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奖励不仅能够塑造行为, 也能影响个体的内部心理过程。在注意选择过程中, 与奖励联结的刺激能够吸引注意资源。当目标刺激与奖励联结时, 能够易化注意选择过程; 当分心刺激与奖励联结时, 能够阻碍注意选择过程。可见, 奖励从不同角度对注意选择产生影响。奖励对注意选择的影响可能有其特有的认知机制, 并且奖励对注意的捕获效应受到许多因素的调节, 如奖励预测、工作记忆容量、人格特质及刺激的新异性。未来的研究应该尝试将奖励影响注意选择的研究成果应用于不良注意偏向临床干预的实践领域。  相似文献   
Research with US and European Christians has shown that increased spiritual transcendence is related to decreased right hemisphere/right parietal lobe (RH/RPL) functioning, which has been inferred as relating to increased “selflessness”. To determine if RH/RPL selflessness is a universal neuropsychological foundation for spiritual transcendence across cultures and religions, this study evaluated 109 individuals with traumatic brain injury from the US and India, including Christians, Hindus, and Muslims. Participants completed measures of spiritual transcendence and spatial perception as an index of the functional integrity of the RH/RPL. Spearman correlations indicated that decreased RH/RPL functioning is significantly associated with increased spiritual transcendence for the entire sample, but not for different cultures or religions, likely due to decreased statistical power. The results suggest that decreased RH/RPL-related selflessness is a universal neuropsychological foundation for spiritual transcendence across cultures and faith traditions, which is interpreted individually based on cultural and religious background (e.g., closeness to God, Allah, and Brahman).  相似文献   
旨在考察《中国成年人核心心理健康素质总量表》在农民工群体中的心理测量学特征,了解我国农民工心理健康素质的基本情况,并与全国成年人常模进行比较。采用《中国成年人核心心理健康素质总量表》,对来自于全国六大区域的不同性别、年龄段、教育程度和职业类别的855名农民工有效样本进行问卷调查。结果发现:(1)本次调查中《中国成年人核心心理健康素质总量表》各分量表的信效度符合心理测量学要求;(2)农民工样本核心心理健康素质量表总均分处于中等偏上水平;(3)农民工的情绪性素质得分高于全国成年人常模,其他素质和核心心理健康素质总量表得分与全国常模无显著差异;(4)农民工坚韧性素质得分存在显著性别差异,人际健康和情绪性素质得分存在显著年龄差异,自我概念、坚韧性素质和核心心理健康素质总量表得分存在显著的职业差异。结论:《中国成年人核心心理健康素质总量表》适用于农民工群体;农民工情绪性素质优于全国常模,其他所测心理健康素质的负载量与全国常模处于同一水平。  相似文献   
Background. Methods for teaching thinking may be described as out‐of‐context or infusion. Both approaches have potential to raise students’ general cognitive processing ability and so raise academic achievement, but each has disadvantages. Aims. To describe and evaluate a theory‐based learn to think (LTT) curriculum for primary school students, which draws on the strengths of both out‐of‐context and infusion approaches. Sample. One‐hundred and sixty‐six students in three classes of Grade 1 (6+ years old), Grade 2 (7+ years old), and Grade 3 (8+ years old) in a primary school in Shanxi province, China, randomly ascribed to experimental (90) and control (76) groups. Methods. All students were pre‐tested for non‐verbal intelligence and academic achievement. Experimental students followed the LTT curriculum (one activity every 2 weeks) for 4 school years. All were post‐tested on three occasions for thinking ability and four times for academic achievement. Results. Grade 1 and