑。)  相似文献   
用半视野速示术对藏族、维吾尔族人(各60名),进行辨认表音、表意文字的研究。结果表明,无论是藏族还是维吾尔族被试,对汉字(表意文字)的辨认都是两半球均势的,而对藏/维文(表音文字)的辨认却出现两种不同的结果:对熟练掌握和使用汉语多年(五年以上)的藏族被试出现两半球均势,而学习汉语一年左右的藏族及维吾尔族被试以及学习汉语四年的维吾尔族被试却为左半球优势。这表明对表意文字汉字的辨认是两半球均势的,对表音文字藏/维文的辨认似乎受被试使用汉语的影响,会由左半球优势转变为两半球均势。  相似文献   
组织行为学在中国之发展与领导行为研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、发展的历程 组织行为学做为一门独立学科被介绍到中国是70年代末80年代初的事,但中国心理学家早已注意到这方面的问题,而且在自己的研究工作中涉及到有关的课题,当时多采用工业心理学、劳动心理学或工程心理学的名称。 早在中华人民共和国成立之前,一些心理学家就考虑到在工业生产中有关人的因素  相似文献   
关于几种照明的视觉疲劳的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验研究以眼的调节辐合时间,亮度辨别力和视觉疲劳的主观估计作指标,比较了八种不同照明条件下勾销工作所造成的视觉疲劳,得到了较一致的结果。实验者就视觉疲劳的测量问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
徐凡 《心理学报》1989,22(1):70-77
本实验分别从运动、照片和“地图”方面对4岁、5岁和6岁儿童在真实空间中的心理旋转及对参照信息的使用等空间表征的发展作了初步考察,结果发现,(1)运动部分客体定位最容易,“地图”部分其次,照片部分最难,(2)心理旋转能力在不同的实验方式下有不同的表现;(3)儿童的自我中心性反应也是相对的,并不一律依存于儿童的年龄,还与客观标记的作用有关。  相似文献   
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