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青少年学校归属感问卷编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究在开放式问卷与相关研究基础上,编制了学校归属感初始问卷。对240名学生初始测试后进行探索性因素分析,然后对440名学生的正式测验结果进行验证性因素分析。结果表明学生归属感问卷包括四个维度:同伴关系,教师支持,规章制度,硬件设施。验证性因素分析后各个数据均达到可接受水平,四维度模型拟合度较好。问卷具有良好的信度与效度,可以作为青少年学校归属感水平的测量工具。  相似文献   
日本的宗教法与宗教管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1946年颁布宗教法人令,日本的宗教法历经十余次修订,但其一贯的原则都是宗教自由、政教分离,政府对宗教法人的自治权和自律权给予充分的尊重。在宗教界内部的管理方面,宗议会制度和责任役员制度体现了民主的原则和平等的原则,为战后宗教的发展提供了制度性保障。由于宽松的政策环境和民主化管理,宗教在日本战后获得了很大发展。但1995年的奥姆真理教事件之后,日本政府对宗教法做出了重大修改,在尊重教团的自律性前提下强化了政府对宗教教团的管理,宗教团体的活动空间受到一定的限制。  相似文献   
人类最初的生存状态是群聚,群聚是人的类属性的自发聚集,它使人类本能地意识到人类的同一性;群聚之后人类走向群居,群居是人的群体属性的自觉结合,它体现了人类的同一性之外的群体差异性.类同一性使人类能够彼此交往,是道德产生的可能性主体基础;群体差异性使人类必须交往,是道德产生的必然性主体基础,二者都是道德产生的主体基础.  相似文献   
聆听自然 随道而动——简论道教生态智慧的现代价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界,有一个有关生态的热议话题——全球气候变暖。9月22日各国领导人齐聚联合国总部纽约联合国气候变化峰会,共商应对气候变化的大计。  相似文献   
常欣  王沛 《心理科学进展》2015,23(2):225-233
针对晚期二语者句法加工能力的发展普遍存在困难这一现象, 近年来采用以ERP为核心技术的脑认知研究发现, 二语者的二语熟练度、一语和二语间具体的句法结构的相似程度、以及以工作记忆为核心的个体认知能力等因素起着各自独立而又相互影响的调节作用, 并且形成了浅层结构理论所主张的晚期二语者的句法加工与母语者有着本质差别的“定性说”与统一竞争模型所主张的晚期二语者和母语者在句法加工上没有本质差别的“量变说”两种理论分野, 二者的分歧集中表现为晚期二语者能否最终形成类母语水平的二语句法加工模式。为此, 需要开展以三个因素如何交互作用为主体的跨语言(二语与一语性质的多样性)研究。  相似文献   
Research has demonstrated that on the path from a creative idea to a creative outcome, high creativity motivation and self-efficacy do not necessarily lead to creative behavior. The present study proposed and examined the notion that daily creativity planning could promote creative behavior and contribute to the cultivation of creativity. A total of 77 middle school students (39 students in the experimental group and 38 in the control group) participated in this study, for which a quasi-experimental design was administered. The experimental group conducted a two-week daily planning for creative activities, while the control group did not conduct any intervention. The results showed that students' creativity motivation and creative self-efficacy were at relatively high levels overall and were positively and moderately correlated with creative behavior. Daily planning could effectively facilitate students' creative behavior. These findings point to a promising and simple creativity enhancement strategy for cultivating students to develop the habit of making creative plans in their daily lives.  相似文献   
The type of experience involved with an object category has been regarded as one important factor in shaping of the human object recognition system. Laboratory training studies have shown that different kinds of learning experience with the same set of novel objects resulted in different perceptual and neural changes. Whether this applies to natural real-world objects remains to be seen. We compared two groups of observers who had different learning experiences with faces, using holistic processing as a dependent measure. We found that, while ordinary observers had extensive individuation experience with faces and displayed typical holistic face processing, art students who had acquired additional experience in drawing faces, and thus in attending to parts of a face, showed less holistic processing than did ordinary observers. These results converge with laboratory training studies on the role of type of experience in the development of different perceptual markers for different object categories. It is thus insufficient to categorize expertise simply in terms of object domains (e.g., expertise with faces). Instead, perceptual expertise should be classified in terms of the underlying process or task demand.  相似文献   
Middle school students in Lushan county (N = 315) were assessed 6 months after the Yaan earthquake using a trauma severity questionnaire, a posttraumatic fear questionnaire, a social support questionnaire and a posttraumatic growth inventory to examine the effects of posttraumatic fear and social support in the relationship between trauma severity and posttraumatic growth (PTG). The results showed that posttraumatic fear mediated the relationship between trauma severity and PTG, and social support moderated the relationship between posttraumatic fear and PTG. These findings suggested that trauma severity could be positively associated with PTG in a direct way or in an indirect way through posttraumatic fear. Moreover, posttraumatic fear had a positive relation to PTG under the condition of high social support level, whereas the relation was non‐significant when the level of social support was low. These results were discussed in terms of their implications for adolescents after trauma.  相似文献   
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