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本工作采用“位置法”对118例被试(包括儿童、少年、青年、中年和老年五个年龄组)进行记忆训练研究,分析不同年龄人记忆的发展变化和认知训练对改善记忆的作用,进而探讨发展的认知功能储备能量的年龄差异。结果表明:1.老年和儿童组各项成绩明显低于青、少年组;2.认知干预措施可在一定程度上改善老年人的记忆,再次证明老年智力和记忆有一定的可塑性。但在发展的储备能量和对图形的迁移效应中也存在与记忆相似的年龄差异。  相似文献   
Emotional labour strategies have a significant impact on job burnout. However, current research results are controversial and unclear. A meta-analysis was conducted to explore the relationship between emotional labour strategies (surface acting and deep acting) and job burnout. A total of 84 empirical studies that included 28,242 participants were selected. The meta-analysis of the relationships between job burnout and surface acting and deep acting included 84 and 75 independent samples respectively. The results show that surface acting had a positive association (r = 0.25) with job burnout, whereas deep acting (r = −0.27) had a negative association with job burnout. Occupational types and measures of emotional labour strategies moderated the relationship between emotional labour strategies and job burnout, but this relationship was not moderated by measures of job burnout.  相似文献   
一、在规范伦理学与德性伦理学论争的背后规范伦理学与德性伦理学的论争是当代伦理学研究中的重要学术现象。规范伦理学以罗尔斯和哈贝马斯为代表,德性伦理学以麦金太尔为代表,形成了观点相互对立的两大伦理学阵营。规范伦理学以哲学思辨的方法研究伦理问题,其研究领域主要是伦理的价值或道德的应然,期望  相似文献   
晏婴是齐国历史上重要的宰相,他的主张和行为对齐景公产生了重大的影响。贤人治国,使齐国经常保持了大国和强国的地位,在各诸侯国家之间的关系上起着举足轻重的作用;直言敢谏,使齐景公改正了自己的缺点,缓和了当时严重的社会矛盾,稳定了政权。  相似文献   
Outcome measures that assess quality of life for use in health policy decisions need to be investigated in chronic pain patients. In the present study, the validity of the Quality of Well-Being Scale (QWB) was evaluated on 67 adult chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients who were enrolled in a 12-week multidisciplinary pain treatment program. Participants completed the QWB, a battery of pain measures, a behavioral observation task, and a medical exam. The findings indicated that CLBP patients have a low level of functioning or quality of life (M = .567, SD = .08) compared with persons with life-threatening diseases. The QWB score was significantly correlated with observational measures of pain behavior and pain-related coping strategies. Multivariate analysis indicated that interference in daily activities, distorted ambulation, affective distress, pain duration, and guarding were the most significant predictors of quality of well-being (multiple R = .84, p < .0001). Patients with medically incongruent physical signs had significantly lower QWB scores than patients with congruent signs. Overall, the data supported the validity of the QWB in a sample of CLBP patients.  相似文献   
孙玥 《宗教学研究》2020,(1):204-211
《创世记》37-50章记述的是关于约瑟的故事,其形式和内容都不同于之前的先祖亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各的叙事(创12-36),且成典的位置在《创世记》的最后,连接着《出埃及记》。但是除了《创世记》37-50章,约瑟在五经中只被提及了一次(出1:8),而在五经之外鲜有提及。为了解开此谜题,本文从约瑟故事中"梦"这个主题出发,并通过与《但以理书》1-6章的对比,重新对《创世记》37-50章做了详尽分析,认为约瑟故事实际上形成于散居时期,因此之前形成的文本有可能不知道其叙事内容。  相似文献   
杨克列维奇用"遮遣法"或否定法的哲学来改造柏格森思想,并以其作为分析因二战犹太人所遭受的磨难而引发的"宽恕"问题的基本方法。在宽恕行为的静态模式中,事关宽恕行为的当事人与宽恕资格问题,杨克列维奇提出了"宽恕的不可能性"命题,主张对于纳粹罪行的追溯"不受时效约束"。而在记忆、意识与自由参与其中的动态模式中,作为具有创造与生成能力的行动之人,宽恕将永远存在。借助"遮遣法",杨克列维奇提醒我们,宽恕与恶处于永恒的角力之中。这是一个我们不得不面对的伦理真相。  相似文献   
The current research examines how goal orientation affects consumer preference among products with different prices. We argue that a less expensive product may have not only lower perceived quality but also greater perceived quality variability. This greater perceived variability provides the opportunity for optimistic, promotion‐oriented consumers to overestimate the quality of the less expensive product. This effect is weaker, however, for a more expensive product that consumers perceive to have less quality variability and which thus provides less room for quality overestimation. As a result, we hypothesize that promotion‐oriented consumers, as compared to prevention‐oriented consumers, will demonstrate a stronger preference for a less expensive product. In a field study and two laboratory experiments, we obtain empirical support both for the hypothesized effect of consumers’ goal orientation on their product preference and for its underlying process. We conclude with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of our results.  相似文献   
Research on moral socialization has largely focused on the role of direct communication and has almost completely ignored a potentially rich source of social influence: evaluative comments that children overhear. We examined for the first time whether overheard comments can shape children's moral behavior. Three‐ and 5‐year‐old children (N = 200) participated in a guessing game in which they were instructed not to cheat by peeking. We randomly assigned children to a condition in which they overheard an experimenter tell another adult that a classmate who was no longer present is smart, or to a control condition in which the overheard conversation consisted of non‐social information. We found that 5‐year‐olds, but not 3‐year‐olds, cheated significantly more often if they overheard the classmate praised for being smart. These findings show that the effects of ability praise can spread far beyond the intended recipient to influence the behavior of children who are mere observers, and they suggest that overheard evaluative comments can be an important force in shaping moral development.  相似文献   
Underpinned by the stimulus–organism–response model, this study explores the underlying mechanism through which green advertising skepticism on social media affects consumer green purchase intention. It also investigates the boundary factors that moderate this indirect relationship. Performing structural equation modeling on data collected from an online survey on Sina Weibo, this study finds that green advertising skepticism on social media negatively affects green purchase intention through the mediation of perceived information utility. Moreover, interdependent self‐construal positively moderates, and independent self‐construal negatively moderates this indirect relationship. These findings suggest that truthful and consumer‐tailored green advertising is crucial to green product marketing.  相似文献   
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