Grade 2 students showed effects of LTT from 1 year after their start and increasing: on thinking ability d= .78–1.45; on Chinese d= .68–1.07; on maths .58–.87. Grade 3 students showed effects from 6 months after their start: on thinking ability .90–1.37; Chinese .77–1.32; maths .65–1.29. The effects were concentrated in students in the middle band of initial ability. Conclusions. A curriculum for teaching thinking based on a structured theoretical model that combines elements of out‐of‐context and infusion methods has been shown to have long‐term far transfer effects on students’ thinking ability and academic achievement. More work is needed to meet the needs of a wider range of abilities.  相似文献   
Extending research on voluntary turnover in the team setting, this study adopts a multilevel self-determination theoretical approach to examine the unique roles of individual and social-contextual motivational precursors, autonomy orientation and autonomy support, in reducing team member voluntary turnover. Analysis of multilevel time-lagged data collected from 817 employees on 115 teams indicates that psychological empowerment mediates the main effect of autonomy orientation and the interactive effect of autonomy support and its differentiation on a team member's voluntary turnover. The findings have meaningful implications for the turnover and self-determination literatures as well as for managers who endeavor to prevent voluntary turnover in teams.  相似文献   
董蕊 《心理科学》2015,(3):569-573
通过3个实验探索速度知识和表征动量的关系。3个实验均使用2(速度知识:快、慢)×2(运动方向:左、右)的两因素实验设计,采用诱导运动范式,因变量为偏移加权均数。实验1使用汽车和自行车作为刺激材料,发现两者的前移量无差异;实验2使用人奔跑和站立姿势作为刺激材料,发现奔跑的前移量大于站立的前移量;实验3是控制实验,发现实验2的结果不是由水平视角差异造成的。结论:在有效启动速度概念的情况下,速度知识可以影响表征动量,但其影响可能相对微弱。  相似文献   
积极心理资本:测量及其与心理健康的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在文献分析和参考国内外相关测量工具的基础上,编制了包含自我效能、韧性、乐观、希望等4个因子的积极心理资本问卷(PPQ)。信度和效度验证的结果显示,该问卷具有良好的结构效度和内部一致性信度;验证性因子分析的结果也支持了心理资本这一高阶因子的合理性。研究还发现,积极心理资本及其子成分与自尊、内控性、情感平衡以及焦虑、抑郁、偏执、人际敏感等心理健康指标有显著的相关,回归分析的结果也显示心理资本对心理健康有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   
对92名二到四年级的汉语儿童进行英语语音意识和英语拼写测试,探索汉语儿童英语拼写的发展特点以及语音意识中的不同成分对其拼写的影响作用。结果发现:(1)汉语儿童的英语拼写成绩随着年级和学习经验的增多而提高,其中二年级到三年级是英语拼写能力发展的关键时期,女生的拼写成绩优于男生。(2)语音意识中的首音韵音意识对汉语儿童的英语拼写有较强的影响作用,此外,拼音和工作记忆也是影响汉语儿童英语拼写的重要因素。  相似文献   
今年是世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年,也是中国人民抗战胜利60周年。60多年前,日本军国主义者野蛮侵略中国,被道家誉为“第一福地,第八洞天”的茅山道院也未能逃脱魔爪。1938年农历闰七月初八的傍晚,万恶的日寇初次来到茅山道院的元符万宁宫就大肆烧杀,先用燃烧弹将华丽而高大的三清殿和西斋道院的许多楼房焚烧,又将眼睛不好的守庙居士黎洪春(解放后曾任中国道协会长黎遇航先生的父亲)带走,日寇要他带路上大茅峰,这位出家人不肯助纣为虐,拒绝从命。残暴的日军哪里由他,拖着他走,当他被推拉到华阳洞旁时,恼羞成怒的日军再也没有了耐心,将他和沿…  相似文献   
大肠癌是最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,转移和复发依然是影响大肠癌患者预后的重要因素,肿瘤细胞在血液、骨髓及淋巴结中的微转移是肿瘤转移和复发的基础;随着现代科学技术的发展,出现了通过逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)来检测细胞角蛋白20(CK20)mRNA的表达,从而诊断大肠癌微转移的高度敏感与特异的方法,并引发了关于如何看待事物、认识事物及如何科学思维的几点思考.  相似文献   
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