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汉字形码和音码的整体性对部件识别的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
本实验从分析汉字整体知觉的具体表现形式入手,通过三个实验探讨字的整体知觉对部件知觉的影响。实验一以分解方式为变量,考查字形整体知觉对部件识别的影响,发现识别不同结构的字的部件之活动受知觉分解路线(如顺读或逆读)的影响。作者认为这种分解方式效应很可能跟部位有关。实验二证实了这一分析,并进而认为部位效应又跟部位与字形整体知觉的紧密程度有关。实验三以语音码为变量,发现成字部件的字音与整体字语音一致者(形声字),其分解知觉成绩比不一致者(非形声字)有明显的优势。这意味着,整体字音知觉的单一性对部件知觉的作用。最后,本研究还考查了部件识别法的有效性,并认为在研究知觉的整体与部分关系问题时,该法不失为一种新的实验范型。  相似文献   
Might a hypocrisy induction procedure reduce prejudicial behavior among aversive racists? We identified aversive racists as individuals low in explicit prejudice but high in implicit prejudice toward Asians. Results revealed that aversive racists, but not truly low prejudiced participants (i.e., those low in both explicit and implicit prejudice), responded to a hypocrisy induction procedure with increased feelings of guilt and discomfort, compared to those in a control condition. Furthermore, aversive racists, but not low prejudiced participants, responded to a hypocrisy induction procedure with a reduction in prejudicial behavior. These results suggest that consciousness raising might play an important role in motivating aversive racists to reduce their prejudicial behavior.  相似文献   
Founded upon the theories of Independent–Interdependent Self‐Construal and I–C, the main goal of this study was to test, via an adapted IOS Scale, whether Anglo‐Canadians were more independent than Mainland Chinese in construing their relationship with family members and friends. Strong cultural differences were found in self–family connectedness, but not in self–friends connectedness. Chinese were closer to their family members than Canadians, but Canadians were as close to their friends as Chinese. In both samples, gender difference was found in self–friends connectedness, but not in self–family connectedness. In the Canadian sample, females were closer to their friends than males, while in the Chinese sample, males were closer to their friends than females. In conclusion, this study contributes to the field in three ways. First, the finding that Canadians are as connected as Chinese to their close friends unprecedentedly contests one fundamental assumption of the theories of independent‐interdependent self‐construal (Markus & Kitayama, 1991 ) and I–C (Hofstede, 1980 ; Triandis, Bontempo, Villareal, Asia & Lucca, 1988 ) that individualists (e.g. Anglo‐Canadians) are more independent than collectivists (e.g. Chinese) on all dimensions of human relations. Second, the proposition (Cross & Madson, 1997 ) that Western males and females differ in the same way individualists and collectivists differ in their self‐construal is not supported. Finally, the adaptation of the IOS Scale proposes a refreshing direction in cross‐cultural research. Graphic representations may be less susceptible to cross‐cultural misconstrual than verbal statements since the former involves little or no translation from one language to another. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents a latent growth SEM approach for the estimation of treatment effects, and power to detect such effects, within a true experimental design setting in which subjects are randomly assigned to treatment and control conditions. Power estimation is a critical component of intervention experiment design and the testing of their results. Although researchers have become increasingly sophisticated in applying tests for statistical significance in intervention contexts, few are aware of the power of these tests. The issues raised in this paper are not new; however, reminding researchers to consider these points is important. Exactly how the researcher handles these issues will depend on the questions asked and the resources available, as well as other considerations. Discussion underscores the relationship between the reliability of a study's measures and concomitant increases in power obtained within the SEM framework.  相似文献   
婴儿物理因果感知能力的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李红  龚银清 《心理科学》2003,26(3):448-451
继Michotte(1963)用两个发生碰撞的小球对成人的物理因果理解进行研究以来,许多研究者使用该碰撞情境对婴儿的物理因果感知进行了一系列的研究,并得出了许多颇有争议的结论。本文结合近几年国外对婴儿物理因果感知能力的相关研究,阐述了婴儿感知简单物理情境中的因果关系能力的发展,评价了用来解释婴儿物理因果感知的模块理论与信息加工理论,以期对婴儿期的物理因果感知有一较全面的了解。  相似文献   
晚唐北宋以来,内丹炼养术风行一时,道教符箓派亦践行此术,遂产生出了一些新符箓派,如天心正法派、灵宝东华派、神霄派、清微派、净明派等.这些道派既承袭了北帝派、镇元派的道法传统,兼行上清与正一之法术,更援引内丹之法,出现了"内丹外符"的新气象.所谓的"内丹外符"或谓之"内修外法",即将内炼神气与外施符咒术结合为一.  相似文献   
"儒家文化"是个宏大的概念,从学理和实践的层面看,都不能在整体上得出儒家文化能够促进或者妨碍经济发展的结论,而应做具体的分析. 毋庸讳言,儒家文化作为中华民族传统文化的构成之一,在一定程度上,它的某些成分可以成为促进当代中国社会经济发展的动力.经过近20多年的研讨,特别是经过上个世纪90年代以来的市场经济体制建设实践的探索,儒家文化的某些内容可以成为社会文化发展的助力,已经成为事实.现在的问题是,儒家文化要在当代中国成为促进经济发展的助力,就要有切实的契合点,即要有恰当的进路;否则,无论儒家文化有多少优良之处,无论人们对于儒家文化在当今社会的作用有多么强烈的共识,都无济于事.而要合理地解决这个进路问题,就应当从儒家文化社会功能的两面性人手,对其做切实的分析.  相似文献   
近几年,风水术又流行起来。风水先生不足论,在一些学者的言论和论著中,也把风水说成是建筑选址的“环境科学”,比如要依山傍水,背风向阳之类。笔者经过对历史文献的考察,发现这完全是一种误解。兹将结果发表,供有关人士参考。一、风水术不是孔孟老庄及其以前的传统选择适当的地方做窝,是许多动物的本能。据研究,有些动物还有选择葬地的行为。到该死的时  相似文献   
在许多学者眼中,达尔文(Darwin,1809-1882)的进化论与基督教的创世说之间的分歧始终是困扰着现代西方文化的和谐发展的一大矛盾。但事实上,当达尔文的《物种起源》一书于1859年首次在英国伦敦面世时,非但没有使他在当时仍受教会资助的剑桥大学中陷入四面楚歌的境地,反而在一定程度上得到了一些信仰或同情基督教的科学  相似文献   
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