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This paper analyzes legal fact-argumentation in the framework of the argumentation-based litigation game (ALG) by Xiong (Leg Sci 370(9):16–19, 2012). Rather than as an ontological one, an ALG treats a legal fact as a fact-qua-claim whose acceptability depends on the reasons supporting it. In constructing their facts-qua-claims, parties to an ALG must interact to maintain a game-theoretic equilibrium. We compare the general interactional constraints that the civil (a.k.a. ‘continental’) and common law systems assign, and detail what the civil, administrative, and criminal codes of mainland China require of the suitor (S), the respondent (R), and the trier (T) to establish their respective S-, R- and T-facts. We also offer an improved version of the legal syllogism.  相似文献   
This study describes a conceptual tool, labeled the “culture cube,” developed to identify and articulate the cultural underpinnings of prevention and early intervention projects in five priority populations (i.e., African American, Asian Pacific Islander, Latino, Native American, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning), participating in the California Reducing Disparities Project Phase 2 (CRDP Phase 2). The culture cube was developed for evaluation of these practice‐based evidence services (PBEs) for three purposes: (a) to focus attention on revealing and articulating more fully the operative worldview and culturally grounded frameworks underlying PBEs, explicitly identifying the links between cultural beliefs and values, community needs, and intervention design; (b) to guide the methods used to assess and evaluate PBEs so that the outcome indicators and process measures are conceptually consistent, community defined, and culturally centered; and (c) to invite communities to use their own indigenous epistemological frameworks to establish credible evidence. After reviewing the literature in this area and describing the theoretical framework for the culture cube, we describe its development, application, and the response to its use in the initial stages of the California Reducing Disparities Project‐Phase 2.  相似文献   
The authors examined antecedents of abusive supervision and the relative importance of interactional and procedural justice as mediators of the relationship between abusive supervision and the work outcomes of affective organizational commitment and individual- and organization-directed citizenship behaviors. Data were obtained from subordinate-supervisor dyads from a telecommunication company located in southeastern China. Results of moderated regression analysis revealed that authoritarian leadership style moderated the relationship between supervisors' perceptions of interactional justice and abusive supervision such that the relationship was stronger for supervisors high rather than low in authoritarian leadership style. In addition, results of structural equation modeling analysis revealed that subordinates' perceptions of interactional but not procedural justice fully mediated the relationship between abusive supervision and the work outcomes. Implications for future investigations of abusive supervision are discussed.  相似文献   
交互记忆系统研究回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张钢  熊立 《心理科学进展》2007,15(5):840-845
交互记忆系统是团队成员之间形成的一种彼此依赖的,用以编码、储存和提取不同领域知识的合作分工系统。其研究有助于发现高效工作团队如何处理解决问题所需要的信息,解释团队成员怎样通过发挥各自的专长去解决团队面临的问题。它是解释团队知识处理过程的一个机制。相关研究已有近20年的历史。文章从交互记忆系统的形成和维护、测量、影响因素及其对团队有效性的作用等几个方面对已有研究进行回顾,并指出其对管理研究和管理实践的借鉴意义及未来可能的研究方向  相似文献   
本文根据实地田野观察访谈的资料,记录云南宁蒗县中南部地区摩梭人的丧葬仪式,从宗教人类学的角度阐释摩梭人丧葬仪式及其蕴涵的文化价值。  相似文献   
翟文静  熊哲宏 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1518-1520,1523
文章从假装的判定标准,一些重要概念如元表征、分离机制、元表征的形式等方面介绍和评价了Leslie假装的元表征理论,并通过一个行为定向模型加以明确描述。文章表明,Leslie对以皮亚杰为代表的传统假装理论提出了挑战。  相似文献   
Test of a mediation model of perceived organizational support   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the mediating influence of trust in organization (TIO) and organization-based self-esteem (OBSE) on the relationship between perceived organization support (POS) and its work outcomes. Data were obtained from employee-supervisor dyads from multiple organizations located in a major city in southern China. Structural equation modeling results revealed that: (a) POS related to TIO and OBSE and (b) TIO and OBSE fully mediated the relationship between POS and the work outcomes of organizational commitment and in-role performance, but partially mediated the POS-organizational citizenship behavior relationship.  相似文献   
前此曾论述葛洪神仙思想的现代意义,①此再论想谈其历史意义。葛洪的神仙论在道教神仙这个核心信仰方面,有重要的历史和理论意义。主要讨论神仙问题的《抱朴子内篇》,对其以前的神仙思想,作了一次比较全面的总结,并有一  相似文献   
The current multiwave longitudinal study examined the applicability of two cognitive vulnerability-stress models of depression-Beck's (1967, 1983) cognitive theory and the hopelessness theory (Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 1989)-in two independent samples of adolescents from Hunan Province, China (one rural and one urban). During an initial assessment, participants completed measures assessing dysfunctional attitudes (Beck, 1967, 1983), negative cognitive style (Abramson et al., 1989), neuroticism (Costa & McCrae, 1992), depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms. Once a month for the subsequent 6 months, participants completed measures assessing the occurrence of different types of negative events, depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms. Results provided support for cognitive vulnerability factors as predictors of increases in depressive symptoms following the occurrence of higher than average levels of negative events in Chinese adolescents. The results also supported the specificity of these two cognitive vulnerability factors as predictors of depressive versus anxiety symptoms following the occurrence of higher than average levels of negative events (i.e., symptom specificity), and the ability of cognitive vulnerability factors to predict prospective change in depressive symptoms above and beyond the effects of trait neuroticism (i.e., etiological specificity).  相似文献   
动、名词词类特异性损伤的研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
词汇的各类知识信息(如,语法信息)在人脑中的表征和加工方式是当前学者们研究的热点之一,以患者为研究对象已成为了其中一种重要的研究手段。期间,人们发现脑损伤使得一些患者对动词或名词表现出选择性认知加工障碍,即出现了动、名词词类特异性损伤。通过探讨这一现象发生的机理,将为揭示词类的语法信息在人脑中的表征和加工方式提供了契机。文章介绍了这一现象的表现形式,即一些脑损伤患者对有关动词的知识比有关名词的知识丧失得更严重,而有些患者的损伤模式却与其恰好相反。另外,文中也阐述了对该现象的3种理论解释:语法解释、语义-概念解释和词典解释。  相似文献   
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