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催产素被誉为“爱的荷尔蒙”, 与依恋有着密切关系。以往研究已证明不同来源的催产素对不安全依恋者的人际适应性会产生不同的影响, 主要表现为内源性催产素水平越低, 不安全依恋者的人际适应性越差; 外源性催产素增强了依恋回避个体的人际适应性, 但降低了高依恋焦虑个体的人际适应性; A、G等位基因与不安全依恋者的人际适应性有关。此外还借助依恋理论和社会显著假说解释了上述影响, 不安全依恋者的防御性排斥、环境因素和个体差异调节了催产素的效应。未来应比较催产素受体基因与不安全依恋者人际适应性关系的差异, 催产素影响不安全依恋者人际适应性的性别差异问题, 并在人际互动过程中研究催产素对不安全依恋者人际适应性的影响, 以增强催产素研究的生态效度。  相似文献   
The four-parameter logistic model (4PLM) has recently attracted much interest in various applications. Motivated by recent studies that re-express the four-parameter model as a mixture model with two levels of latent variables, this paper develops a new expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm for marginalized maximum a posteriori estimation of the 4PLM parameters. The mixture modelling framework of the 4PLM not only makes the proposed EM algorithm easier to implement in practice, but also provides a natural connection with popular cognitive diagnosis models. Simulation studies were conducted to show the good performance of the proposed estimation method and to investigate the impact of the additional upper asymptote parameter on the estimation of other parameters. Moreover, a real data set was analysed using the 4PLM to show its improved performance over the three-parameter logistic model.  相似文献   
In this paper, we pose a speculative encounter between Heidegger and the Chinese Song Dynasty landscape painter Xia Gui. Our intention is to reassess Heidegger’s theory of the fourfold. By placing the concept in a cross-cultural context, we argue that Heidegger was essentially correct in that the world is structured as a fold between interrelated elements. At the same time, we challenge the quantity and quality of the folded elements. If one turns to the work of Xia Gui in conjunction with relevant Daoist texts, what one finds is a threefold structure to the world, composed of earth, sky, and mortals without Heidegger’s emphasis on divinities. In conclusion, we suggest that studying the folding structure of the world ought to be done through cultural comparisons of philosophical and aesthetic traditions in order to understand the potentiality for worldhood as an xfold.  相似文献   
Starting in early childhood, children are socialized to be honest. However, they are also expected to avoid telling the truth in sensitive situations if doing so could be seen as inappropriate or impolite. Across two studies (total N = 358), the reasoning of 3- to 5-year-old children in such a scenario was investigated by manipulating whether the information in question would be helpful to the recipient. The studies used a reverse rouge paradigm, in which a confederate with a highly salient red mark on her nose asked children whether she looked okay prior to having her picture taken. In Study 1, children tended to tell the truth only if they were able to observe that the mark was temporary and the confederate did not know it was there. In Study 2, children tended to tell the truth only if they were able to observe that the mark could be concealed with makeup. These findings show that for children as young as age 3, decisions about whether to tell the truth are influenced by the likelihood that the information would be helpful to the recipient.  相似文献   
阅读文学小说曾经被认为只是大众消遣娱乐的方式,但最近的研究表明,阅读文学小说能够提升个体的社会认知。然而,有些研究并未发现阅读文学小说能够提升社会认知。本文首先批判性地分析支持和质疑“阅读文学小说提升社会认知”的相关证据,随后提出未来的研究将如何解决这一争论,包括开发新的研究工具和技术、明确文学与小说的操作性定义、确定读者的关键特征、创新研究设计等多个方面。  相似文献   
基于晚期阻断理论考察词汇唤醒度对情绪标注效应的影响,研究选择情绪面孔图片为实验材料,借助ERPs技术,以命名后的LPP波幅为指标,考察词汇的唤醒度对情绪标注效应的影响。结果发现:进行情绪标注时,与使用低唤醒度词相比,高唤醒度词条件下的LPP波幅更小;而进行非情绪标注时,差异不显著;无论词的唤醒度高或低,情绪标注与非情绪标注差异显著,情绪标注下LPP波幅更低。结果表明:进行情绪标注时,情绪词唤醒度越高抑制情绪的效果越好,而进行非情绪标注时则无影响;结果支持了晚期阻断理论。  相似文献   
今年农历三月三,我和妻来到海浮山。海浮山南邻冶源泉湖、北傍老龙湾,风景怡人、独特秀丽、闻名遐迩。每年三月三,是海浮山香火之日。这天,来游览观光的,拜佛烧香的、求子求学的、求平安的、做买卖的、算卦的、相面的……人山人海,漫无天际。各种叫卖声、喇叭声、歌声、笑声,欢声笑语连成一片,热闹非凡。我和妻手拉手挤在人流中,沿着上山的石阶缓缓蠕动者。走着走着,我发现了一个衣衫褴褛、蓬头垢面、瘦骨嶙峋的老头,我越看越眼熟,他的出现使我不由得停住了脚步。“怎么了?”妻问。我指了指那个人告诉妻:“他就是我常对你说的老家那个远近闻…  相似文献   
虽然印顺与拉纳拥有不同的宗教信仰和文化背景,但他们都是关注人间、人性和现实问题的宗教思想家。这一特征在印顺的菩萨论与拉纳的基督论上得到了最集中的体现,因为两者都有试图在自己最核心的宗教观念上摆脱"天神化"或"抽象化"的倾向,并且通过回归"人间"和"人性"来建立以人为本的理论体系。本文分别以这两种理论为例,对他们的人本主义思想加以比较研究,以期能够促进佛教与基督宗教之间的对话和交流。  相似文献   
高校教师生活压力的研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本研究采用因素分析法研究了广东高校教师的生活压力。结果表明 ,高校教师的生活压力来自家庭生活、发展提高、人际关系、工作性质、工作冲突以及兴趣和满意感等 6个方面  相似文献   
The present study investigated whether cooperative goals mediate the relationship between similarity in gender and self‐esteem and social support and relationship quality in ongoing peer dyads. Based on data collected from 209 student dyads, the findings largely support the mediating role of cooperative goals. However, the study found that gender similarity was positively related while self‐esteem similarity was negatively related to cooperative goals and relationship quality of peer dyad members.  相似文献   
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